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Your story of guitar playing?


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Basically what the title says. I was 13, decided i was gonna try guitar, so i saved up money from Christmas and i bought a squier fender stratocaster pack (metallica blue). Got into lessons. After a year of lessons, i'm still in love playing and ive recently aquired (a few months ago) a 1966 SG! So even though my story's shorter than an inchworm, i hope to be able to let my story grow [lol] ! What's your story?

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Basically what the title says. I was 13, decided i was gonna try guitar, so i saved up money from Christmas and i bought a squier fender stratocaster pack (metallica blue). Got into lessons. After a year of lessons, i'm still in love playing and ive recently aquired (a few months ago) a 1966 SG! So even though my story's shorter than an inchworm, i hope to be able to let my story grow [lol] ! What's your story?


very short as i'm bored out of my story, heard rock music as a kid, heard the gary moore album "blues alive", see (no doubt) in concert...the rest is history B)

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Basically what the title says. I was 13, decided i was gonna try guitar, so i saved up money from Christmas and i bought a squier fender stratocaster pack (metallica blue). Got into lessons. After a year of lessons, i'm still in love playing and ive recently aquired (a few months ago) a 1966 SG! So even though my story's shorter than an inchworm, i hope to be able to let my story grow [lol] ! What's your story?



There never wasn't a guitar in our house when I was a kid.


First time I heard The Beatles, (@ 1963), it knocked my socks off. Bought a guitar of my own, started messin' around....and well.... still messin'!

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Loved Billy Joel as a kid. Thought piano was going to be it. Parents paid for classes, took two lessons, didn't click. Saw REO Speedwagon (with Gary Richrath), heard Golden Country (live version) on the radio, the solo did something to my brain, and that's all she wrote.

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Well, let's see......Many years ago, it was said that a great guitarest would be born, and the king did not like hearing this news...So, he did some bad bad things...

My mom put me in a wicker basket, and dropped me off in a river, where I floated down and away and was found by a princess..The princess brought me into

her palace, where the people were weird and worshiped false idols like Fenders....I grew up, studied piano, and guitar......It was then discovered that I was not

one of them, so they kicked me and my Gibby out of their kingdom....I then wandered the desert for fourty years, and gathered up my people who were being

repressed......I went back to the kingdom of bad people, and I told them to " Set my Gibbys free.." They refused, so I put upon them seven plauges of horrible

import guitars.....The bad people were stunned, and finally they agreed to let my Gibbys and people go.......I then wandered the desert for another fourty years,

playing in a band here and there............And then one day, I said to myself, " WTF, this desert life s*cks.", so, I joined a real rock and roll band, and, well,

the rest is history.................


[flapper][unsure][rolleyes] :unsure: [crying][lol] ......

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I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar but as a young kid I never had the patients to learn how... The years go by and I learned to play drums, was in a band in high school. Later got into sound engineering, later Deejaying, later music production. Opened my own recording studio and worked with some of the greats but still wished I could play guitar. In 2007 I bought a Les Paul Classic, still couldn't play but made a pack with myself to learn, after all I just spent 2 grand on a guitar. I started with on-line lessons, then found a professor, then got into a band and now I can say I am a guitar player and love it. And that's the truth..

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In 1964 music started to evolve and so did I. I got a guitar, learned to play and started a band.


Had to give up the bands to raise a family but at 58 I still play, I just play on a lot nicer equipment these days.

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In 1964 music started to evolve and so did I. I got a guitar, learned to play and started a band.


Had to give up the bands to raise a family but at 58 I still play, I just play on a lot nicer equipment these days.


In my case it was in summer of 1965, beeing 13 y.o. and my dad bought me a used and almost unplayable accoustic guitar. The Beatles make me persevered to learn. For 1965 Christmas, my parents gave me my first electric guitar and amp. Kind of basic learner package ( I don't remember the brand ), but must have been a 10 watts amps and a Strat copy from China. I had many friends that had guitars at that time, so we learned from each other while discovering new "tricks" and chords. It really started when I could play barre chords. From there, I never quit playing guitar. I have play in many bands since then. Started with Friday nights church basement dances ( every 2 fridays ) I remember playing a lot of songs in C-F-G..lolll. P.A. system for signing was the church mik with those 4" speaker in a row attached to the basement columns...We can't ear a word of what we were singing ( Maybe the was better this way :) I always played in bands and still play now in a Duo called "Big Norm & Co." My good pal Mark, the bassman, and I, playing with "Gringo" ( our drum machine ) are still doing 10 to 15 gigs a year in private party. I don't want to do more. I'm now too old to play in night club till 3 a.m. (I quit that only in 2009 ) was fedup to roll the wires and transport the equipement after the shows. But gee, I keep good memories of those times...

