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Books or Kindle? (Or any other device that allows mass number of books on one screen)


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Even though the tech is convenient, nothing will beat the feel paper. I rather carry a book, i love the feel of paper and the smell.



Now it sounds like i have a fetish with books. [lol]



Edit: Also, i love that feeling of putting a book down after i finshed it. I would never be able to have that feeling with an Ipad or Kindle.

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What kind of Literature you into Demoon?

It's hard for me to put a finger on one genre.

Mostly i love sc-fi, history, occultism, religion, etc.

Some classics, i love most of the books we read in school.

I just bought a book called Theodore Rex which is pretty much a biography of Theodore Roosevelt.

Next im hoping to pick up Plato's The Symposium

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I've read 1000's of books...i love books. But I love my Kindle too...its so handy and you don't worry about the "feel" of a book after youre done your first novel. Its handy, its easy to read and so convenient. I am not a traditionalist in ANYTHING so i made the jump pretty easily...

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It's hard for me to put a finger on one genre.

Mostly i love sc-fi, history, occultism, religion, etc.

Some classics, i love most of the books we read in school.

I just bought a book called Theodore Rex which is pretty much a biography of Theodore Roosevelt.

Next im hoping to pick up Plato's The Symposium

I've always found Teddy R. interesting. Check out Terry Goodkind if you like Fantasy novels, waiting on my copy of Scott Weiland's memoirs to come in from Amazon tomorrow.

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I've always found Teddy R. interesting. Check out Terry Goodkind if you like Fantasy novels, waiting on my copy of Scott Weiland's memoirs to come in from Amazon tomorrow.


The Sword of Truth was a great series, even if Terry did blow it a bit out of proportion in the last couple of books. Have you read the Law of 9's yet? I enjoyed it, but felt the ending could of been stronger. Really loved that series from beginning to end.

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Yeah I was disappointed with the last few books, something about the publisher wanting him to drag out the last few (and boy did they drag). The first 5 or so were absolutely great books. I'm pretty excited George R.R. Martin's Dance with Dragons is coming out in supposedly in the next month or two (talk about a long wait, 10 years?).

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Books mostly, but I have the Kindle ap on my Droid 2. I just love reading. Period.


Robert Cornwell's Viking series.... got the last 3 published books in The Wheel of Time series for Christmas... also reading the Cultural Atlas of the Viking World.

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I've read 1000's of books...i love books. But I love my Kindle too...its so handy and you don't worry about the "feel" of a book after youre done your first novel. Its handy, its easy to read and so convenient. I am not a traditionalist in ANYTHING so i made the jump pretty easily...




I thought it would be weird, but very easy. Downloaded a bunch of books and it kept me sane on flights. I do like the kindle, its pretty awesome. I need to read more though

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I've actually got a cupla tons of books I am trying to figure how to divest myself of.


I probably read far more than average, but... Frankly when I'm not working or messing with the guitar or a cupla web forums, I tend very much to read right on my computer screen.


That's what happens when one comes to the inevitable conclusion that "downsizing" is practical. I haven't purchased a book or magazine in perhaps half a dozen years - but then I'm half decent at finding an incredible amount of material that interests me on the Web.


One can get pretty much all the material one wishes on the web at no cost. And it's bad enough that I feel guilty because I'm so far behind on personal writing...


I've tended increasingly toward that since I first got Internet and discovered various opportunities ranging from Project Gutenberg to http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/ several similar places for some standard sorts of original texts - and for pure recreation such as the Baen Free Library for sci fi which I seriously recommend as a start at reading some of Baen's and the 20th century's top sci fi writers.


BTW - my Mom has a Kindle type thingie. No thanks.



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Books!!!! Don't ask my wife, she thinks I have a disorder....I am a history fanatic and have been collecting books for over 40 years and have way too many...

One of the strangest books I have is a photo album created by a uncle who joined the Navy in 1925 was a Navy photographer and retired in 1955 and was assigned to the Asiatic Fleet and the Yangtze River Patrol during the 1930's, some gruesome stuff...in all about 1,000 pictures....

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Books!!!! Don't ask my wife, she thinks I have a disorder....I am a history fanatic and have been collecting books for over 40 years and have way too many...

One of the strangest books I have is a photo album created by a uncle who joined the Navy in 1925 was a Navy photographer and retired in 1955 and was assigned to the Asiatic Fleet and the Yangtze River Patrol during the 1930's, some gruesome stuff...in all about 1,000 pictures....

You see some gruesome stuff from war, a lot of it would turn most people's stomachs. My grandfather was in a field hospital unit in WWII and brought back photos from the concentration camps and an officer's Luger. My grandmother has only shown me the photos and pistol once, she really didn't like that Grandpa even brought them back. Never got to meet him, he died when my mother was 12.

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I enjoy both. I have a pretty extensive library in books but I have my current school books on Kindle. I like being able to go to a coffee shop and read about web development and then take a break and read the autobiography of Don Felder of the Eagles... then I can switch and read a chapter about leadership development and......


Kindle is cool.

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I love books read all the time but I also get tired of books being everywhere in the house so I have been using a e-book for a few years also. I started out with a Sony e-book and then recently swapped to a Nook color because I like to read at night and the backlight on the nook is amazingly good. I also love the Nook for magazines bright colorful pictures and even newspapers easy to navigate and save your place. It doesn't hurt that you can select up to five font sizes either as I'm getting older I kinda like having the option of bigger font's.


It wasn't really the devices that made me change though it was simple space issues. My wife and I are trying to pack up our large house and move into several smaller homes right now and books are the biggest problem so far. We had a formal library with walls an three of the four walls and so far we have 104 boxes of medium packing boxes of books and were only about half packed. Something had to change so on simple Sci-F mysteries and other fun type paperback type book and magazines etc. I'm going all digital it's kind of nice to have 437 books so far and there all loaded on the Nook which won't fill any boxes.


I'll never completely replace books though I love art books and how to make things books and those just don't look right on the screens at least not yet.

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