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Everything posted by Tman

  1. Dealing with the cancellation of most of the work conferences that I have something to do with this spring. Very disappointing. Never been to Ireland and really want to go.
  2. Day 8 and going strong! A march of a thousand miles begins with but a single step. or something along those lines...
  3. I saw the same add and think it is a very cool guitar. I played a MIM Cabronita a few years back and really loved it. If I wasn't in danger of having my cajones squished in a vice grip for getting another guitar, I would get one for sure. 😅
  4. Tman

    Band life

    I've been tolerating stupidity my whole life...unfortunately my own. I'm a bit jelly RCT in that I would love to be in a band again. Life has been disrupted over the last year but I would still love it. I, like you, would prefer key, bass, a drummer, and a singer to play with. Black Squirrel could get together again and maybe will happen. Evryone else plays in other bands making practice somewhat difficult. Best to you in your quest to find band happiness. At least you'll be playing it sounds like.
  5. Rabs love that guitar and I too loved admiring the builds through those threads
  6. I'm one of the guys that started young and have been playing for a long time (with a 20 year hiatus in there). I have found that performing with a band in front of people is the best way to get as good as you want to be fast. Reason being is that in order to perform up to whatever your standards are, you have to get ready which means practice both on your own and with the band. If you want to do it then you automatically have high enough standards to get it done. Like anything you want to accomplish, the best way to do well is to constantly or at least frequently be thinking about it (exposure and repetition).
  7. Guitar center has been so good to me since the fire in 2018. They give me a friends and family discount on everything I get from them and will continue to do so. They have given me some free stuff (strings, a capo, glass slide). They started here in Westlake Village and their service center is in the next block from where I work. I don't want to like big box stores but they didn't have to do anything that they did for the few of us fire victims. (we are being told to call ourselves survivors, not victims as if it is embracing the victim mentality). I hope you get a lot of work from them. Johnson City is nice. My cousin lives there and was a professor at ETSU. I had a great experience there in 1982 when I stayed for a month studying with him for my big entrance exam.
  8. Thanks for the encouragement! Day 3! I do feel better and slept better. I did some genetic testing for my ancestry but also health recommendations. The predictions of how I handle types of foods as well as stress were remarkably accurate. All the way down to predictions of ease of soft tissue injuries (lumbar discs). Says I should concentrate on polyunsaturated fats like fish and walnuts. Guess what's for dinner tonight? We'll see how it goes and if I can lose and maintain easier..
  9. Thanks! So far so good but admittedly only 2 days.😏
  10. Began my 2nd day of no drinking. All of March and maybe later until I drop 18 pounds. Wish me luck. I can say I slept well and woke up feeling better than I have in a long time. I'm doing it with my wife and keyboard player bandmate.
  11. Well done! I started at age 12, 48 years ago. My parents were very encouraging. Also I saw how popular the Beatles were and I thought it might be my hope of getting a date when I reached the age.
  12. Flew back from Fiji to California today. Landed 10 hours before I took off. Pretty cool.
  13. Celebrated my 60th birthday yesterday. Went scuba diving for the first time in my life. Loved it. Saw some outstanding coral reefs and fish, like out of a National Geographic show. I'm hooked.
  14. Today I took a scuba diving lesson for the first time in my life. I am still so excited. What an experience. Tuesday we will go for real and swim along a coral reef and maybe see sharks. Even snorkeling is amazing here. It's summertime (equivalent to our August in the northern hemisphere). Hot, humid, and fantastic. Been a great way to spend the last days of my 50s and welcome in the 60s.
  15. OK Fixed it. Traveled to Fiji for my 60th birthday next Wednesday. Here is the beach at the hotel. Amazing. Here is a mountain ridge called The Sleeping Giant. See the Giant? Me driving on the "wrong" side of the road. Commonwealth nation and all that:
  16. Mistake. Celebrating my 60th in Fiji. Tried to post some photos like I did before with imgur but didn't work. :-(
  17. Best eBay description I have ever read.
  18. Really nice, congrats. Love a white strat with a Maple neck.
  19. 😂 If you look at videos of coyote behavior, he is classic. He was extremely skittish when we got him. He had been returned to the shelter twice by people that said he was too skittish. He loves other dogs though and that's why we first got him so she would have company. He has completely warmed up for me and my wife now (took a year to even pet him).
  20. Had 2 cats and both were eaten by coyotes at our place. Here are our 2 dogs, both rescue dogs. The big girl b!tch in the foreground is half boxer and half staffordshire bull terrier. She is a great guard dog. She is not nice. The other dog is half German Shepard and half coyote. Not kidding. He did not eat the cats btw.
  21. Me too. Loved those songs
  22. I met Tom Petty in one of the offices where I work. A colleague said hey Dr. T, I want you to meet Tom. I turned around to shake his hand and realized it was him. I absolutely never do this and am always professional to any celebrity...except for him. I said "Wow, that Tom! I'm a guitar player and a big fan!" He could not have turned and walked away any faster. I was embarrassed to say the least. He came back a year later and I met him again but this time said nothing and thankfully he didn't remember. Learned a big lesson. Biggest guitar regret is not storing them somewhere else in 2018.😩
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