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Ordered this online through GC....with shipping and tax I paid about $450!!!!!


So, this is what GC out of Northridge Cal. defines as good condition with "just a nick here and there". These pics don't accurately describe the "fair" at best condition...more an "as is", I'm afraid. The buckle rash has saturated the back, you can't see it in the light of the camera but in person it's an EEEEEWWWW, THAT'S BAD DUDE, reaction. My guys at GC in Minnesota were really set aback by the condition and said they would price it at $275-$299. It came unpolished and with the tone knob at the foot of the case, when I reattached it it wouldn't turn, not one bit. I forced it and still nothing! It took a trip to my luthier and a quick 10 minute fix to get it working again (couldn't GC have done the same before shipping it off?).


Anyway, the electronics seem functional after resolving the frozen tone knob problem, it has some back bow, action is much to close for a proper setup but I generally expect to shell out for new strings and a setup on most used stuff anyway. JUST VERY DISAPPOINTED WITH THE COSMETIC CONDITION. It'll make a great beater (already did for someone) but that's not what I thought I was buying.img9321m.jpgimg9320a.jpg















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Dang - did someone hang it out the window while driving down

a gravel road??????

I cannot stand to see you suffer like this..... If you'll send it

to ME, I'll do a tutorial for the DIY Thread about refinishing it! :rolleyes:


Great find - it's still in ONE PIECE, now show us the FRONT, PLEASE!

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Yeppers ... I'm afraid that I would have to agree that Northridge store's description of that axe, if it was described as you say, was a bit "optimistic"! Come to think of it, wasn't Northridge the site of that BIG earthquake in 1994? Was that guitar around then ... maybe it's a survivor?


Seriously, that guitar looks like was either played hard and used well, or simply abused. If I were you, I would submit these pics to the manager of that store or, it that dosen't work, to GC's corporate office. I think a few dollars worth of refund is in order here, simply because the condition of it was misrepresented ... and I say that as a GC manager.


Then ... commence to play the HELL outta that axe! At least you don't have to stress over putting that "first ding" in the thing!



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Yeppers ... I'm afraid that I would have to agree that Northridge store's description of that axe, if it was described as you say, was a bit "optimistic"! Come to think of it, wasn't Northridge the site of that BIG earthquake in 1994? Was that guitar around then ... maybe it's a survivor?


Seriously, that guitar looks like was either played hard and used well, or simply abused. If I were you, I would submit these pics to the manager of that store or, it that dosen't work, to GC's corporate office. I think a few dollars worth of refund is in order here, simply because the condition of it was misrepresented ... and I say that as a GC manager.


Then ... commence to play the HELL outta that axe! At least you don't have to stress over putting that "first ding" in the thing!




Yeppers to that , Jim.


If I keep it (and that's a big if) I'll definitely be looking for some kind of price adjustment. The guys at GC up here echoed your advice, talk to the selling store first and take things from there.


After I cleaned it up, lemon oiled the fretboard, etc I discovered that the saddles/tune-o-matic bridge is virtually unadjustable. Thus, the really low action (and I like "low" but this was too much, impossible for the strings to vibrate fully throughout the neck). I don't think this Genesis has been played in years, it just sat in someones closet unused. I'd love to bring her back to life, give her a good home but..........[confused] ....at what price? It needs a truss rod adjustment and a decent setup afterwhich I think she'd be a good/great player. It'd be kind of interesting to work on the cosmetics- although I have no idea how but am pretty good with a sharpie and crayons.

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I have to echo the sentiments of the other replies, that is really a pretty beat up specimen, and judging by the description given to you, falls short of that description by quiet a margin. I think your entitled to a sizeable part refund at the very least. Hope you can sort it out with them.

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Yeppers to that , Jim.


If I keep it (and that's a big if) I'll definitely be looking for some kind of price adjustment. The guys at GC up here echoed your advice, talk to the selling store first and take things from there.


ExactaMUNDO, buddy!


The store manager there probably had little to do with the sale if anything at all. Don't throw him under the bus without giving him a chance to make things right for you! Believe me, HE'LL take care of his salesmen after taking care of you!



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Sorry to hear about this 99. I guess this goes in the "if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is" category.


If you don't feel it can be economically repaired, or if you just don't want to own a guitar in that condition, I say send it back for a refund.


Genesis have very good bones and they can be refinished, but it's not like it's a '59 Les Paul or anything.


In any case, they come up frequently on eBay in much better condition, so you can always pick one up that's a keeper.

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Taking it back to a local GC right now. I did speak with GC in CAL but no joy. They did apologize but refused my offer (which was really low).


If this were a Fender strat or other vintage axe with a history of road wear being a status symbol I'd be ok with it (and probably out a few $K instead of just a few hundred) but it's not, it's an Epi and I want a Geni that is in good shape as my souveneir of the 70's. When you add to this that there are some mechanical issues with the bridge that will require my luthiers attention and I think I'll just be throwing good money after bad.


I can still get a Wine Red Standard for $285 that is in infinitely better shape than this one. Most likely I'll just keep my eyes and ears open for another SUNBURST Custom or Deluxe---afterall, half the fun is in the hunt


. Who knows, maybe the GC that I'm returning it to will put it out for a decent price and I'll buy it back, maybe do a couple trades to bring the price down further and make it a project guitar (strip it down, etc).


Thanks for everyone's support, I appreciate it..........this is a really GREAT forum. [thumbup]

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they should have advertised it with a little finish here and there.



You know what the worst part is? It's the really big pieces of the finish running across the side of the neck that are stripped off. They're staring right at you as you play, just look down and there they are.\...and it looks MUCH worse than the pictures portray.


