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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Do some research and see how horrible of a human being he was. He made some great music and f ed many people over in his wake. He's clean now, but CSN and Y will never sing in the same room ever again due to him.
  2. Metallica covered and ruined one of his songs like they always do when doing a cover.
  3. What is coming through the door next while the wife has her back turned Steve? Rick Nielsen must be getting jealous.
  4. GHS I never tried and D'addario I use now and then. I think I have a set of there coated 10 - 47's on my 12er. I have a few packs of coated 6 string sets I bought a while back to try.
  5. I just looked there is one with a guy fly fishing on it. Yeah they should have had Croz smoking weed or blowing his nose. It would have been fitting. Croz won't be caught dead playing with that, he couldn't get enough in trade for blow. I like the fact that he is playing a D-45 on a D-16.
  6. The rioting is getting way beyond stupid. It hasn't solved anything yet. I don't know how to express myself so I'll throw a brick.
  7. I'm not tired of not physically going to work, but what I'm tired of is no concerts.
  8. I tried Mapes electric and acoustic strings, and they did nothing for me.
  9. People that make a product will tell you that you do, and others who play may say you don't. I'm sure there was a time when there was no such thing for guitars and they managed.
  10. These two should have CFM IV's head examined before letting them out the door. The weed one is funny, but it had a funny price to - 3k.
  11. I just went online and did a little looking, and some people say that Gibson has their own plant in Elgin, Illinois some people claim that GHS makes strings for Gibson. Who knows. I do believe on their packs of strings they do say they're made in the USA.
  12. Steve Morse is the s-hit. Saw him once with The Dregs, after they dropped Dixie from their name, then 3 times solo. When I saw him he always played that weird Franken-Tele that he had. Friends don't let friends buy blue guitars.
  13. Relayer is a close second. How stoned do you have to be to write the lyrics A seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace and rearrange your liver to the solid mental grace.
  14. Yes - Close To the Edge The prog rock masterpiece. I listened to it in 5.1 surround sound today. Not one bad note played. Squire fukin make that Ric his b-itch.
  15. Yes interaction can be good sometimes. I do miss people bringing in doughnuts for our morning tag up meeting.
  16. I'm working from home too, and I do not miss the office. At the office I can't go grab a guitar and strum it for a bit and let my brain relax, and then go back to what I'm doing. And I never have to wait for a bathroom that is occupied. And the commute takes me absolutely no time at all.
  17. I know Todd Rundgren was with him. His bands are definitely All Stars.
  18. Saw Paul in 2015. I would go see Ringo in a heartbeat. He came a few years ago. I think I was on nights that week.
  19. I most certainly can but every time I make a comment about The Beatles you have to come at me with some s-hit of how great Ringo is. I understand his significance in rock and roll history and how good of a drummer he is. I don't need to hear it anymore from you.
  20. There is this too. https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0zErJyckuMsoxYPSSSi7KLC5WSC7KB5JF-Tk5mXnpCsUl-XmpxQA6DA82&q=criss+cross+rolling+stones&oq=criss+cross+ro&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46j0.11120j1j9&client=ms-android-att-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  21. I was there and it was him. He wore a hat so it was hard to tell. That place is long gone. I think it's a Walmart now.
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