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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Not from Gibson. A NEW guitar you buy will come with a check list with all the specs written in by the QA person who signs off on it. The place you buy it from my offer a free set up as an incentive with the purchase, but mostly not. Learn to do your own and you never have to pay someone to do it again.
  2. I didn't see he bought it from a friend. Maybe not anymore. Maybe his friend knew - maybe not. I'm suspecting he did. I've only owned 2 new Gibby's. A 335 and LP Studio. I have had to use my warrenty on my D-28 when I opened my case one day and the back of the bridge didn't look right.
  3. If you have ever seen the show The Price Is Right, I'll go $101.
  4. Said you measured at the 7th fret that is right. Do you have relief or not. With your TR completely loose it is like not having a TR and the guitar should have the most relief it is ever going to have in standard tuning with the gauge of stings you have on. If you were to put on heavier strings with the TR completely loose it would bow more. My advice is take it to a luthier and not Guitar Center. You may have a saddle issue, high fret(s), a nut issue, a truss rod issue, warped or twisted neck, ect. Just because the guitar is new doesn't mean it can't have a problem. Case in point your new guitar.
  5. I have a Fender J bass neck that I took off my bass cuz it was warped and needed replacing. I hang it on my wall for art. I pity someone if they ever get smacked with it if they walk in my house cuz it's a mean piece of maple. Oh I forgot 9 small mm's of lead will hurt too.
  6. If you tighten the truss rod and it got worse. You need to loosen it. But you may need a new but if the slots are too deep. Is this a brand new guitar or just new (but used) to you. Take a look at a YouTube video on how to check relief in the neck you need to put a capo on the first fret and go to the 14th fret on every string, then push that down and every string you should be able to push to down a little bit midway. About the 7th or 8th fret. Your nut only affects 6 notes. The open ones. Once you fret any note on that string the nut slot is out of the picture. Let's say you fret the high e string on the 12th fret and you're still buzzing the nut and frets 1 through 11 have no bearing on that note. You would have an issue with frets 13 - 20.
  7. And he dug up her grave and made a cage with her bones. Excitable boy they all said. 👍
  8. I have an ebony Am Std J. Nice.
  9. Tony say loosening the truss rod puts more bow in the neck. Makes sense cause the strings are now doing the work The picture of the 3 guitar necks 3 post back says if you have forward bow turn the TR counter clockwise (loosen). Aren't they contradicting each other? Or does clockwise not mean tighten? Least I checked left (CCW) is loose and right (CW) is tight. Or am I missing something?
  10. They are all zombie threads. 5 people today are gonna start threads on J-45's, garenteed.
  11. I didn't see it. I do now. I failed.
  12. Electric - '78 or 9 Gibson "The Paul" Acoustic - '80 or 1 Ovation. Don't know what model. This is the only non USA made guitar I've ever owned. The electric was my very first though.
  13. Now I'm gonna say $2500. Hope you can send it back.
  14. So he is already in for the price of what he paid for the guitar, and what do you think the kind, loving, generous people at Gibson are going to charge him for a new neck, removing the neck, reinstalling a new one, more than likely some refinish work, and shipping both ways. $1000 + easy. Yeah he could dump it on someone else. If it was 'the one', he would not be here telling us this, he would be playing it, and it would have been a NGD with a happy ending. I couldn't find any 335 necks for sale cause there are not like Fenders where, 4 screws and 3 minuets later your neck is off.
  15. That Mark guy does it the best with his leather jacket and Chuck Taylor's. He's so iconic.
  16. Love the back of the headstock and neck.
  17. Just finished side 1 of Stranded. I've never heard it before. 👍
  18. Those are the demo rules - you sit down or no demo.
  19. Hands down Thailand, PI is #2. My ship went to Australia after got transferred. That one hurt.
  20. I know I went back there a few years ago and did work on a USNS when I was a Navy contractor for a fire alarm company I worked for. It was good to eat real lumpia and drink Red Horse again. And shockingly...I know you are not going to believe this but a nice young lady asked it she could give me a massage. When I said no thanks, she told me she would give me a good massage. Well why didn't you tell me it was a good one the first time you propositioned me. I still said no. I do not need to go into a hotel room and 10 minuets after I'm there have the PI police bust down the door, and tell me I'm with an underage girl, and if you give us 3000 pesos we will let you go, or you can come with us to jail.
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