For $300 I'd keep it....but at $450 I just can't justify it.

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Taking it back to a local GC right now. I did speak with GC in CAL but no joy. They did apologize but refused my offer (which was really low).


Who knows, maybe the GC that I'm returning it to will put it out for a decent price and I'll buy it back, maybe do a couple trades to bring the price down further and make it a project guitar (strip it down, etc).


I wouldn't bet on it, Music!


The only thing that is not changing here is what the original salesperson in Northridge paid for that wreck. Maybe it was a friend's guitar, maybe he/she just didn't know what he was doing ... but it's pretty obvious to me that too much was given to the seller. Now they are stuck with a guitar that has too high a cost to be able to sell for what it's really worth!


So ... the next time one of you guys wants to vent about what GC offers you for used gear, ask yourself that simple question: "What would I be willing to pay for this used instrument if I was buying it instead of selling it?" Then factor in the fact that GC has to make at least 30 to 35% on the piece to even make it worthwhile to process it into store inventory (submitting paperwork to local law enforcement to check for theft, etc) Then, who knows how long it'll hang there until someone buys it?


I think your doing the right thing in getting out of it, buddy. It would have stuck in your craw for as long as you owned that guitar ... and you NEVER would have been happy with it. Plenty of fish (and guitars) in the sea just waiting to be caught for that kind of money!



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I wouldn't bet on it, Music!


The only thing that is not changing here is what the original salesperson in Northridge paid for that wreck. Maybe it was a friend's guitar, maybe he/she just didn't know what he was doing ... but it's pretty obvious to me that too much was given to the seller. Now they are stuck with a guitar that has too high a cost to be able to sell for what it's really worth!


So ... the next time one of you guys wants to vent about what GC offers you for used gear, ask yourself that simple question: "What would I be willing to pay for this used instrument if I was buying it instead of selling it?" Then factor in the fact that GC has to make at least 30 to 35% on the piece to even make it worthwhile to process it into store inventory (submitting paperwork to local law enforcement to check for theft, etc) Then, who knows how long it'll hang there until someone buys it?


I think your doing the right thing in getting out of it, buddy. It would have stuck in your craw for as long as you owned that guitar ... and you NEVER would have been happy with it. Plenty of fish (and guitars) in the sea just waiting to be caught for that king of money!





After I returned the Genesis to the Mn GC last evening they asked me what I would buy it back for? I said $200 and they said Northridge has $285 in it. They're good guys at this GC (and on a similiar note I'm not knocking NR in general, just on this particular transaction...I'm sure they're a bunch of fine folks over there. They treated me with respect and sincerity after I complained about the condition of the guitar).I'm on a first name basis with most of the sales guys and the manager and they consistently draw my attention to good deals (like the Gibson 60's Tribute for $399). In fact, when I took the Genesis into them I walked out with a used Ibanez AF75tdg.


So, just for the record, I frequent several GC's in the Minneapolis area, --with this one in particular being my favorite-- but they ALL are well run stores with great staff and some pretty darn good deals. I've tried several luthiers and the best by far is the one at my fave GC.


Mistakes happen and I'm not sure what NR was thinking when they paid what they did for this Genesis but it's all over now and with the exception of being out $18 for shipping I'm none the worse for wear.

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I walked out with a used Ibanez AF75tdg.

On my lust list for sure, I've been thinking about getting an AF 75TDG for 18months or so, glad it was all resolved to your satisfaction MM99, congrats on the Ibby, HNGD to you.


EDIT: please let us know how it stacks up after you've had a few days playing with it, I'd be very interested.

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After I returned the Genesis to the Mn GC last evening they asked me what I would buy it back for? I said $200 and they said Northridge has $285 in it.


$285 ... see what I mean? That guitar is now going to be an albatross around the neck of that store forever (or until the manager just decides to take the loss on it). Personally, I would have passed on it altogether (I take a pass on most beat-to-sh*t stuff unless it is something TRULY special) but at MOST I would have offered $100 ... which would have been an "INSULT" to the seller and good for several "Guitar Center SUCKS!!!" posts on various forums! [rolleyes]


Glad they were good to you in Minnisota, Music. Like I always say, it's a big company and not every store is going to be run as well as others.


Jim (God ... it feels good to be vindicated once in a while!)

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Mistakes happen and I'm not sure what NR was thinking when they paid what they did for this Genesis but it's all over now and with the exception of being out $18 for shipping I'm none the worse for wear.

Glad it all worked out. I wouldn't have paid more than $200 for that guitar either.

I'm betting the screwup is partially a result of the pricing snafus in the current hard-copy edition of the Vintage Guitar Blue Book. Here is the current corrected on-line entry:



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On my lust list for sure, I've been thinking about getting an AF 75TDG for 18months or so, glad it was all resolved to your satisfaction MM99, congrats on the Ibby, HNGD to you.


EDIT: please let us know how it stacks up after you've had a few days playing with it, I'd be very interested.



HERE SHE IS $259, owned by one of the sales guys, absolutely pristine condition; has 12's with a wound G. I have an AF75-it's in the background-and thought maybe the only difference might be the trem but no, the TDG has a thicker neck and vastly different feel up and down the frets. I love it!



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Glad it all worked out. I wouldn't have paid more than $200 for that guitar either.

I'm betting the screwup is partially a result of the pricing snafus in the current hard-copy edition of the Vintage Guitar Blue Book. Here is the current corrected on-line entry:




Brian, where did you find that information?

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I guess you guys see more of the Genesis models than we do up here, I'd gladly pay 200 to 300 for that guitar, the switch hasn't even caved into the control cavity, you can work with that one.


Send me one in that condition at that price any day, binding on the headstock and all, yup.

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