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Star Trek: The Next Generation


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I prefer it to the original.

Then again I was only four in 1987, so where I remember Next Gen being about the best looking scifi on TV when I was growing up the original series would have looked really dated to me the first time I saw it, which is probably what people growing up now think of Next Gen to be honest.

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I liked this series.

Just saying.



Are you trying to make me love and adore you msp_flapper.gif First the good choice of beer... and now this!! Me and my wife are huge Next Generation fans too! Jean Luc is definitely the thinking man's captain as our fellow geek friend calls him!!!! One of our presents was a new NG box set and I can't wait to get stuck in to the geekdom. To geekinity and beyond LOL






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Are you trying to make me love and adore you msp_flapper.gif First the good choice of beer... and now this!! Me and my wife are huge Next Generation fans too! Jean Luc is definitely the thinking man's captain as our fellow geek friend calls him!!!! One of our presents was a new NG box set and I can't wait to get stuck in to the geekdom. To geekinity and beyond LOL





No none of that bromance stuff for me.

I knew you and Chan liked it from posts past.

There used to be some great TNG posts a couple of years ago.

I remember not wanting to miss a single episode and would video tape some.

I'm glad it's still in syndication.

The last bit I saw Pikard was about to encounter the Borg.

The episodes with Q though were by far my favorites.

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No none of that bromance stuff for me.

I knew you and Chan liked it from posts past.

There used to be some great TNG posts a couple of years ago.

I remember not wanting to miss a single episode and would video tape some.

I'm glad it's still in syndication.

The last bit I saw Pikard was about to encounter the Borg.

The episodes with Q though were by far my favorites.


Q is such an amazing head ****


Now you have said that about the no bromance I feel like John Candy to your Steve Martin LOL



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[confused][crying] :(


oh no!! I hope the joke came across!! You didn't use a smiley face. I love the guilt act John Candy does after Steve Martin gives him a real going over. I was just leg pulling taking on the persona of Del (John Candy) msp_biggrin.gifmsp_biggrin.gifmsp_biggrin.gif






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Ima huge Star Trek fan. It's hard to say whether I like TNG better than TOS 'cause they're so different. TOS is great 'cause of Kirk, Spock, McCoy,and Scotty. But the network tainted Gene Roddenberrys Vision so much it wasn't what he wanted it to be anymore. TNG had the ensemble cast he wanted and he had much more control over the stories and writing.


But secretly I prefer the Animated Series cause it's so corny and delightful.


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I liked it, but I'm a huge fan of the original. Scotty is the reason why I'm an engineer!


"The best diplomat I know is a fully charged phaser bank."



The Next Generation was excellent. The original was my favorite though. I've heard other people say Scotty was the reason they became engineers also. James Doohan died on one of the anniversary days of the first moon landing. July 20, 2005.

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Ok here are some star trek jokes


Q: How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: TWO: One to screw it in, and one to stab the other in the back and

take all of the credit.


Q: How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: NONE: Klingons aren't afraid of the dark.


Q: What do the Klingons do with the dead bulb?

A: Execute it for failure.


Q: What do the Klingons do with the Klingon who replaces the bulb?

A: Execute him for cowardice.


Q: How many Romulans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: ONE HUNDRED FIFTY_ONE: One to screw the light bulb in, and 150 to

self-destruct the ship out of disgrace.


Q: How many Vulcans does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: Approximately 1.00000000000000000000000000000000


Q: How many Borg does it take to change a light-bulb?

A: All of them!


Q: What is Captain Picards biggest pet peeve?

A: When they replace his dilithium crystals with Folgers crystals.


Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: James T. Kirk: To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.


Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: Mr. Scott: 'Cos ma wee transporter beam was na functioning properly.

Ah canna work miracles, Captain.


Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: Dr. McCoy: Dammit Jim!! I'm a doctor not an farmer!


Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: Mr. Spock: Obviously, it was the logical thing to do.


Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: Mr. Data: Why is a barn yard fowl crossing a thoroughfare humorous?


Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: Mr. Worf: For the honor of all chickens.


Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: Counsilor Troi: I knew it was going to happen. I could sense it.


Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: Computer: Insufficient information.


Q: Have you heard about the book on Betazeds?

A: It's by: Ophelia Paine.


Q: Have you read the book "Go to Warp 9..."?

A: It's by: N. Gage


Q: Have you read the book "The Positronic Brain"?

A: It's by: Anne Droid


Q: Have you read the book "Damn it Jim"?

A: It's by: Ima Doctor and Nada Bricklayer.


Q: Have you read the book "Chekov: The Navigator"?

A: It's by: I. Kiptin


Q: What did one Borg say to one another right before their ship was

destroyed in sector zero zero one?

A: Hoisted by our own Picard.


Q: Did you hear about the new uniform making machine on the Enterprise?

A: Piccard told Riker to "Make it sew, Number One."


Q: What does a Romulan frog use for camouflage?

A: A croaking device.


Q: Why don't the Borg go to prison?

A: Because they obey the Lore!


Q: Why did the Borg cross the road?

A: Because it assimilated the chicken!


Q: Where do the Borg eat fast food?

A: At their local Borger King!


Dr. M'Benga was experimenting with cloning alien species. His first


was a disaster; the result was ugly and obscene. He decided to get rid

of it

by jettisoning it out of the hatch. Unfortunately, Captain Kirk saw him

do it,

and now M'Benga is facing a charge of making an obscene clone fall.


Spock, Spock.

Who's there?


Epsilon who?

Epsilon way to Tipperary...


When the Melkotians beamed Kirk, Chekov, and McCoy down to the

recreation of

the OK Corral, none of the officers knew how to use the old-style


You see, they came from a time when no man had guns before.


Mr. Spock: "What is formula for PI?"

Chekov: "Er... apple or blueberry, sir?"


Then there was the time Janice Rand complained that someone had cut a


into her cabin door.

Captain Kirk promised to look into it.


Q: Why was Star Trek so successful?

A: It had good Genes.


McCoy: "I've borrowed Mr. Scott's bagpipes."

Kirk: "But you can't play them."

McCoy: "While I've got them, neither can he!"


Mr. Spock: " A Syzygy is three heavenly bodies lined up in a row. Give

me an


Sulu: "Mudd's Women!"


The new ensign reported to sickbay for her physical. When stripped, Dr.


nodded approvingly. "You look nice and trim. "Thanks," she answered. "I


one hundred pounds stripped for gym."

McCoy shook his head. "That guy has all the luck!"


Q: How do you get a one-armed Klingon out of a tree?

A: Wave to him.


Q: Why can't Klingon kids play in sandboxes?

A: Cats keep trying to cover them up.


Q: How did T'Pring's parents react when they learned she was not

marrying Spock?

A: They were Stonned.


Q: What are eyeglasses called on Vulcan?

A: Spocktacles


Mary Sue: "I just got engaged to Kevin!"

Mary Jane: "Oh, really?"

Mary Sue: "No, Riley." (really atrocious, ed.)


Q: What kind of noise is made my Vulcan popguns?

A: T'Pau (an atrocious ""classic"", ed.)


Q: Why did the Klingon cross the road?

A: To conquer the other side.


New crewwoman: "Where do I eat?"

Uhura: "You mess with the officers."

New crewwoman: "I figured that, but where do I eat?"



Q: How many members of the USS Enterprise does it take to change a

light bulb?



A: Six: Scotty to get on the intercom when the light goes out and say

"I canna do it, Cap'n! These bulbs are stoon dead",

Spock to tell Kirk he is proceeding illogically,

McCoy to say "They're dead, Jim!" and

"Dammit Jim-I'm a doctor not an electrician!!",

Kirk to screw it in,

and two red-shirt security men to die in the process.



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I think TNG was truer to the idea of the "Federation" and unity that Roddenberry had envisioned. I found the stories more interesting and engaging.


Also Gene Roddenberry's wife played Deanna Troy's mother and was the ships voice, and her cameos were always great.

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