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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. They still had gun racks in the back windows of pickup trucks when we moved to Houston in the early 90s. Usually Winchesters, and obviously not the extended cabs. And, you could drink a beer while driving it home from work. All sanitized now - to protect us from ourselves I suppose.
  2. When I was in the Navy in Mayport Fl, 4 of us had an apartment on the beach so we didn't have to live on the ship 24/7. We had a massive curtain in the hallway entry made out of chains of pop tops. Safe as drinking out of a garden hose, or playing Dodge Ball ! Edit: the pop-tops were NOT from Coke Cans !
  3. In Brooklyn, NY and Chicopee, MA where I've lived - there were Polish enclaves. Stores, newspapers, churches that were certified 'Polish'. I'm sure there were dozens of other cities that had these - like "Chinatown"... to me, it was the best part of The Melting Pot we got to experience in the US. I'm guessing they're all gone now, as each generation moves out. When we moved into our old house in Chicopee, the very first thing our next door neighbor said to us was "Are you Polish?" Sweet old Polish lady who lived alone.
  4. Very impressive ! Clean, simple and sweet. Nice guitar !
  5. Yep - you're right - it was from my mother, who got it from her German grandfather - from 'the old country'. She would jokingly pronounce 'smart' as "SCHMART" ! She also entertained us whenever she opened up a can of Campbells Soup - she mimicked him calling it "Zooop". On my father's side - there were several memorable ones. "You make the bullets and I shoot them!" I guess back in the day, before the Internet - wisdom was passed down at our grandparents knee. Thanks.
  6. I greatly prefer old strings on all 3 of my acoustics. Old being 3 years. Enjoy the 'different' sound when I finally put a new set on - but look forward to that crisp, clear zing fading. You've described better than I ever could the warmth and personal tone of worn in strings - especially on the 2 short scale ones. I think you get to hear the guitar itself, without the strings overpowering it.
  7. Yeah. "Stepped on a pop-top" in Margaretaville ! TV stopped broadcasting - I think at midnight. Ended with playing the Star Spangled Banner. Then you got a Test Pattern and Static until around 6am.
  8. When Election Day was only a day - and not a month. You stood in the rain, went if you were sick, before or after work.
  9. It is interesting - to casually notice the deaths of people of great significance when you are 20 - people you felt were already old when you were born - Winston Churchill, Charlie Chaplin - historical figures. Then, more or less pay some attention when you are middle aged and they are your parents contemporaries. Then your parents pass and you suddenly start to realize that it is not only flowers that die, but also oaks and hickories. Soon people, often actor and musicians, you felt an attachment to but hadn't heard of your years - make the news for their last press release. . And, in the blink of an eye, people - famous and friends who are only a few years older than you... and you finally gain perspective. Too soon old, too late smart.
  10. The find of a lifetime ! Congrats ! Your luthier did a fantastic job: All in all - much more satisfying than just going out and buying a 'new' guitar. Which is all I've ever done. Glad you're going to keep it - your 'forever' guitar !
  11. Congrats - looks like it has real possibilities ! Great shape for it's age !
  12. Unless you ask Bozeman - anything you'd get here would be pure speculation. That said, my guess is that it's a relatively inexpensive upgrade cost-wise compared to the added marketing upcharge. Probably same reason they went from plastic pins to tusk. Their 'market research' told them prospective customers were put off by spending $2-3K for a guitar that had the same pins as a First Act. As far as sound? Volume, tone ? Some think the difference is audible, some think it's snot.
  13. Looks like only honest wear - but mostly just closeted old age: No divots on the fingerboard where the cowboy chords go... don't see any cracks... looks like original tuners... though #1 looks slightly bent... love the pick guard, no idea if it's original... I'd bet this baby would clean up real well with just a little spit and polish and elbow grease. Spend as much time finding a qualified luthier for vintage acoustic guitars as you do in determining it's value. See if he wants to use a piece of scrap mahogany he has laying around to save you $100 from getting a very good match to the fingerboard wood, cut to match the footprint exactly, shaping it as the originals were. There would be an 'as is value' which would have a wider range than the obviously higher value after you had authenticated repairs and restoration work. You said it was your grandfathers - provenance helps. See if you can find a photo. But, sentimental value has nothing to do with actual value - either can be higher or lower than the other. If you decide to part with it, make sure you get top $, to avoid the temptation of selling it for a few thousand to your girlfriends ex- to make her happy. And he'll think it's just an old guitar that he can keep in his trunk. Please let us know how it turns out for you. G'Luck !
  14. Shoulda gone with 12's - you coulda gotten a shart out of it !
  15. Why bothered ? I'm guessing the SF paid this 'song writer' more than any song writer in Nashville ever got. Our tax dollars. Although you may never have to hear lyrics like 'from the force on high' may not bother you, we live in a time where, as Sparquelito suggested, there is too much unreasonable B.S everywhere you turn. Yeah, not suppose to be a Top 40 song, but it would not be a Top 1000 in any genre. John Phillip Sousa would have died laughing if he weren't already dead. This song is an embarrassment and if it is suppose to generate fear or respect in our enemies, they're probably laughing too.
  16. Must have been strung with Lights. 10's ?
  17. got an almost brand new SJ200 I got an SJ200 that was - almost brand new. Still have it
  18. I was 60 - 'wished for' - got an almost brand new SJ200. Traded in for a Martin by a church musician - who swore it was only driven on Sundays. Prior to that I had only 1 guitar - an LG1 - for 40+ years. First brand new J45, when I retired at 65.
  19. In some places the number 7 is hand written with a horizontal slash through the middle to more clearly differentiate it from the number 1.
  20. Even if it mentioned mama, trains, trucks, prison and getting drunk - it wouldn't be the perfect Country Western Song.
  21. We had a couple of threads here earlier this year on the difficulty of getting new Gibsons, especially highly desirable models, the higher prices and the increases in prices on used ones. I think the general conclusion was that it was due to: The Supply Chain, Inflation, Work Force Issues, and the Japanese and Canadians buying up everything.
  22. I have a lighted one - "If you can't laugh act yourself ..."
  23. I snorted Bud Light out my left nostril. That was something a writer on Saturday Night Live could have done. I could almost see a bunch of Russians goose stepping to it. I'm not too sure the SF Recruiters should be playing this as background music while they're trying to sign up 17 year old gamers. I'm embarrassed for all the people who signed up BEFORE they came out with a theme song. Bet a bunch of them are refusing to get their Vax Boosters hoping they'll get kicked out...
  24. That J45 is obviously your muse. To have good times ! Good tune !
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