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A forum's effect on you


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So I think we have it pretty darn good here. Good bunch of folks, not a lot of drama.


There's a Les Paul forum I joined when I bought that 1955 Les Paul, then it turned out to be stolen, blah blah blah, the story ended well for everyone but the point is that I was not received well over there for some reason and there seemed to be a huge amount of "attitude". I haven't been back. That's the magic of the internet (and radio and tv); we can turn it off or change channels.


I didn't care for that forum so I bailed. There are probably many Gibson type forums and if you don't like one, then you may like the next one. You'll find one that fits your tastes at some point.


Man, there's one forum, likely the only forum dedicated to one particualr brand of guitar, that I can't seem to fit into at all. I've been on there since 2003 and have made some friends but there's not a lot of traffic there and in fact there has been some serious bickering there lately. And one newbie came in and voiced his opinion, not really trolling but kinda edgy... they pretty much laid him out in lavender.


One of those forums where you kinda parse your own words and edit and edit and edit before you post, lest someone take offense or trip you with some detail. Not like here, you guys know just exactly how loose I am and know what to expect, so if I come up with something random, you just 'consider the source".


So this other unnamed forum and it's less-than-cheerful demeanor makes me almost enjoy ownership of that particular brand less. It shouldn't be that way but there's an association there.


Sad. All forums should be like this one.

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I am thankful for how clean and civil this board is even if at times I wonder why certain threads get dinged for coloring too heavily outside the lines. The lack of trolls and flaming makes it worth it.

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Ive never even been on the other forums.. I wanted Gibson information so I came here and stayed cos it was fun (mostly :P)..


Not meaning to kiss anyones butt or anything :) but id say its this way cos its modded this way. We all know how quick a thread will be shut down if it gets too full on or religious or political.. Which is good cos this isnt the place for such arguments.. there are plenty of other web sites and forums for that. And we still have plenty of other things to argue about :P :)


And by the looks of it this way of doing things seems to work.. [thumbup]

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I have to say 3 or 4 years ago it was more entertaining but a lot more frustrating than it is now. It was just too easy to get drawn into controversial subjects.


Some of it would be in good fun but often it became personal. Most of that group got banned or moved on to other forums but for a while everyday was a soap opera.

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Actually if you also look at the Epi forum you'll find a largely different bunch - a batch of Aussies who pay far more for an Epi than we do in the US - who are great "blokes" too.


On occasion I've thought threads were cut too quickly...


But... then I was raised from around age 10 or so in a home where politics, religion and philosophical questions were argued by intent at the dinner table to sharpen our minds. We were to consider how we would frame logic and rhetoric on a given subject. In fact, sometimes we'd switch sides by intent.


So... yeah, I figure I'm a lot less sensitive than most. Also, since I still am writing for a living, I find it an interesting and fun diversion regardless of topic since it usually gets me away from "real life" and into a diverse batch of folks who are from a similar culture but with quite different backgrounds.


Here... the general atmosphere over the past year or two is a lot easier to work with and more about "whatta yah think of this guitar" as opposed to "That lying cheat of a politician."


I will add this though, learned through long experience, what most people think they know about politics and government usually is only marginally true.


And... "we" as a culture have a cupla generations to really learn how to use our "communication devices" to our best interests and share of amusement time as opposed to entirely time wasters when we should be face to face with folks or playing guitar. I think it may make an even greater and yet similarly seldom-mentioned change in society than the electric home refrigerator.



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Some may think it's too slow paced, but... sheesh, I've enjoyed watching you and some of the other young guys grow just from what you write here. And it's given me some insight into how today's "younger generation" thinks about a lotta stuff. It's all pretty good if you're here to learn, I think.



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It's had it's ups and downs but it's given me a place to hang for the past 5 years or so... I didn't even know how to play guitar when I joined but I bought a killer cherry sunburst Les Paul Classic and needed some guidance. I'm glad I found this place... [thumbup]

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I didn't even have a computer until 2000. I never wanted one which is all off topic it was all those www.com add's on TV that bugged me so I'd make up my own names www.---------.com.


I got on one site because I was dealing with some old fender amps and needed an idea how to repair my own I still go there now and then, one fellow there owned a amp repair shop in Texas and was the first to come on to answer me and offer to send me the few parts as long as sent the few dollars they cost him. I got to know him quite well yet he passed away in 2009 so it hasn't been quite the same since then. There were three other sites that dealt with amps of any kind. One I was one for a while and then came back a year later and asked one simple question and was hammered most all telling me I probably didn't build the amps right or didn't know what I was doing and the question had nothing to do with the amp not working , it was not until I posted photo's that they laid off I never want back.


