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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. When you're the one yelling "Get Off My Lawn" instead of having it yelled at YOU!
  2. I lean mine up against the washer in the laundry room when it's on full speed rinse.
  3. I'd save the cash and just put a big old speaker next to your guitar and crank it up with some good music. You should feel the vibrations on the top of your guitar. Just don't play Rap on your speaker or your guitar will wind up sounding like cRap. And steer clear of banjo and bagpipe music. And The Wiggles. On second thought - just play the damn thing and let it improve in sound the way nature intended.
  4. Yep. My lift, you could barely slip a piece of paper under it. I tried to address it early on mostly out of fear ti would get worse. It never did. It never even 'grabs' at a polishing cloth, or anything. Love it and leave it!
  5. I had this problem from Day 1 with my SJ200. Small lift, you couldn't slip a credit card under - at the tip of the curve around 5 o'clock as your looking at it. I tried a thin piece of dbl sided tape generously mailed to me by a former forum member. It wasn't strong enough, although I weighted it down with a couple of books for a couple of days. I am assuming the pg has a natural, built in curl. Shortly thereafter, I stopped noticing it, or thinking about it. Hope yours isn't so big that - as you said - you could catch a shirt sleeve on it. I was reluctant to try to peel up a portion to get some glue in there, not wanting to worsen the lift. And, while certainly a matter of individual taste - I would never permanently remove the iconic p'guard. G'Luck.
  6. I don't pretend to know - but I've read in a few places that the idea of cutting a rectangle out of the side of a guitar to put in a tuner and/or controls for the onboard electronics may start getting phased out. I for one - would not want a hole cut in the side of any higher end guitar I owned.
  7. Sea Monkey disinters more zombies than The Walking Dead has walk-ons.
  8. I bet if you contact Bozeman directly, they'd be happy to share with you some tips on how to copy that pick guard. I'm sure it's not patent protected or anything.
  9. It's a PICKguard, not a BEERguard.
  10. The engraving and hand painting was on the front.
  11. Robert Earl Keen's "Feeling Good Again". But, in the middle of learning I took a break for an easier one - Merle Haggard's "Today, I Started Loving You Again". I tend to go in spurts.
  12. Frank, That was absolutely fantastic. Thanks for posting. It's great knowing such great music can be played on the humble J45. You've re-kindled a new respect in me for The Blues Player !
  13. Still curious OP - what guitar did this specs sheet come with? My most recent Gibson didn't have that .
  14. Didn't that Goober actor that stars in the Disney Pirates of the Caribbean movies get a J45 custom built with skulls and crossbones and pirate ships all over it? i think it had abalone Seagull shyte too. Johnny Depp/Edward Scissor Hands/Captain Jack Sparrow... 'Better Living Through Chemistry". Maybe he inspired that Gibson Sparrow model that lasted one year. The Pirate Guitar may be what caused Bozeman to realize they needed to stop making one-off customs and only do Custom LTE Runs for their 5Star Dealers.
  15. I remember when you got that one - it was my first realization that there were 'variations' on the standard J45 model. I was saving my nickels and dimes to get one - I was really lusting after the addition of the ebony, but they stopped making them long before I had gotten my Guitar Fund up to snuff.
  16. Short answer - 'yes'. Long answer - there have been in recent memory - over 50 'versions' of the J45. One could argue any that are not the 'standard' are 'limited edition' or 'custom'. Some are made for Gibson's Five Star Dealers - based on their specs. Usually in batches of 50. The size isn't widely publicized. The run might be repeated later. Or repeated with small changes. I would guess the overall objective of this "Limited Edition"concept is not to create rare, collectible examples of the J45, but to sell more guitars, based the nearly infinite range of possible variations - by pushing the right buttons for as many possible customers as they can. So - if you are very interested in a particular J45, it really doesn't matter whether it's a standard model, or a different version produced in large numbers or 'limited' numbers - if you like it - go for it, regardless of how many others like it might be out there worldwide.
  17. Those 2 p'guards are unquestionably treasures. After a career of 38 years, I wish I had something nearly so wonderful to pass on. Thank you.
  18. Great Job Drat! One of those songs that just blows me away. And on the perfect instrument for it! Yeah - some songs just sound better with the pick click, when strumming chords. Thanks!
  19. If the amp was off, there would be nothing to draw juice for. If it were on, and an old tube amp - I'd be worried about a drain. I STAND CORRECTED.
  20. Do you have a taxidermy studio in your garage as well? I wanted to install electronic knobs on the upper bout of the old J45 I won in a poker game, but the only thing I had in my garage was one of those things you attach to a drill to cut a hole in a door for a door knob. I couldn't find a set of controls with a round panel. I guess I should have remembered the square peg round hole warning my mother gave me when she kicked me out. So I plugged the piece of mahogany back in and sold the guitar to some guy who knows a luthier named Sandy who is also a taxidermist like you.
  21. So, BBG - where does this project stand? Did the patient survive? Or did you subscribe to Hippocrate's caution - "First, do no harm." ?
  22. A bit rash, don't you think? "We have a cream for that if you'll walk this way" "If I could walk that way, I wouldn't need the cream."
  23. Ironically, tragically, while they may scratch your itch, you sometimes get a rash.
  24. Agree. I didn't realize how very sensitive a black car finish was until talking to a body repair guy. I would probably go full postal OCD if I hung out at a forum discussing black car finishes. "Can't use hard water to wash them." "Don't go within 100 miles of the shore or the salt air will turn it gray." But the 'dent' - turned out to be a crack. When the small rock hit it - it sounded like a shot. BBG - Plan B: If you can't get the scratch out - get a nice bumper sticker. "This Machine Kills Fascists!" is timeless!
  25. My pristine black car hood got a dozen paint chips from an idiot gravel truck driver that didn't close his back flap scoop all the way. Marble sized gravel at 70 mph does wonders. Also put a dent in my windshield. I cleaned each one real well so the paint would adhere. There were no dents, just gray spots the size of the dot over the "i" on the Gibson logo on our headstocks. I used a toothpick to put a small drop in each one and waited to see if it would slowly sink and level out to fill in the pockmark. If it didn't, I wiped it clean with paint thinner and tried again. A few days later, I went over them with the meguiers Scratch x to polish out and blend in any imperfections. Be sure your paint is thin and fluid so it will seep into the scratch. As was suggested, a small needle or pin might be the best "brush". I agree, that scratch would drive me to distraction. A black line, if done right will be less noticeable. Since the paint color and gloss won't be an identical match, the trick is to only use it to fill in the scratch. It might be possible to fill it in slightly over filled, and wipe off the excess only with a naphtha damp rag. G'Luck!
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