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MTV...Terrific, or Toxic?!

charlie brown

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Some 15-20 years ago I might have said something against MTV in terms of music. Now? As far as I can see its influence is far less than the Web. I haven't watched it in years.


The Web not only has diluted its influence, but also pressed it toward a degree of shock value that "we" all enjoy when we're pre-teens, teens and twenties.


Regardless, compared to the lesser media "venues" of the 50s and 60s, I don't think we'll ever again see the sort of broad based musical "fame" found back then. Even by the 70s I think there had been something of an oversaturation of "great" bands and entertainers to the point that it began to have the general population turning off.


For what it's worth, I also don't think you'll ever see pro baseball and football in the US reach again the general public's knowledge of stars and national devotion to teams as in the 1960s. A huge market segment, yes, but that's not the same as when little old ladies who've never been to a game would sit glued to a radio or b/w television for hours...



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My teenagers have been listening to 70s and 80s music for a long time, but have really been glued to MTV lately with their anniversary 'revival'. I remember those days in the early 1980s when my channel stayed on it. But eventually MTV changed, and so did my dial.


My daughter said it best. She said, "So MTV used to play MUSIC?"

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Can't say I like the direction MTV has taken over the last 10 years or so.

The music videos of the '80s and 90's were only as good as the bands that made it onto the channel's playlist.

I'm not a fan of the programming as of late. The reality TV programs do nothing for me.

Now, VH1 is a different story. The Behind the Scenes, concerts, Rock-u-mentaries and of course "That Metal Show," I'll watch from time to time.

But as it stands right now, I don't watch MTV.

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It would be nice if Music TV really played music again.

Like Tom Petty said-" Suddenly, the biggest radio station ever was television!"

If you want to watch videos and hear music, I suggest on of the country stations, after all it seems like country is the new rock and roll.

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Personally, I was excited about MTV, in the very beginning. I liked

the first group of VJ's, especially Martha (Quinn) and Nina (Blackwood).

But, that enthusiam faded, fairly quickly, as MTV got further and further away

from the kind of music, I enjoyed...video or otherwise. I too, haven't

watched it, in probably (at least) 2 decades, now.



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Taken as a whole, MTV is no different than any other TV station; all about their core demos and raitings.


Broken up, MTV is partly responsible for some of my favourite comedy stuff from MTV, well Jackass and Beavis and Butthead anyway.

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MTV was a marketing tool for the record/tape/cd biz. The turn away from music videos pretty much correlates with the decline of the record/tape/cd biz. Seems to me anyway.


Lots of people gripe about how MTV is no longer doing music videos, but as I recall just about all of their programming totally sucked. Even Headbangers Ball consisted of tons of filler and mostly ballads.


At least Beavis & Butthead and Jackass came out of the vortex of suck. MTV was just another mega-corporate pop music marketing tool - Clear Channel TV station more or less.

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I grew up on MTV, fortunately in the very early 90's. My brother and I would get very excited about going to Dad's for the weekend (parents divorced when I was about 7) because he had MTV at his house. We watched a lot of Beavis & Butthead (I still remember an episode where they were trying to use swimming goggles for jock straps, and the couch fishing episode was great too!). Nowadays it's just shows about 16 and under girls spreading their legs and shooting out kids, and shows about groups of people living together getting wasted, laid, and fighting.

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I grew up on MTV, fortunately in the very early 90's. My brother and I would get very excited about going to Dad's for the weekend (parents divorced when I was about 7) because he had MTV at his house. We watched a lot of Beavis & Butthead (I still remember an episode where they were trying to use swimming goggles for jock straps, and the couch fishing episode was great too!). Nowadays it's just shows about 16 and under girls spreading their legs and shooting out kids, and shows about groups of people living together getting wasted, laid, and fighting.

Yeah my Uncle would babysit me and we would watch Beavis and Butthead and it was extra special because my mom didn't want me to watch it. My favourite episode has to be either the episode where they're washing the dog, or when they found Mr Anderson's golf balls on the golf course and started stealing them from him every hit he made because they learned they could sell them in the parking lot.






