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Everything posted by Tman

  1. Although I'm not driving LA freeways these days, my wife drove the 51 miles from Malibu to Torrance 2 weeks ago to close her office down. She made it in 45 minutes! Typically 2+ hours with traffic.
  2. Neither am I and to boot, my back won't tolerate it.
  3. Hotel California. Yes cliche'. We are planning to do the annual Arkansas Alzheimer's benefit gig on August 1st. I highly doubt it will happen. If I don't have immunity by then and there is no effective treatment or a vaccine then I won't make the trip. I have been assigned Don Felder's parts and the other guitar player (whom I've played with going back to our teenage years in 1977) will play Joe Walsh's parts. We're using a you tube live video to know which is which. I don't have a double neck but I do have a MIM Fender XII. I figure I'll put that on a stand and have my LP around my neck and do it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUGmtGA4gHI
  4. I'm so sorry that you experienced that Ray. I say please keep your chin up and know that this too shall pass.
  5. I saw that. He's gone through 2 cancer scares and he unfortunately contracted this. On a ventilator. Prey for a turn around.
  6. Amazing collection Krashpad. The checkerboard one is epileptogenic however if one stares too long. What is it? I don't see pickups (or anything on the face). I'm at work today. The place is deserted.
  7. So unfortunately I probably never will. I want to play one because it was my birth year and importantly, it was the first year made with my all time favorite neck profile. I learned recently that that year there were 3 profiles with the last being the one I'm talking about. Pippy, I am certain, could tell me a bunch more.
  8. You can import to imgur (free image hosting site). Then right click (or control click on Mac) and choose copy image address. Paste it on to the reply window here et voila. Thanks for these and please keep em coming
  9. I would love to play a 1960 Burst LP.
  10. The problem with this virus is that it strikes some healthy individuals even young and a moderate amount of 40-50 year olds who have no pre existing illness and are otherwise healthy. It hits some hard and causes an acute respiratory distress syndrome requiring ventilation. Many of these folks are dying. Overall in the population it may not be as bad but if you are one of those unfortunate folks it's a different story. It may be genetic predisposition to having an immune response explaining why only some get it. No one at this time is sure if they are predisposed. I sure as hell don't want to take the chance. Immune response may explain the effectiveness of chloroquine which is an anti malarial and also used for rheumatoid arthritis - a well known disease caused by an immunological response. I read a lot about the hantavirus last year when I was exposed moving into temporary housing. Many people who get have no problem, just a flu like illness. Some require ECMO (extra corporeal membrane oxygenation - essentially a lung bypass). Physicians are discussing the possible use of ECMO now for corona virus. Corona virus is possibly similar to hantavirus in clinical behavior.
  11. He's a great teacher. I saw a solo teaching video that he did back in the early to mid 90's. Our band plays Tie Your Mother Down and the solo was never quite right until that video. Great stuff. Glad musicians are remaining active during this crisis. Great time to work on chops.
  12. Grandiose aspirations along these lines I have (sound like Yoda with the verb at the end). Go back to the 1890's to Linz, Austria and find a way to steer Hitler in a different direction. Then I would still make sure my Mom and Dad met in France in 1945 so I would still be born later. Appear along the border of Central Park with a baseball bat on December 8th, 1980 in time to stop Lennon's assassination. Find who won the big Powerball a few years ago and buy the ticket myself. You know, little selfish things like that.
  13. Tman


    Very nice! FZ Fan/Sgt. Pepper beat me to the Townsend reference. You gotta windmill that thing
  14. Didn't realize he is from Little Rock, my home town. He's done so much with the wrecking crew. Must have been a blast.
  15. A couple thousand here in California. Increasing exponentially in the steep portion of the curve headed upwards. I am still going in to work (healthcare). Close to running out of PPE supplies. Staying at home and or keeping distance when venturing out is really key from what I can see. Hopefully the majority of folks will avoid contracting the virus until an effective vaccine is developed. Those who don't get the virus of course won't have immunity so a vaccine or effective treatment is key. Those that get COVID-19 in the US still have a good chance of beating it if not elderly or with preexisting illness. Stay safe everyone.
  16. Wife and I took a hike this morning before the rain (it's pouring now) and before any people would be ion the trail. We saw 4 or 5 and kept our distance and had an antiseptic spray impregnated scarf around our mouths. Then came home and we did some yard work (weeds have grown up all in the temporary driveway so we moved the driveway). Then we cooked all afternoon. Neither of us are drinking right now, amazing how much energy we have.
  17. He can and he did. I guess I won't be going to work. Outpatient services aren't essential. Going to be like Italy. Very serious.
  18. Funny but we ordered some frozen seafood from Costco with alaskan crab legs. Only thing available on their website. Grocery stores are shelf empty here.
  19. sitting at my desk with zero work to do. Eerie. No one is coming in. Things are changing exponentially very rapidly.
  20. You sir are my inspiration, thank you! Dammit I will keep it up. My main goal was to lose weight. I've lost 6 pounds in just over 2 weeks. Pretty hard to do at my age. Very best to you and to everyone on this forum. It is definitely a place of refuge for me, especially in this insane time. I honestly feel like we're in a sci fi movie.
  21. Things are pretty miserable today my wife's business looks like it will close indefinitely because she deals with kids and there are 2 cases of virus in schools there and kids are turning out to be carriers. I have no PACS at home so I have to go into work and be around coughing patients. I am trying like the dickens to reduce risk by washing hands etc. Picked a bad time to stop drinking which I may give up if I am weak. In all of this, I am trying to maintain a sense of humor. With that in mind, I give you these.
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