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Did Santa Read Your List?


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Did Santa Read Your List? Did you get what you were hoping you'd get? Santa was right on the list for me. He brought me a nice wide padded leather strap for my SG Std. Bass. Thanks Santa, and I hope he read all of your lists also. Merry Christmas to all. [thumbup]

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Guest farnsbarns

Yes! I got an sm57, cable and stand. Brian Cox' New book outlining his latest quantum theories. A single malt selection, a beer tasting session, some Hotel Chocolat champaign truffles. Some good cognac and some socks.

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This is the first Christmas in years that The Missus didn't buy me something musical such as a guitar,amp,foot pedals etc.Instead she bought me a new top-of-the-line H.P. laptop.It's about half the weight and thickness of my current Dell and has about 10 times the power and functions.Our daughters went overboard and bought us a 40" LCD Hitachi High-Def T.V. and that took us by complete surprise we were literally speechless for about 5 minutes.I'm sure that the Missus bought me the computer because she was tired of me hurling multi syllable expletives at this slow POS even though it's only 3-4 years old.I would've much rather gotten the lovely Squier Tele Custom I saw at Reid Music.

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A good year, a few CDs (Revelator by the Tedeschi Trucks Band, Super Session, Live at Antones - Storyville), a few books (Thomas Mann's Dr. Faustus among them, I'm excited to read it), strings and whatnot. Some cash to spend how I will (I plan on putting it towards an amp).


That's some sweet gear guys [thumbup] have fun!


A good year for presents, though sadly since my grandmother passed it hasn't been the same. She was one of those people who effortlessly anchored a family together. I miss her...

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Got a TC Electronic Polytune and a Dunlop DC-Brick power supply. I also got a Voodoo Lab Micro Vibe but I'm returning it and getting a second graphics card for my computer instead. Can't wait for that! Too bad it wont be another week till I get it.


Also got two Hendrix vinyls and The Beatles White Album on vinyl.

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I picked it out but Santa got me a new Melody Maker in the new Explorer shape.It feels great and is made really well.The pickup in it from the factory is a Seymour Duncan and it is killer a lot of power and has a real warm tone. I'm not one to buy a single PU guitar with just a volume knob but this is a killer guitar.Oh yea also a Vox headphone amp and one of those tuners that you clip on your headstock and it tunes through the vibration of the wood,pretty cool,Thanks Santa!

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Oh yes.... Mrs. C did a fantastic job with the list this Christmas! From the list: Boss RC2, a new 20" widescreen monitor, Evanescence new CD...( the deluxe edition with a DVD) and an nVidia GTX 560 ti video card....



But the killer part is the "not on the list" Telecaster she got me. Some back story....



I go to the local Best Buy to check out some pedals last year for Christmas. They have a little Vox amp and this blonde Tele set up to test pedals, so I sit down and start playing. I dial in the pedals I want to hear and play a little bit. Sounds great. I dink around with stuff for a bit... various pedals and such... but really.... it's the Tele that has my attention. It fairly screams... the sound is rich and thick and delicious! I look at it.... and turns out it's a $179 Squire ... Ha! So when I get home I let my wife know which pedals I liked and mention the Blonde, cheap Squire Tele I played through that had sounded so good. She laughed and reminded me that I had a rule about playing ugly guitars..... (don't do it.... it'll sound killer and you'll wind up with an ugly guitar!) SO-


- time passes... and whenever I'm at Best Buy I stop in to play something.... an amp, a guitar, something.... and that little blonde Tele is hanging there by the pedals, so I play it. Even got to play it for my wife once or twice while showing her what some of the various pedals sound like. So... this year I had the Boss RC2 on my Christmas list... as well as the Blues Driver, which is what I thought was in the gift they handed me to open. It was obviously a pedal... but no... it IS the RC2 that I've wanted for years! And when I opened the box... there was the beautiful sparkly red pedal, and a little sticker with a blonde Tele on it. I laughed and said that I'd gotten a Tele for Christmas. My wife laughed too and said "Sure! Just add water....". So I licked it... got the idea from Thermionik... I licked the heck out of it.... and my eldest son, who had slipped out of the room as I was opening the box suddenly appeared with with a blonde Telecaster in hand! Holy cow! I check it out and it plays well... sure enough it says Squire (which I had at first thought said Fender, but that's just because it says "by Fender" :) )

So I get to looking at it... and notice the plastic is still on the pick guard... got a little sticker with the marketing stuff on it ... and pick marks on the pick guard. That's when it dawned on me......


"You didn't just get me "A Telecaster".... you got me "THE Telecaster"!


And so she had. She had wheeler dealered the guy into selling her the demo Tele, and sell it too her cheap.... told him it was ugly, it had been hanging there forEVER... he wasn't likely to get another offer to buy it and her husband needed a "Beach Guitar".... you know, one you'd take to the beach and not really care what happened....



So, add Squire Telecaster to the list with cudos to my wife!



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Hello, Fellow Babies,

Like many of you, I'm dealing with financial fires and trying to put 'em out in all directions-for that and other problems I haven't felt like posting of late. I haven't really gotten into the fun of Christmas or decorated the house for the season in years, and I have become something of a hermit- just me, my guitar, the dogs... I miss my life as a professional guitarist, I miss my family, I miss... money...


But my spirit has been revived by events this Christmas. There is a Santa Clause....


