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Apologies To Sir Paul

Buc McMaster

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Well my big mouth got me into this one and there ain't much way out but to bite down hard and go for it......... I might could wring out a little better performance if I worked on it for, say, another year, but let's face it: Macca I ain't! I felt the need to get this one behind me as it's been taking up most of my writing time trying to get it together. Paul sang it in the key of A, which I can do as well, but a couple of octaves below the controlled screaming he seems to do with ease. So I poked around and found that the key of C was best for my purpose.......still can't do that throat-ripping roar, though. Ah well, guess that's why I'm riding a desk for a day job instead of touring the planet, huh........




Very pleased with the guitar! Used a Red Bear ex-heavy pick on this one, hit the poor thing pretty hard and the tone holds up very well......stays clear and defined, doesn't get flabby when pounded. Volume holds up too when choked up to the third. Yep.......think I'll keep this guitar. Now lemme practise some more..........

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No need to hide your head in the sand after this one - you do fine.

I like the way you hold the guitar, , , like actually serenading a lady the ol' fashioned way.


McCartney lived close to the studio at Abbey Road and went in to give the vox 1 shot daily, because of the heavy toll on the vocal cords. But wow, did he lay it down in the end.

And wasn't he singing to fleeting Winston when you think of it. . . . . .

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Well I was part of the challenge and you kicked it man. The vocals at 1:20 really belted. Great job! [thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup]

Damn and that bird sounds so crisp and just awesome.

I'm new to the world of Gibby acoustics and I couldn't be happier.



Next Challenge.....

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All of my consious life I was scared of the high voices of The Beatles, Queen, Dio etc... Pretty soon I realized that this music must be sung by tenors. And I am not one... This "Oh, darling" sounds very well out of Buc's mouth and this pretty bird's soundhole! I have never tried to sing this song - now I think "I will" ;-)

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Thank you, friends! We are always our own worse critics and I'm no exception....I can do better. Need to "pass" this one though. Since Tman issued the challenge (well, sort of.....), I had to do what I could to rise to the occasion. I truly believe there are many others on this very forum that are much, much better singers and players than I...............I'm just the one foolish enough to hang my *** out in the wind before God and everyone! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement!


(Krassi: you have a fine, powerful voice! Just find your key!)

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Buc.....why do you keep playing that guitar upside down and backwards!!!??? Nice job!

Sorry, man. I can't help it.....I was born this way! [biggrin]


And your bird can sing........

I think that would be a good one.

Ah.....no. There's too much going on in that one to make an effective one voice/one instrument cover. But thanks for the vote of confidence! Another, perhaps?

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Sorry, man. I can't help it.....I was born this way! [biggrin]



Ah.....no. There's too much going on in that one to make an effective one voice/one instrument cover. But thanks for the vote of confidence! Another, perhaps?


Help........Could sound cool as a collaboration.

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