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I thought MTV was good originally when it was mostly music video's and concert films used to love the MTV Unplugged shows it was one of the main reasons I wanted a Video Recorder. Than it started trying to be a reality TV station and pedal the paparazzi type shows and I lost all interest. I would guess it's probably been almost five years since Ive even looked at MTV.


Sadly the whole concept of television has turned into crap as far as I'm concerned. I could easily live without a TV now if it wasn't for the news, a few old movies and HGTV. I probably would never even turn it on. I remember TV very differently though when shows like West Wing and Hill Street Blues were the weekly show and Saturday Night live was a don't miss, now I couldn't sit through a SNL if I was paid by the minute it's just so stupid now with no humor at all.

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Beavis and Butthead was the show that proved I was getting old. I tried watching several episode's and could never remotely see it as funny it was totally stupid to the point that I could never even see the humor. I have always thought of it as TV entertainment for people with head injuries. I grew up watching Monty Python and thought it was one of the best shows ever but Beavis and Butthead was too stupid I would rather clean up after the dog then waste 30 minutes of my life let alone all the dead braincells from watching that drivel.


But maybe I'm just old.

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When MTV first came out, I used to watch it just because it was interesting. Irt was low budget and had a kind of underground feel. Even though much of the New Wave type music wasn't anything I would buy, I still watched the videos. The more mainstream it became, the less I seemed to like it. By the time "The Real World" began, I had pretty much quit watching. Though I did used to like "The Young Ones" and "Remote Control"


I don't think MTV had any more negative social impact than anything else that just would have come along anyway. I do think it contributed to my generation's lack of attention span though.

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Beavis and Butthead was the show that proved I was getting old. I tried watching several episode's and could never remotely see it as funny it was totally stupid to the point that I could never even see the humor. I have always thought of it as TV entertainment for people with head injuries. I grew up watching Monty Python and thought it was one of the best shows ever but Beavis and Butthead was too stupid I would rather clean up after the dog then my waste braincells on that drivel.


But maybe I'm just old. And Californiaman your video post of Cornholio just reinforces everything I said in this post

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Retro, I'm right there with you.

I remember it being as so baseless and humorless that I couldn't watch it.

But looking back, sometimes that stuff was so stupid it was absolutely hysterical.

I mean come on... I'll never forget Beavis saying, "Fire, fire, fire," as long as I live.

It was just that way.

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Beavis and Butthead was the show that proved I was getting old. I tried watching several episode's and could never remotely see it as funny it was totally stupid to the point that I could never even see the humor. I have always thought of it as TV entertainment for people with head injuries. I grew up watching Monty Python and thought it was one of the best shows ever but Beavis and Butthead was too stupid I would rather clean up after the dog then my waste braincells on that drivel.


But maybe I'm just old. And Californiaman your video post of Cornholio just reinforces everything I said in this post

Age doesn't really have anything to do with it, it either tickles your fancy or it doesn't. I grew up in the early ninties, and I still watched as much Monty Python as I could, which was years after it was made. For the longest time I thought John Cleese was "Monty Python" until I learned it was the troupe.


I think I really apprecaited Beavis and Butthead and Jackass because nowadays everything is so full of preachy messages and stuff that makes you worry or think too much, and those shows were basically the anti-that. There was no thought it was just raw stupid "this is what you get" humour, it was honest stupid.

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Just like I avoid the vacuous,insipid audio pablum that's being passed off as music on today's FM and AM stations I also avoid MTV-I can't recall the last time I had it on my T.V.As far as radio goes I listen mostly to Sirius Deep Grooves,Underground Garage and last FM on the net.

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mtv is an Oxymoron



Indeed!! I remember back in the day they would play Tom Waits and Neil Young videos, and had decent shows like 120 Minutes and Headbanger's Ball. Now i'm not even sure that there's any music shows at all.

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