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I actually find it a little insulting that people think if it weren't for this video game all these gamers would be just as talented as me :rolleyes: .


Yeah, that a conceit, but it's also a point in these arguments that seldom gets explored. Most of us here on this forum have decided to take on learning a musical instrument. They decided to break out a game and play it. As a guy who does both I can tell you, those decisions come from very different parts of the brain.


But perhaps I take the guitar a little too seriously, it's not in the same category as my T.V. or my XBOX. It's a part of my life, it's my prosthetic limb, or my glasses (figuratively speaking). My T.V. and Game is my Entertainment. Am I "Just Lucky" that video games and T.V. never stole my attention away from my obsession.


Freakshow put it best a few posts ago, Music is a Drive that must be satisfied, not a pastime.

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Blowhard trolling, and where the rubber hits the road, cut and run.

Not cut & run.

It's sit back and watch.


You couldn't let it be - just HAD to get an insult in there for good measure.

You pitched it, I simply hit it over the fence.



Can't even come back to the topic at hand.

Which topic?

One that you COMMAND?

What's the opposite of "above me?"



Enjoy yourself, 'hear?

Enjoying myself immensely - now wipe your keyboard and monitor off...

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I don't find it irritating, more like a little amusing at first but quite sad in the final analysis.


If I had a dollar for every time I conversed with a tweener who found out I play guitar who said, "You play guitar too? I play GuitarHero. It is so-o-o-o-o-o cool. Is your guitar anything like GuitarHero?"


:rolleyes: "uh, no," I reply.


I even had a mother ask where she could get GuitarHero lessons for her son. That is when it got sad.



So, in and of itself, the video game controller that looks like a guitar is not any more gooder or badder than any other video game. It's just that many players expect it to be a way to learn guitar for when they get around to buying a non-GuitarHero guitar. Kind of like the kiddies that think GTA is a great way to learn to drive a car for when they are old enough to get their permit. [scared]


Me, personally, I find video games a source of entertainment, but it is as big a waste of time as watching the drivel Hollyweird cranks out for our viewing displeasure during prime time.


My sons finally weaned themselves off'n the latest battlefield intenet games to face LIFE head on. To find out there are better ways to make a living than a job that requires little more than showing up in a played-all-night stupor, and there are girls out there just waiting for some of the cuter [wub] guys to put down the @^%!* [cursing] video game controllers long enough to give them the time of day.

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If I had a dollar for every time I conversed with a tweener who found out I play guitar who said, "You play guitar too? I play GuitarHero. It is so-o-o-o-o-o cool. Is your guitar anything like GuitarHero?"


I dunno where you live, but I've NEVER had a conversation like that. People here don't think Guitar Hero playing = playing guitar.


Maybe its not the game, but the people? If it wasn't Guitar Hero, it'd be something else I suspect....

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I have a friend who is a commercial air line pilot,,so I'm thinking, if I'm in a airline and both pilots became ill and the only person who stepped up was a kid who played a flying game on a computer,,I guessing everyone would be just fine with that....

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I have never played a video game and thought I could do what's being done on the screen, and I've been playing for a very long time. I might LIKE to learn to fly or drive an exotic race car, but I wouldn't get in thinking "just like Gran Turismo". The experience is a proxy, an inexpensive way to experience something you might not be able to otherwise.


I love playing paintball, but since I can't all the time I play Call of Duty or Halo online with friends, it's cheaper, faster, easier and cleaner, but no where near as visceral or intense.


I love racing games but if I got behind the seat of a McLaren F1 I wouldn't believe that I could race against Andretti simply because I beat the virtual one.


I also read a lot, and reading technical schematics about something be it a vehicle or instrument and actually doing it are two completely different things.


Video games have proven to be both a boon and a bane when it comes to children. The boon is that there have been studies proving children develop reading skills, hand eye coordination, mathmatical, and analytical skills while playing many different games. It also exposes people to a wide variety of questions about morality just like books can.


The bane is that they can be addictive to people who are prone to it, especially kids, and part of this whole obesiety thing is due to that, but in large part if you as a parent have used the video games to keep your kid quiet instead of encouraging excercise AS WELL AS video games and other activitives well, frankly you failed as a parent; sorry.


Bottom line? You wouldn't let your child play baseball all day every day for every waking hour because some physical activity is important, but letting it take over completely is not healthy, the same way allowing video games to take over isn't either, it's all about the happy medium.


And I personally have never met anyone playing with a full deck who believes for a second that video game experience translates to real world; there may be benefits as I mentioned but they're not a pre-requisite to fly a Boeing jet. Anyone else who does believe playing something like Guitar Hero on Expert entitles them to a duel with Slash probably thinks the cardboard tube sword fighting they do at Christmas would help them out fence a fencer.

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I dunno where you live, but I've NEVER had a conversation like that.

I have.

With young guys working in nuclear power.


Otherwise, they are fairly intelligent people - having survived the Navy nuclear power program.