I haven't mentioned my brother, David, largely because he is a violinist, and I expected that would be of no particular interest to you guys. But just to toot his horn for a moment - He is a terrific player. He was trained in the classic tradition and made his formal debut before the Music Teachers Assoc. of California before he was thirteen. Since then I have led him down hill. I think his specific inspiration was Eric Clapton's solo phrasing in the second section of Crossroads , but I finally succeeded in getting David to play with my little band. Turns out he was/is a monster at improvising, and he loves all sorts of music. He has jumped into country, blue grass, jazz. I real surprise to me - classical instruction didn't teach him anything about chord construction! So along the way, I explained chord constructions, etc. He enjoys working out elaborate jazz chord melody arrangements on the guitar, and while he's not really developed technique as a player, he loves working out chords for his compositions and spends a lot of time on the guitar. My mother used to complain that, " You... you broke him.... " sob, sniff. Anyway, I'm glad we finally came together - we combined classically trained with self-taught, play-by-ear; and the best years of my life are the years we have spent in business together. And the last few years he has been extremely supportive of me; I went into a major depression/downhill when I injured my left hand and lost my ability to play. That was a huge shock after spending a lifetime teaching myself to play Chet Atkins style.... After all the doctors and testing, it turns out They were wrong... Never scrapped the money together for the surgery they said I absolutely needed, and blessing of blessings, my hand is slowly recovering! Anyway, my point was that David helped through all that....


A couple of months back my brother and I were out at a party where he was playing his violin for the entertainment of friends. And what was really sweet, later he accompanied a our little niece Sophia ( ? cousin's daughter? don't know proper relation name? ) as she played the piano. She is very good. She has a genuine interest in mastering the instrument that is proven by her playing. This is in contrast to the other three kids, her various cousins in the same age group, that only grab their instruments when their is a family gathering, and they want a share of the attention. They haven't yet figured out that the key word is "entertainment" not captive audience. Sophia is about 10 years old, and sounds to become an incredible player - of all the kids in our extended family - east and west coast - she she has the most interest in music and seems like to follow the in the direction of my brother and I - we're the only musicians in the whole group. During the evening David is operating on auto-pilot-- he was exhausted; he teaches art at a local university, and had just finished the last class, grading midterms, and reporting grades - that day. He was trying to revive by drinking coffee and soda pop get a caffeine high. After the Sophia's recital, David decided it was time to go.


It took several trips for David to load his instruments into his car, which was parked in the shadow of a giant RV which blocked out the street light. He drove through the residential slowly - he was tired, and he had no idea that anything was amiss until he pulled onto the highway. As he made the turn he heard things sliding off the roof and over the trunk and fenders to clatter into the street on the far side of the intersection. Fearing the worst, he pulled off to the side, but before he could get back to his equipment traffic was already racing through the intersection. Before he could rescue his violin some idiot had raced his SUV through the instrument cases - without any effort to change lanes, slow, or stop. The rest of the stuff was of no consequence but ! ! David's best, expensive violin and case was splintered into hundreds of pieces! ! There was and is no money to replace this, and so far he is still - months later - trying to get a final answer from his insurance company.


Well, you can always get a few hundred dollars together and I was looking for a nice, used guitar that I could repair or rebuild ( I'm a DIY freak) for him. I was looking for something that started with enough quality that with some serious attention could be restored to it's former glory. Several months later at a little bar-b-que, in a conversation with an old family friend, Sandy, the hostess, mentioned that she was going through a serious effort to clean out her garage and recover the storage space.


! ! ! She had a really nice guitar that hadn't played in years - in excellent, like it had never been touched condition - a black, flat-top Ibanez - #@%!ing beautiful ! ! !


I hadn't seen or heard her son, Jeff, talk about the guitar in so long, it had pretty much slipped my mind that he had it. I made an offer on the spot, but he didn't seem interested. Well, Sandy and her family have been my friends since I gave guitar instruction to her brother thirty years ago , if Jeff didn't want to sell, I didn't want to irritate him by nagging. So as the months have gone by, I haven't found a hint of a guitar that seemed promising. Plenty of stuff out there, but I'm not in the financial shape that I can just spend a couple of grand. New mortgage and like that. So by Christmas Eve I had sinking into my usual Christmas depression again, I wasn't impressed with anything I had gotten for David. Certainly there was nothing I had that could express my admiration and love for my little brother. We were invited over to to a Christmas Eve party ... the same friends that had hosted the bar-b-que. As I said these are great friends, and she had invited all of our mutual friends: I am damn lucky to have all these friends that have stood by me and David all these years. Of the group, we have be hit hardest by the slump in the economy, and I really appreciate that they are still a part of our circle of intimate friends. So I anticipated a good time...


I've always been a party animal, so the prospect sounded like fun. I rode with David over to Sandy's house and we had a great time in conversation with the old friends Sandy invited, and her kids that have grown up to be a lawyer (Annie) and artist/designer (Jeff) for a defense contractor. The group includes several art instructors, a graphic designer, retired military officers- one from the Portuguese Navy - and a couple of investment brokers... So when we discuss politics there are some pretty interesting view points. Well, the fun went on all afternoon 'til we retired for dinner. Not really traditional-it was mostly snacks and chili and stuff, lots of soda pop for me and a little wine. Plenty of laughter. When Sandy served desert Jeff was absent. I supposed he was in the kitchen helping his mom start the clean-up....


Suddenly he appeared dragging the guitar and presented it to David! I was so impressed and grateful. I could never persuade myself to give away a guitar, never to see or play it again. Never.

That was a truly generous gift. I mean I don't know the model, and I can't price it, and from the detailing, it isn't the most expensive, but new it had to be around $300 to $400. I was really surprised,

I thought he didn't want to part with it. He knew about the loss of the violin, and he evidently decided he wold rather give the guitar to David than sell it.


That really restored Christmas for me, and I am greatfull to Jeff for giving David the gift I couldn't.


There is a Santa, after all.


Thanks for all the shared guitar talk and tech stuff, you've all taught me a lot, Merry Christmas, all of you Fellow Babies, and Happy New Year

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