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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. A ‘79 Martin should have a non adjustable rod. 1985 was the first time Martin installed adjustable ones.
  2. The D-35 got 1/4 bracing cause the 28 had 5/8 bracing and they didn’t want them to sound similar. I saw Chris IV talk about it in a video on their site. Plus with lighter bracing the top can vibrate more. Unlike glueing huge p/g’s to the top that some company does.
  3. The J-35 shape is Advance Jumbo vs the J-45 which the shape called J-45. The J-35 bracing is Traditional hand-scalloped Advanced X-bracing, red spruce braces with hide glue vs the J-45 which the bracing is Traditional hand-scalloped X-bracing, red spruce braces with hide glue. So that must be the rub.
  4. Gibson is the master of rolling a clue into an enigma, then turning it into a puzzle, and then wrapping it with a bow, and a ton of doubt.
  5. But if you have covered pups (not sure if you do or not) you will have to unsolder/solder where the cover gets soldered.
  6. One guy on Verb had his '71 listed at 14k then dropped it back to 9k. Its been there for 7 months, so you do the math?
  7. Sgt. Pepper


    Nice score, now go rock some Lights Out on that.
  8. The one with Freddie Mercury wasn’t half bad. RIP QE2
  9. How much did Gilmour’s guitars go for at auction? Lots. How much did Cobain’s D-18 go for. A heap ton of cash too, and that’s what people paid for them. But those guitars were owned and played by them. Yours is your guitar with his sig on it. That may be the difference.
  10. I always wished Ringo didn't sing. And he most certainly is the worst singer in The Beatles. At least he didn't get a song on M M T, Hard Day's Night or L I B
  11. It’s one of the standing jokes in the music industry. And it reportedly came from the mouth of John Lennon himself: “Ringo wasn’t the best drummer in the world… Let’s face it, he wasn’t even the best drummer in The Beatles”
  12. Ringo is not mediocre, he’s just not Neil Peart. No one was. He’s was what they needed in the beginning. Keep the back beat. Once none of them had to worry about girls deafening screams any more Ringo could actually play a nice full or two. The drums on Come Together sound so cool.
  13. How is that simpler than changing 2 solder connections? Don’t the stings need to come off, then messing with the magnets inside the pup? And unsoldering where the cover is grounding the pup?
  14. The intro to that kicks my a-ss when I go back to relearn it. Beatles stuff is not your basic 3 chord open cowboy chord songs. I think since those guys had no formal music training, that there was no music theory stuff they needed to be concerned about. You can't play that chord is not in the right key.
  15. Explorers are killer. They are gigantic, and the balancing on them is killer. No neck dive at all.
  16. That is the text book definition of Greed.
  17. Dig deep cause it ain't gonna be cheap.
  18. You can never be out of phase on just one pup, you need two. Can't you connect just ONE of the pups leads backwards and its out of phase when the selector switch is in the middle (both) position?
  19. Every-time I go back to San Jose I recognize it less and less. The Tech Giants destroyed San Jose. It has turned into a stale backdrop for Google and Ebay and Adobe. I don't understand how people can afford to move there unless you are big baller rich.
  20. Ah the much loved LP 100 crayon signature on the h/s, and does that have the hologram of Les on the back of the head stock?
  21. When ever I got a new Martin those were usually on them. They are not bad. I hated coated strings till I tried the D'ad XS. I put 11's on the 00 and 000's and 12's on the Dread. 13's are for guys with hands like SRV.
  22. I will sit on the edge of my seat until that time and place.
  23. Is luck really the right word. Is your Ping putter in there?
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