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White Christmas.....


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Looks like all us Mid-westerners are getting he same snow storm. 8:00 a.m. in St. Louis, and the grass is just about covered. 32'F and fine snow falling at a good clip. Our radar show the storm to be about half over, so probably less that two inch accumulation.


So, white Christmas it is!

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I'm glad there is no chance of a white Christmas here. It's supposed to get up to 73F.


And that's a good thing.


I grew up in South Florida. When I was a child, the Miami Herald did a comparison between December temperatures in all the Major cities in the US and Bethlehem, west bank. The city that had the closest winter climate to Bethlehem was Miami, Florida.


Low tonight in Ft. Pierce, a very cold (for us) 42F. Low tonight in Bethlehem 41F.


It rarely snows in Bethlehem, and when it does, it doesn't stick to the ground. It rarely snows in Miami, and when it does it doesn't stick to the ground.


So all that white Christmas stuff is an "evil yankee" plot designed to make the northerners feel better about freezing their buns off on the way to the store to purchase gifts. [biggrin]


So if you like the snow, enjoy it, I'm going to enjoy the sunshine.


I'm dreaming of a balmy Christmas, just like the ones I grew up with! (with apologies to Irving Berlin).


Whatever your winter holiday may be, I wish you the best (not trying to be Politically Correct, just trying to be kind and sensitive to all - if I think WWJD, I think he would do the same).


Incites, insights and a little good-natured teasing by Notes ♫

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I'm glad there is no chance of a white Christmas here. It's supposed to get up to 73F.


And that's a good thing.


I grew up in South Florida. When I was a child, the Miami Herald did a comparison between December temperatures in all the Major cities in the US and Bethlehem, west bank. The city that had the closest winter climate to Bethlehem was Miami, Florida.


Low tonight in Ft. Pierce, a very cold (for us) 42F. Low tonight in Bethlehem 41F.


It rarely snows in Bethlehem, and when it does, it doesn't stick to the ground. It rarely snows in Miami, and when it does it doesn't stick to the ground.


So all that white Christmas stuff is an "evil yankee" plot designed to make the northerners feel better about freezing their buns off on the way to the store to purchase gifts. [biggrin]


So if you like the snow, enjoy it, I'm going to enjoy the sunshine.


I'm dreaming of a balmy Christmas, just like the ones I grew up with! (with apologies to Irving Berlin).


Whatever your winter holiday may be, I wish you the best (not trying to be Politically Correct, just trying to be kind and sensitive to all - if I think WWJD, I think he would do the same).


Incites, insights and a little good-natured teasing by Notes ♫



I live where I do because I hate the heat more than the cold. If I were rich I think I'd migrate like a bird.

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I live where I do because I hate the heat more than the cold. If I were rich I think I'd migrate like a bird.

And I live where I do because I hate the cold more than the heat!!!!


And so we both live in the right place for our thermostat and our means.


If I were rich, I'd travel the world. I can't say that I'd always be in the heat though, just mostly warm. I'd actually like to visit Antarctica once, I'd like to see the Northern Lights in Fairbanks Alaska, but I wouldn't want to live in either place. I'm a tropical kind of guy.


Whatever your winter pleasure is, I hope you all get it.



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We rarely don't have a white Christmas here in Canada's capital area. But we're cutting it close this year. Maybe 3 inches on the ground with none in the forcast and -8 celcius or around 20f. Lots of sun so the snow is melting off the roof.

Discovered a pile of deer doodoo on the lawn yesterday. I'm guessing a reindeer on an advance scouting mission.

Have a great one everyone.



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We have some snow on the ground but I can see grass in some parts of my lawn. Typical Buffalo winter (he he he). Actually, our hit rate of white Christmas' has been around 50% over the last ten years. I live in a kind region between lake Erie and lake Ontario. So I don't typically get the associated lake effect snow. We may get some flurries tomorrow but nothing that will stick to the ground...

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