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Everything posted by SteveFord

  1. Even the exhaust note of the FedEx truck is iconic. I fail to see how it could be otherwise. As long as it's not an empty box I'll be happy!
  2. FedEx tracking is both a blessing and a curse. Is it true that tomorrow never comes?
  3. Yesterday I removed a decade's worth of grunge on my 335 with good results. Painter's tape over the pick ups, light scrub with 0000 steel wool, medium scrape with a credit card edge, vacuum up debris, lemon oil coating and the buff off after a few minutes with an old gym sock (formerly owned by Carl Zappa and still damp).
  4. I'm surprised nobody mentioned The Real Frank Zappa Book. That's not a bad read.
  5. You know you're getting old when... RIP, Mr. Van Halen.
  6. Cleaned the fretboard on the 335 with Witch's Pubes (0000 Grade Steel Wool), scraped it with a credit card as well, hit it with lemon oil - much, much better than new. Also have a box on its way. With any luck it won't show up empty!
  7. Worked another 12 hour day and then the wife and I got flu shots. Exciting stuff! I've been drooling over a 335 on Facebook Marketplace so decided to dig mine out of storage and play it for a bit. Not nearly as handsome or fancy but it'll do.
  8. My first car was a 67 289 automatic. That's the only car I owned that I miss, that thing could REALLY do burnouts! It was a lot of fun.
  9. Nope. Cord from guitar into amplifier. That's about as high tech as I get.
  10. 1.69" and the only way I know that is because I went here: https://www.gibson.com/Guitar/USAM1U838/Flying-V/Antique-Natural The neck on the V and Explorer feel identical to me. Fairly slim (but not where's the neck slim) and really low action is possible. Low frets, no stickiness to the back and the rosewood is slick feeling. Really easy to play, that's for sure. My limited experience with the newer Gibson USA models is they're all like that. So what am I doing? Struggling with a 2007 Explorer every day which has the heel of the neck way too fat to get above the 17th fret without taking your thumb way off the neck. I figure if I can get the hang on this one I'll have it made. Nearly 5 months later and I'm making progress. The new SG Standard is pretty nice, too. Shop around a little bit and they're not all that expensive.
  11. If you have big hands the 50s should work well for you.
  12. I could picture Uncle Fester with a Flying V...
  13. I think you're right about the owner glueing it on there.
  14. I have a new SG Standard, it's fine. The only thing it needs is a real case, that Golf Club thing doesn't do it for me.
  15. Oh, sure. Lucille, for one. The neck is gigantic and it weighs a ton but I had to have one when they first came out and still have one to this day.
  16. SteveFord


    Now is the time to buy a car, all right. Congratulations! Say, are you a mail man? They put the steering wheel in the passenger seat.
  17. No first hand experience but 355=ebony to me.
  18. Sea snakes won't bother you unless you pick up a beached one. Dug out the old Guild D4-NT to take some pics for some hoser who threatened to buy it (he vanished) and played it a little bit. I'm told that scalloped back really DOES cause it to project a bit.... Nice guitar, I should start playing it a bit more. Feels weird after two years of solid body electrics, kind of feel like I should be wearing a fez and some sort of ethnic garb.
  19. New addition to the household. Mom is finally happy again. and here's a dog photo bombing a selfie.
  20. Iconasm - what you have in your shorts when you buy a new Gibson. Boy, that's a pretty guitar.
  21. Expensive but probably worth it. I gave up and will be returning the wireless one. Might as well spend the money elsewhere, that shouldn't be too hard to do. Breaking in that little Origin 20, right now it sounds pretty pathetic but it's also right out of the box. I'll report back after it's had a 100 hours or so on it.
  22. Worked all day, lost my bid on a guitar (who cares), fed snakes, lizards and tortoises, checked out guitars for sale online and took a shower. I finally had enough and lopped off a year's worth of hair growth. Not the most artistic hair cut in the world but I sure feel better. Even on blood thinners my head was too hot. Oh yeah, ordered another Roland cord. That cheapie wireless doohickey is okay for far away but up close to the amp I don't think I'll use it.
  23. Did you ever hit an ironwood tree with a hatchet? Not recommended!
  24. I'm not buying this one or even considering it. Once I started looking at the pictures it was what are you, nuts? $3700 or something crazy like that.
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