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Dance poll...not dance pole


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I actually enjoy watching people dance. But I don't like to dance myself. I get very embarrassed. Plus, being a guitar player, my natural instict is to do the air guitar thing [blush]


I'm sometimes reluctantly dragged out to the dance floor, but very rarely go willingly. Maybe if I've had a few too many drinks. O:) I'm envious of those who can dance with no inhibition and have a great time.


Most women are natural dancers, but it's mostly guy here so I thought it would be an interesting poll. It may have been asked before, but I didn't do any searches. Sorry if it's a repeat.

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Dancing, I believe, is at the heart of most great music...from pagan rituals at the dawn of time, through joyful drumming, then rhythmic melodies thereafter


Some musicians like to dance


Others 'dance' through their voice or instruments


So much great dance on film etc through the 20th century....


Margot Fonteyn

Ginger Rodgers

Fred Astaire

Gene Kelly

Rudolf Nureyev






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without slowly undulating body contact dancing's sort of pointless isn't it??

but thats just me......... [thumbup]


Yeah, I know. But even most guys who don't normally dance will get up and slowly rock back and forth with a woman to a romantic song. But as soon as the "fast" stuff comes back on, they're off the floor. O:)

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Hate it. Never felt like it was something I was good at. Would only do so if it

seemed necessary to make um.... progress with a lady.


As a married fellow now, there seems to be little point. If my wife is really wanting

to dance I will attempt to move with some grace on the dance floor, but I'm generally

the guy those who are sitting around refusing to dance point to when they say to their

wives... "See, that's why I don't like to dance." [biggrin]

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I like dancing, but I'm painfully aware of my lack of knowledge and grace. I've promised my wife someday we'll take some classes (she's an encourager, not a mocker, so it won't be bad) and then we can just have fun. For now... it's only slow dancing or being silly at home.

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When I was in 6th grade, roughly age 12, I swore to myself I'd never go to a dance unless I were playing in the band.


Darned near kept that promise.


Larry- I resemble that remark.



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Not much of a dancer myself. Don't really get anything out of it but my wife loves to dance, so...I hit the floor with her at every gathering that lends itself to dancing.

Doesn't take much to make her day.

I'm sure she just goes along with me on other stuff too.

I'm learning that life is too short to concern myself about what other people think of my dancing prowess.

You gotta be able to laugh at yourself sometimes.

I really, really, really don't want to ever take lessons though.

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Ok, heres my take on dancing, or at least men dancing. Men dance for two reasons, either they are gay or they are trying to get laid!!

I've argued this point so many times with female friends and they tell me its just not true till i ask them.. when was the last time you saw a group of guys in a bar or at a party get all giggly and excited and squeal "oh we must go dance to this one" and the said group head to the floor and dance with each other. it just doesnt happen.

yes men will go on the dance floor but usually to get closer to the woman they are sniffing round or they will dance with their wife, girlfriend etc because they get bullied into it or made to feel guilty if they dont. but in general, gay or trying to get laid is why and when men dance.. the mating game!!

Moshing and po-going arent really dancing so that doesnt count!

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Took me way to long to learn this...


1. Nobody's watching you or cares what you look like when you're dancing.


2. Dancing is foreplay, slow or fast. Don't believe me? Ask a woman.


Once I freed my head by observing #1 I had a lot more fun observing #2.


Good luck.

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Took me way to long to learn this...


1. Nobody's watching you or cares what you look like when you're dancing.


2. Dancing is foreplay, slow or fast. Don't believe me? Ask a woman.


Once I freed my head by observing #1 I had a lot more fun observing #2.


Good luck.


yes yes yes......flem understands !!


the old Righteous Brothers song "Unchained Melody" has brought me more naughty fun than anything else in this world.

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Ok, heres my take on dancing, or at least men dancing. Men dance for two reasons, either they are gay or they are trying to get laid!!

I've argued this point so many times with female friends and they tell me its just not true till i ask them.. when was the last time you saw a group of guys in a bar or at a party get all giggly and excited and squeal "oh we must go dance to this one" and the said group head to the floor and dance with each other. it just doesnt happen.

yes men will go on the dance floor but usually to get closer to the woman they are sniffing round or they will dance with their wife, girlfriend etc because they get bullied into it or made to feel guilty if they dont. but in general, gay or trying to get laid is why and when men dance.. the mating game!!

Moshing and po-going arent really dancing so that doesnt count!


Hold on to your caber Mr T


Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire


Proved that a male ballet dancer


Could retain his masculinity.....lol


V....Do all plumbers tap-dance?



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