I came across this site because I had some issues with a Epi AJ 100 and talking to the gibson tech was refered here.


I really have not been here long enough to get to know anyone , so far people do seem friendly enough here even with simple questions . This is all to say I haven't been bashed here.

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I am glad that this forum is as heavily monitored as it is.

In the past there have been burst of melodrama, but they are usually dealt with swiftly.

I have been on several different forums, all of varied interest over the years, and this one by far is the most civilized/relatively well mannered.

A lot of that has to do with the fact we have member moderators that accept and enforce the forum policies, firmly and fairly.

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Laugh at this one if you will, but...


I've used computers since the '70s for word processing, etc., but didn't get the Internet until around '97 or '98 when I hadda have email to work as an officer with two history organizations.


Still questioned it was worthwhile 'til I needed to know how to replace a wax seal on a toilet. I got the answer quickly and easily complete to illustrations.


This is a good forum for similar guitar (thank heaven non potty) info on working on our guitars. Do a search for the DIY setup that I think is still somewhere on the Epi forum side of things. It's incredible. And there are oceans of other info opportunities.


I think this forum is good for a less technical bit of feedback since some of us are light-string pickers, some heavy string pickers, some wild rockers, some former wild rockers playing other stuff... <grin> It's pretty much all good.



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I enjoy things here and the folks are good people. I will admit, and agree with Milo, that I sometimes like the MILD sniping and controversy too. You know bland food ranks right up there with "Ratty tast'n peaches" in my book. To much of the Ozzy & Harriett talk on the forums gets to be rather bland like the food. Spices and sometimes hot spices liven things up. [biggrin] It's just when people don't have their big boy & girl underpants on and want to leave the sandbox crying when their beliefs or feelings get hurt that is a shame. I don't know where they grew up but they hadd'a lived on "Sesame Street" I recon. [rolleyes]



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Laugh at this one if you will, but...


I've used computers since the '70s for word processing, etc., but didn't get the Internet until around '97 or '98 when I hadda have email to work as an officer with two history organizations.


Still questioned it was worthwhile 'til I needed to know how to replace a wax seal on a toilet. I got the answer quickly and easily complete to illustrations.


This is a good forum for similar guitar (thank heaven non potty) info on working on our guitars. Do a search for the DIY setup that I think is still somewhere on the Epi forum side of things. It's incredible. And there are oceans of other info opportunities.


I think this forum is good for a less technical bit of feedback since some of us are light-string pickers, some heavy string pickers, some wild rockers, some former wild rockers playing other stuff... <grin> It's pretty much all good.




Thanks Milod: right after I read the part about the toilet suddenly my girlfriend came running out and the valve that shuts off the water inside the tank wouldn't shut off so i had to run down and buy a new one and the valve that shuts off the water to the toilet on the wall does not work so i had to shut of the enitre old apt buildings water supply. Now it works yet I forget in a rsu to get a new pipe from the valve to the toilet tank valve and it's as old as Ben Franklin. so now I have to worry about that all night till I get another tomarrow and then it's sat and everyone will be home so i will keep it right near just in case I need to rush out at 2am and shut of the water and replace that.

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You folk don't piss me off as most people do [flapper]


In all seriousness, I stay around a forum for the community, and you guys are a fine lot! Urbane, well written (and read), and... in possession of some drool worthy guitars.


And who gives a flying f___ if other people don't like it? They can mess about elsewhere, so long as I like it here... I'll be browsing, and perhaps posting.


I'm not the oldest of members, I stumbled in at some point in the Homz v Neo days... but hell, I stuck around for a reason didn't I?


You guys...



On point, making one more enthusiastic or discouraged really depends on the crowd, you guys I find tend to do more of the former.

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This is an interesting place, and quite welcoming - a nice thing Gibson has provided for the exchange of guitar geek info, collections, history, playing tips, opinions, and all sorts of interaction between pros and amatuers alike, and most of the time there is always respect. But... I used to own three Martins, and no Gibsons, and now I have two Martins, two Gibsons, with a 3rd Gibson (custom) on the way. Please pass the kool-aid...


Fun place to be, nice crowd, even learned a few new songs.

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