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Everything posted by Tman

  1. I love that idea (Firebird) and as happy as she is right now I could probably slip it by! I'll post photos. Right now it is a semi excavated plot from the demo. A lot of dog poop which I need to clean up this weekend. I'm actually looking forward to it. Thanks jdgm! My resolve is dissolving quickly. I was going to wait until the 26th (trying to do a month at a time) but what the hey, I think you're right!
  2. 1977 Arkansas 2011 a birthday party. Zebrawood Strat
  3. About a hundred miles. Luckily there is a lack of fuel at our place so we should be somewhat protected but maybe not. Apparently the current fire is the largest in L.A. County history.
  4. Not guitar related and not the center of anyone's universe except me and my wife. It's been 709.047548 days since the fire, that I've complained about on this forum, that took our material possessions (most of them anyway) - L.A. County's Woolsey Fire of November 9th, 2018. Trying to get a permit has been pure hell. The last year and 11 months have certainly been stressful. Fire rebuilds were supposed to be expedited. 709 days seems long to me. A ban on gading (first step to building a house) goes into effect Thursday 10/15/20 and is in effect until April 15th, 2021 (rainy season in California). If we didn't get our permit by noon today we would have had to wait until April to start because of the time it takes to get it done. Apparently they are very strict in enforcing the ban. Since about last summer, I have been experiencing the psychological phenomenon of "Learned Helplessness". I'm the electrically shocked dog in the experiment. If not familiar, look it up, not kidding. Antidepressants are a good thing, at least temporarily. One county official, a woman supervisor that bonded with my wife, took us under her wings and got it done at the last minute even though she was off today. We got the permit at 10:02 A.M. (the math at the beginning of the post should be pretty close). Psychologically I feel like a balloon that was filled to capacity and let go. Why am I posting here? I don't do other social media (not a judgment on anyone but me). btw still not drinking although I thought about it for tonight but am working until 9 so the wife unit and I are going to forgo. Cheers anyway, Phillip btw Milod (RIP) taught me to space any long post so people will read it. He was in the journalism business.
  5. I was playing in a band (late high school) when I heard the first album. The other guitar player called me up and said hey I have this new album I'll bring to the lake (weekend trip). You gotta hear this guy. We were constantly b!tching about disco which we played a lot of because that was popular. Listening to something new and not Lynryd Skynard or Molly Catsh!t was pretty damn exciting. We had a portable record player and he said listen to this (Eruption). We were both speechless (and clueless). Thus began an era. It's been very sad to think about his death not only because it was him, an icon guitar player, but also selfishly because it means the passing of another era associated with my youth. RIP Eddy
  6. It's the whole reason why we didn't just say screw it and move on after the fire (as well as we would be completely upside down on the mortgage). 😠 Thanks for asking jdgm.
  7. Recent sunset. Note vegetation is coming back!
  8. Retired I would have been instantly celibate at that moment had I done that. I was faculty at a work conference in 1995 at a meeting at the Ritz Carlton in Rancho Mirage California eating the provided buffet. I just met the songwriter for the TV show Bonanza and the song Que Sera Sera (Mr. Livingston). His wife (about 45 years younger than he was - my guess) was standing next to me at the buffet table and she said, "Excuse me but you still have the Ross Clearance sticker on your pants." It was in front of everyone there and loud enough to hear it. I looked down and sure enough a florescent pink Ross (discount store) Clearance sticker was there - one of those long ones that goes half way down the leg. I said, "10 years ago I would have been mortified, now it's just funny, don't you think?" She didn't crack a smile and just walked off.
  9. Why does that matter? Because you have already told everyone that you are a physician and therefore what you are saying about our complicated societal condition carries more weight? Getting the guy to admit to being less than an MD will let you put your neck over his since your tail chasing and urinating comments fell a bit flat? Belittling and bullying people who disagree with you wasn't part of my Medical School curriculum. There are better and more effective ways of letting people see your point of view if you have ultimate truth behind you. It's a freaking guitar forum by the way.
  10. Gigs have been my motivation and more specifically not wanting to embarrass myself and also not let the other bandmates down. Sounds nauseagenic but true. Speaking of, the Alzheimer's Arkansas gig that I play every year was officially cancelled today. It was scheduled for August 1st. Things keep getting pushed back. I remember a few months ago when the folks involved in a meeting scheduled for this week said there was no way things wouldn't be back to normal by now. To your original point, I was playing a lot last week but haven't played in a few days and now just don't feel like playing. Guitar has always been my refuge. It will be again. Just an extraordinarily weird time right now.
  11. All such good stuff! Sparky one of my favs is one you mentioned atet a lot of folks haven't heard. I heard it 2 days ago. Jeff Lynne - Armchair Theater Well my wife and I have been trying to exercise the last 3 days. I typically walk around Westlake but she's wanted to go with me and she doesn't like Westlake, she likes to hike on trails. I wanted her to go with me so we tried some interesting variations. The backbone trail is closed. We went through our neighbors private property entrance (with permission) and as soon as we hit county trail, we got busted. The ranger couldn't have been nicer but that's the end of that. Then we tried a part of Mulholland (Tom Petty - Free Falling) that has been closed after the fire. Going great and our one very friendly dog was off leash and a guy came hauling arse down the hill and got completely pissed off because he was off leash. My wife was aghast. There are signs everywhere that say at your own risk bikes and walkers and the road is closed. I said to him, "Hey the rules don't apply to you? You were going way faster than 15 mph and our dog is not a threat." Then I said ferk off". Actually made me feel better and my wife loved it so hey, juvenile aggression paid off.
  12. Here is a good non emotional and also cogent article on the subject. He's neither a scientist nor physician, just a smart successful guy. I figure one of the hardest things to do is to make make accurate predictions. If one could have gone back 1,000 years with the knowledge of Guns, Germs, and Steel it would be a vastly different world. https://www.gatesnotes.com/Health/Pandemic-Innovation?WT.mc_id=20200423060000_Pandemic-Innovation_BG-EM_&WT.tsrc=BGEM
  13. Don't stop believin' I know I don't like Journey either but I am learning songs for an Alzheimer's benefit concert hopefully to be held August 1st and our drummer's wife really wants us to play this song. Neal Schon ain't no slouch. Gonna be a tough song to pull off I think but should be really great if we do.
  14. Civil disobedience with blatant disregard for social distancing recommendations?
  15. I loved it. Especially the Firebird with the non reverse headstock.
  16. Incredibly tough time Todd, very sorry to hear that and best wishes to you and your family.
  17. Ian Hunter, Ian Hunter. Damn what a great album.
  18. I flew from California to Arkansas the weekend of January 27th for my Mom's funeral and got sick from my niece who was very sick and coughed all over everyone. When I got back home I had a fever and a strange dry cough that lasted weeks. The febrile illness lasted only 2-3 days. I tested positive for influenza A. I have thought about the possibility that it might have been the corona virus and it cross reacted, however at the time it was firmly believed that we were at low to zero risk unless we had traveled to Wuhan or was close to someone who had. I then flew to Fiji for my 60th birthday in mid February with a trace of a residual cough. I may haven typhoid Phillip for all I know. Hope not.
  19. Would be cool. I've worked at an outpatient center in Tempe but never a hospital in AZ. Know a lot of folks who have, just not guitar players. If you're ever out to LA!.....
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