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show us your TV's (no flat screens though)!


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Judging by all the oscilloscopes and other testing and repair equipment in his shop,the other "collector" is operating a bona fide repair business.You are collecting other people's broken,inoperative junk and apparently without the know-how or means to fix them.Why don't you start collecting discarded useless stuff that doesn't take so much room-like used condoms.

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Bringing home a bunch of old crappy TV's people have thrown away isn't a collection it's just hoarding and it means you need medical help. They make medication for that kind of a condition. now. I saw a show on tv a while back where a guy had collected something like 300 hamster wheels and honestly that's cooler and more normal as a collection than old non working TV's. :blink:

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Here I'll keep playing. This is a better photo



It's actually a Monkey Wards model



I was hoping there might be some 12AX7s in there



But it looks like the closest thing is a 12BY7-A


i love that TV! If i would have i would have constructed a television from tubes from a guitar amp and maybe the CRT from a monitor!

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