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practice space,

Sinner 13

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So, We rent space once a week at a fully equipped place called the Jam Spot here in Boston, we are fortunate to have multiple complexes like this around the city, rent by the hour or permanent monthly space.

Nathan mentioned he had space in an industrial park.

So what do the rest of you guys do about this precious commodity, where you can go and wind it up to 11?

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the rental spot here that I use is fender/ampeg equipped, with decent kits.

with Berklee school of music being here junky gear is not an option.

I have a full basement at home, unfortunately it's limited on head space.

No room for an upright bass, or else I would have put a room in a while ago.

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My church. Sorry, not bragging but there's the stage and the works, meaning pro tools (full rack/ use three screen monitors, blah blah blah), a korg oasys, a motif, drums, etc... I have a key, so I'm blessed. (no green m&m's though [sad])

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From my blues band the slide guitarist and myself both have rehearsal/recording spaces in our homes. We both live in single family homes in the 'burbs, and being lifelong musicians, the neighbors are well aware of the fact that the "house is a rockin" every so often. Our rehearsals are generally "open to the public" and some of the neighbors will even come by to "experience" the rehearsal process and then come to the concerts to see the final product. Sometimes our rehearsals are even more entertaining than the shows, at least from a comedic standpoint. Even as a teenager, my parents house was where we practiced, so I guess I've always been lucky in that respect.


In the 20-piece jazz big band, we get rehearsal space from a local college.


In downtown St. Louis they have recently taken and old brewery and turned part of it into "art" space, with rehearsal space for bands and artist and craftsman space available for rental. A couple of friends on mine's bands rent space there.

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Back in the day, we used everything from a garage for practice, to a living room for recording our demo, to an actual carpeted practice room at a storage place.


Currently, my living room. My wife just rearranged the furniture to provide me a "stage" area.

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Uhm...anywhere and everywhere?


Nah. At home it's a little corner of my living room where I'm set up. I can turn the amp up to about 2 before my brother starts b*tchin' at me. At the dorms it's in my room (my roommate is almost never there) and I can turn the amp up to about 0.5 before the prissy good-for-nothings upstairs run to the R.A. to complain about the "noise." Luckily I have a headphone-out, but it's such a drag to have to use it, especially when I'm playing along with a track. Occasionally I'll head over to my bandmate's room for some practice, and occasionally I'll head to the common room (the living room in my suite--my residence hall utilizes a suite-style organizational system) to do it.

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Fortunately I have a 500 square foot building with 14 foot ceiling detached from the house and it is really well insulated. If I really crank it up, my wife can hear in the house but not at a level that is disturbing.

In her words, every man should have a place like that.

It also doubles as a sports bar where we project games on a wall giving us a 8 foot screen. I run the audio through a sterio receiver and the speakers are mounted upstairs behind grill cloth and hidden.

My own bit of paradise.



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We rent a space in an industrial complex over in Charlestown (MA). It's worked out great so far. Since we all have apartments and neighbors we can't practice there. My neighbor's son is a cop, so I really want to stay on her good side, you know? My lead singer is from Nashville, and constantly laments the lack and expense of decent rehearsal space up here, but, as far as I'm concerned, it's been really worth it.



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We have a large studio that's in our other guitarist's home. It's private and we can record there as well as practice.

I do miss the days of the warehouse jam room rental spaces where you can hang listen to what other people are doing.

I've practiced in Uhaul storage stalls before too, those were hard times back then. [laugh]

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Just had a 20X30 Garage built in the back yard. I was doing my practicing in the garage, attached to the house. But in echoed in the house as I got louder. I have to finish power and insulation this spring. I'm also putting all my recording gear in there and build a small recording room in the corner to cut out the car and kid noise when I record. Since it's just me and I have my own gear It will be perfect for me. [thumbup]

I'm turning the attached garage into a playroom. Small bar, Pool table, and some Slot machines or old Video games like pacman or something like that. [biggrin]

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My house.

Crank it up whenever I feel the urge.

(I NEVER play quietly - it's part of the therapeutic value) [thumbup]




Currently, my living room.

My wife just rearranged the furniture to provide me a "stage" area.

Yeah, that's us.


I'm lucky to have enough room and a cooperative missus.

What others might have used as a living room is all music gear with a sofa and two chairs in the middle.


Back of the house, outta sight.


It's a beautiful thing. B)

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My bedroom. I got a pretty good setup. I can get the volume up pretty loud and for some reason my parents have never really cared about how loud I play. So I can usually get my amp up to around 4 or 5 before some yells at me. When I home by myself I can get around 6 or 7 before the neighbors call the cops on me.

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Im still having to practice in my bedroom at about level 1, or maybe a bit less :( When I'm rehursing with the band im trying to get out of (an indian music band. i hate indian music)we go to the other guys place of worship. But even when I'm ther Im the only guitarist so I dont really wanna crank it coz it'll sound really thin with only 1 guitar and 3 different drums. I really need to find a good band to join. I dont really like having to write music as a solo musician. If you wanna listen to some of my stuff click the link in my sig.

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