Advanced degrees, etc...


They realize it's not the same as playing guitar....

But they fully believe that the practice and resultant skill is somehow noteworthy.


[blink] :angry: [huh]


I've had several guys start the conversation with "You play guitar, eh...?"

Then they start into some sort of comparative analysis - even show me their callouses...




NONE of them have ever played anything but the cheapest beginner guitar - and gave it up.

But by gawd they can rock that plastic game controller!!!


I've offered many times to bring my Marshall stack over and play along... [woot]

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Ok, let me get this straight. If it weren't for this Guitar Video Game all the idiots that think it's "The Same" as playing a real guitar would suddenly be "Clued In" enough to learn an musical instrument?


And Neo, this guy at the power plant might just have been Ignorant. It's not "Out There" to think that perhaps this Guitar Hero could be a learning aide. I hope all you had to say was "No" in order to get him on the right path, otherwise he's too stupid to work in the Nuclear Power Plant.


This notion that the world would be filled with creative Musicians and Artists if it weren't for Video Games is Absolutely Absurd. The inability of Tween to face life head on is a result of inexperience, and no amount of Game Avoidance is going to change that.

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"...The inability of Tweens to face life head on is a result of inexperience, and no amount of Game Avoidance is going to change that."





Let's all ponder that thought a bit.

I'm talking about experience that only comes from relying on yourself in the real world. Going outside and kicking a ball instead of playing Video Games when your 15 isn't going to make a lick of difference when you're making your first rent payment or keeping your first real job at 19.

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I think we're in agreement...


By all means if a 19 year old is deciding whether it is better to while away the hours kicking a ball or playing a video game, instead of working a job, he needs a kick in the kiester. If the vid game or ball kicking is a once in a while diversion after work or on week-ends, either is a good thing. But if he is spending 48 hours on the weekends and 8 hours a day playing vid games. He's not going to be where the chicks are.


Back to the tweens. It's us parent's responsibility to make sure there is plenty of ball kicking and human interaction to go along with the sequestered thumb exercises.

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I think we're in agreement...


By all means if a 19 year old is deciding whether it is better to while away the hours kicking a ball or playing a video game, instead of working a job, he needs a kick in the kiester. If the vid game or ball kicking is a once in a while diversion after work or on week-ends, either is a good thing. But if he is spending 48 hours on the weekends and 8 hours a day playing vid games. He's not going to be where the chicks are.


Back to the tweens. It's us parent's responsibility to make sure there is plenty of ball kicking and human interaction to go along with the sequestered thumb exercises.

Old Fashioned +1

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OK I get it...It like when we were young and we waxed our rockets, practicing for the real thing..but the real thing was so much better...

Eeww lol


That's not the way I look at it. Everybody can have sex, not everybody is going to be able to play the guitar. Guitar Hero really is just a game, like Monopoly. It may inspire a few youngsters to get into real estate, but no one confuses it for Realtor training, and it doesn't destroy young would be sales people's drive to be salespeople.

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when we were young and we waxed our rockets

You did model rocketry too? [woot]

I never thought to wax mine. [rolleyes]



Though I was well-aware of the aerodynamic benefits.

I was forced to wax a couple of airplanes in trade for rides and lessons.

Picked up several miles per hour ya know... [thumbup]

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You did model rocketry too? [woot]

I never thought to wax mine. [rolleyes]



Though I was well-aware of the aerodynamic benefits.

I was forced to wax a couple of airplanes in trade for rides and lessons.

Picked up several miles per hour ya know... [thumbup]


So I had this friend named Jim Master....hadn't seen him since high school..saw him of Facebook..he opened up a beer and bait shop, it's doing really great.

it's called

Jim's Master Bait and Beer..... [scared]

He's doing a bang up job!

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Lol, I missed you guys!

I know I'm late replying but my sig hasn't changed so I have to share the joy with those who think GH is bleh.


I did appreciate the way GH got kids interested in songs they might not have heard otherwise. Yeah, so the singers were not the originals and the music was diluted, but these gamers might have taken the time to look the real stuff up and increased sales for an artist that would have otherwise not have been given a listen.


GH's redemption didn't come from getting kids to play guitar, it came from getting them to listen to music.

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Lol, I missed you guys!

I know I'm late replying but my sig hasn't changed so I have to share the joy with those who think GH is bleh.


I did appreciate the way GH got kids interested in songs they might not have heard otherwise. Yeah, so the singers were not the originals and the music was diluted, but these gamers might have taken the time to look the real stuff up and increased sales for an artist that would have otherwise not have been given a listen.


GH's redemption didn't come from getting kids to play guitar, it came from getting them to listen to music.

I mentioned this in one of my posts that was too long for everyone to read it seems. Franchises like Guitar Hero and Rockband were a new way for artists to sell their tracks to the masses without having to worry about pirating. It's not worth the time or money to steal from Microsoft or Sony online so people payed up for classic songs. It was a bit of a renaissance of single track and album sales.

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