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As a kid tried trumpet, coronet. As the folk craze hit my dad suggested the banjo. Got a nice 5-string banjo with a resonator. Took about, maybe 2-3 lessons. Things are getting hazy now. Was mostly listening to Folk, Classical and some Jazz as a kid. Then the Beatles brought out Rubber Soul. I was floored. Guitar it is.


Eventually sold the Banjo to my Brother's friend. Just saw him at my Father's funeral last year. Nice guy. Still has the banjo and became a Jehovah's Witness. Hey, that's what Banjos do to ya. Played some electric and acoustic as a youngster. Guitar neck cracked at the heel. Piece of junk anyway. Got a slightly better one. Then seemed to inherit a, then, girlfriend's acoustic Kay. Fun guitar to play. I don't really remember how I came to keeping it. She never asked me for it back after the split. Like I said Hazy days of summer of my mind.


Played acoustic for 30+ years, pop/rock/blues, then bought my son a Epi gig pack to start his musical experience. Got more into the blues with open tuning and the slide. Played the Epi Special II here and there just for S&G but still maintained acoustic performances. Finally got the Gibson bug after going to the Gibson forum to get some answers on the Epi.


Saw the buzz on the Gibson LP Studio 50s Tribute, checked it out and said why the heck not. After several years of marital separation as well as my father on his death bed for two years plus subsequent demise and work firing my boss (scary) I spent some cash and bought the Studio. GAS attack several months later and what started as a bump up just slightly to the next Gibson level swiftly rose to a Standard Plus. Ouch. Set me back a bit. BUT. No regrets. My playing has increased to an hourly practice sessions, almost daily; especially after purchasing the Fender XD. Having a ball.


Now I am considering a Gibson Nighthawk Standard 2010 or a Gibson Custom ES-339. I love the different sounds from the PUPs on the two I have already. So looking for something with a different sound. Besides, I consider it my patriotic duty to help the local economy by purchasing these fine instruments ; )


The journey continues.

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Piano at 4; hated it although I got two things from it such as a bit of concept of where the notes are thanks to the keyboard and a neat knowledge that my (now I see as very young) piano teacher and her husband toured Europe on bikes soon after the war.


Trumpet in 4th grade. Bands of various sorts through high school, both school and toward the end a combination rock and light jazz group. But the last two years I had easy access to the Club 47 in Cambridge, Mass., during the peak of the folkie thing and when some best-known folkies were playing there. So...


After graduation and a summer job in '63, I got a cheapie classical guitar and picked as long and hard as I could - to the detriment of college classes, girlfriends et al. Summer of '65 was kinda a local folkie and even got on TV once, which was kinda frightening under the circumstances of tv in that era.


Late fall of '65 back in college, part time (that grew to 40 hours by spring) job writing, and a rock band. Moved a cupla years later and it was country bands and old-time music one might describe as pre-bluegrass. Ended up the '70s with a cupla mandolins, guitars still I have now and a cheapie bass and 5-string banjo. Then just home playing a little, while mostly on the road and/or writing and pic taking the next 20 years.


Now because of work schedules it's just an occasional jazz/rock/country gig and mostly a cupla benefits a year.



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Feb. 9,1964 first saw the Beatles-got my 1st guitar the next month for my 10th birthday-a hand me down from my uncle with 1/2" action and strings like mooring cables.Now 30 guitars and 13 amps later I'm still at it despite having developed a neuro-muscular condition like the one that plagues Leona Boyd.

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When I was younger, younger than I can remember, I used to sit on my dads bed and just plunk the strings of my dads J bass.


When I was in 4th grade I played 1 year of percussion in my school band. Yeah, not a whole lot of fun.


When I was in 7th grade I begged my parents to let me buy "American Idiot" by Green Day.

The next year I was using this crappy acoustic and just beating the crap out of it.


At the end of 8th grade I bought some strat copy and started getting real lessons.

I did real lessons for about 2 years.

After those 2 years I moved up to a Schecter and stopped taking lessons because of time.


Now im 18 and have a guy I play with when I have the chance to. I feel like I am still in my beginning and have a long way to go.

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Used to play sax then clarinet. Hated it because I felt limited in what I could express.


Started playing guitar in 7th grade, then had a terrible bout of pneumonia. Stopped playing after that because I was pissed at the guitar because I felt it was the guitar's fault I got sick and missed our show.


Didn't pick it back up until about two and a half years ago and haven't put it down since.


First real show this Friday, I'm ****ing excited but so nervous at the same time

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I started playing the drums when I was 6yo. I was about 55 pounds at that time, very small, so I had to lug the snared drum around from home to school and back. Man, the drum had to weigh that much in the case, in and out of the school bus every day!!! So I got a Twisted Sister album, Ratt, anything metal for me was good and played air guitar with a tennis racket. Then my parents bought me a Harmony Guitar with a Gorilla amp. Man, never stopped playin since.

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