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A forum's effect on you


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Guest Farnsbarns

This was the first forum I got into. I have joined fora just to ask one question many a time, just like I did here but this place is the first forum that has drawn me in.


A very good crowd you all are.

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Ya I agree,, I'm not sure why I keep coming back but same reason for me.

I found this place while researching a guitar when I was in purchase mode.

I followed a link and read a ton of stuff on here relative to my purchase. I joined only to ask questions. I got great answers and honest opinions.

I have followed plenty of links and read plenty of forums. For some reason I keep coming back to this one. Still trying to figure out why, but here I am. It's a little clicky but addictive for some reason.

I"m not usually this social.



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Before the Lounge opened it was a VERY different place.


Indeed. I joined the first one, the acoustic forum with GillianGirl, Hallgroper, Roy and all and then it closed and this forum opened.


When the "Lounge" opened and I was drinking, I could spend hours in here with KSG, Homz, Neo, California, (you too AXE although you had the sense to stay clear of the "stupid") and we would have political battles that would go on for days. There were no rules and NO MODERATOR for a while. It was nuts.


Just thinking about it makes me want a beer..........

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Indeed. I joined the first one, the acoustic forum with GillianGirl, Hallgroper, Roy and all and then it closed and this forum opened.


When the "Lounge" opened and I was drinking, I could spend hours in here with KSG, Homz, Neo, California, (you too AXE although you had the sense to stay clear of the "stupid") and we would have political battles that would go on for days. There were no rules and NO MODERATOR for a while. It was nuts.


Just thinking about it makes me want a beer..........


Hey i was there too... First and second forum.... Just Sayin'...

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I remember when I first joined, the group was very welcoming.

It is easy to integrate because folks here are tolerant of differing views and accepting of all people.


Above all, I love that we are all polite.

I don't like seeing people getting the "minus button" even when I think their comment is a no-no and I've noticed some of our active and reputable members sticking up for people in this regard (*coughpipcough) EVEN if the comment isn't popular. It just speaks well of our gang.


The forum's effect on me is positive. I don't have friends out here. Ya'll are my soundboard and at times I think ya'll keep me sane-ish.

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For the most part guitar forums are pretty cool. I don't get to participate on this forum like I am able to on other forums like MLP, but overall the experience for me is a glass half empty. I find interacting in person about playing the guitar much more enjoyable, because I'm treated as a player, rather than some strict moderator that hurts someones itty-bitty feelings...LOL!!!


But there are two things I do enjoy immensely on this forum, and that's the guitar picture and member demo threads [thumbup] [thumbup]

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This is the only forum I use. I know I upset some people with things I say. But that's my opinion.

I find it's ok though. I see lots of friction on here, but it seems to get forgotten and the forum moves on.

I thought I knew quite a bit, but I've learnt a lot on here. So, if you need info or want exchange info. This is the place to come.

I do think though, when you've been on here for two years, you should get a free guitar from Gibson.

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I joined because I love Gibson guitars. And I discovered new music and bands (Graveyard for example) because of this forum. You guys are my cyber brothers (and sisters!).


I joined in Sept. 10'. I'll take my R9 now please. [biggrin]

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To me, the thing about forums, especially, guitar/music forums, is that it seems there is small handful of people that think they run the place, that they know everything, that they have the best, most expensive stuff, and if your opinion isn't their opinion, then it should be!

I used to be active on a guitar forum, and on a major pickup mfg forum. I wanted to share some of my knowledge gleaned from my 40+ years of experience in the biz, make a few friends, and keep up with current trends.

You really have to watch how you word things there- it seems that some of those folks are just waiting for someone to slip up, or word something a certain way- then you get chastised for it- and, if you don't agree with those certain folks, then you are outcast, made fun of, told to STFU, and generally treated like poo. Personally, I feel like they are mostly posers, that have no life, except to make other peoples lives miserable. If they spent as much time in on their instrument, as they did on those forums, they'd probably be awesome players. I have a degree in electronics, and one of the major idiots on there told me I didn't know what I was talking about-


The Gibson forum is the only place I've found where the majority of folks here are helpful, and truly interested in the guitar and music business.

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I had originally tried the Fender Forum when I got my strat. The impression I got after a few visits was the forum was clichish and I had the feeling that I, a non knowlegable low end player, did not fit in and treated like I was stupid. Here I feel more welcome and have learned quite a bit. My lack of knowledge is tolerated and when I do get dissed, it is in a polite way, showing me that people I don't know can be tolerant of those of us who are not guitar or music experts. Thanks gang!

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I joined here after purchasing my first Gibson acoustic. I purchased 7 or 8 more due to my participation here. But for this forum I likely would have stopped at 1 J45. The forum is an ingenious (or is it insidious?) marketing tool.



It is a fun place, though, with mostly nice folks and as Duane V said, I love looking at the pics of everyone's guitars.

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