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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Not familiar with the guitar- Isn't "Masterbuilt" an Epiphone product line? Those were solid wood, but I thought from Asia. Sounds like Customer Service was fully responsive.
  2. Dude. you're gonna crash this site with an offer like that. Sorry you've never found an H'bird you felt was a keeper. I've got a TV that is. I wouldn't give up on them - if you stumble across one hanging on the wall in a pawn shop - strum a couple of chords. And.... Check out the dusty old case and see if your name is on it !
  3. Similar experience - visited the Biltmore Estate in Asheville. Bowled over by the grandeur. Months later, we were able to process it and realized things like - their kitchen didn't have the capabilities ours did. Laundry was a major chore for them - not for us. They didn't even have Permanent Press clothes, let alone Velcro shoe closures. They had buttons on their shoes. The list goes on - cold and damp in many parts of the estate, only selected areas had walk-in fireplaces. Watching a series "Copper" on 1860s NYPD and the Irish who were drawn into it. If the 'quality of life' is only HALF exaggerated - I would never have survived there. Our well-loved "Greatest Generation" - was raised by a generation that was tougher, and made them tougher. Depression, WWI, etc. And, the generation that raised the generation that raised The Greatest Generation - was tougher still. Boomers, Millennials, GenX... we're heading in the other direction !
  4. In the other active "Customer Service Complaint' thread - the new Dove with the defect was replaced in approximately 3 weeks. So - I don't think it's Gibson that is slapping their customers in the face. Replacing a $3K instrument is a little more complicated than Amazon shipping out another tin of Popcorn and telling you you don't have to return the old dented one. And, obviously, it sets a level of expectations. One customer has an actual twisted neck and when he gets a well deserved replacement - another customer has buyer's remorse on a guitar with high action and wants his money back. PT Barnum, or WC Fields - You can't please all of the people all of the time.
  5. Hah ! May 28th ! But, apparently Digger is taking home the gold. Medal. Plated. Made Offshore. I remember the strange feeling - before I retired, being in meetings and looking around and realizing I was always the oldest person in the room. But, suddenly, I was the youngest person at the Shuffleboard tournaments !
  6. I was not active in guitar stuff in the 70s, life kept getting in the way of my 60s musicality. But, I'm guessing if I'd had the dinero, and time ... I would have jumped at the chance to own a "NorlinGibson'. The concept has been generally kicked about on a wider stage - that it is really 'Not Fair' to judge historical events and peoples based on current values, tastes, culture, and new scientific findings. Sort of like saying - "Why didn't Columbus buy Manhattan from the Indians before the Dutch West India Company did? "
  7. I'd go for it. Chances of finding another one like that as a Lefty, are slim to none. Get back to the Acoustic Side of heaven ! Leave those ukes and electrics behind thee !!
  8. Sort of like sausage ! I read somewhere that in Pet Food producer plants - they sweep the floor at the end of the day and throw it all in the mix.
  9. Sorry to hear you had to send it back. Sounds like it wasn't an 'in-store' purchases, and you didn't have the opportunity to inter-act with the seller's 'professional staff'. They should have checked it out before re-opening it and sending to you. They must get lots of returns if they just receive sealed boxes from instrument makers, leave them sealed, and send them on to purchasers to do the actual "Intake/Receiving Dock QA Inspection". Did you measure the gap from the top of the fret to the bottom of the string?
  10. Most laws seem to be voluminous: for something simple like this - at least 100 pages. Legalese to keep lawyers arguing for that many years. Exceptions and loopholes that would make the tax code blush. And, special interest lobbies get vague language in the key areas. And. of course, the 'regulations' that bureaucrats write based on the 'enabling legislation' is an even bigger joke. IMHO, TV Commercials have other qualities more irritating than their volume. I'm just glad none of our kids married someone who produces TV ads. They'd be the ones getting the part of the turkey that goes over the fence last.
  11. "... and all I got was this teeshirt!" Congrats on the Better Half ! You obviously know how to pick 'em !
  12. FDA - the very definition of 'Worthless'. FDA probably started out doing good things. Seems like now - all they do is collect a paycheck . I wonder why children are reaching puberty at 10 years of age now? If you sit outside a Middle School waiting to pick up your grandkid - you'll think you were back in high school. We have 5 granddaughters age 11 - 18. They, and their friends are all 'advanced'. Boys have beards, girls .... Someone is putting something in our food, and if it ages kids - you have to wonder if it ages all of us.
  13. Reminiscent of a thread a couple of weeks ago, wherein the OP asked for help - wanted a GIBSON small body - asked about 2 GIBSON Models. Comments included everything BUT what he asked about. Different models, different makers, probably suggestions he get a uke ... He wound up getting a Martin.
  14. Maybe that’s why we all have allergies to everything. Like peanuts, seafood and air.
  15. I regret not spending more time with my parents in their final years. I suppose that most feel the same way. I wish some one had sat me down and explained it to me. But, 15 years ago, I may not have understood. Enjoy that game!
  16. We live in a different time and place than the 70s now. Artificial Intelligence, et al. This performance is stellar. Comparing it to the original is irrelevant. How I hear and feel music I hear today is different than how I heard and felt it 50 years ago. I'm different. "The Times They Are A Changing". Daughter In Law in her 30s asked for a 'reliced' ball cap with 'rep' embroidered on it. We had to ask her ? She said it's a Taylor Swiftism for "reputation'. Peace, Out.
  17. When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
  18. In the early 70s I worked for a company (Harris Corp) that moved its electronic chip stuff off shore. Barbados. Still assembled stuff in Florida, but got small components made much cheaper off shore. At the time, companies were awakening to the fact they could make more money if they did this. China was in the right place at the right time when Nixon opened up our relations with them in 1972 in an attempt to counter Soviet influence So was Walmart.
  19. Shipping - add another $300 !!!. I'm hoping that includes 'insurance'. Set-up is 'free' though.
  20. My pet peeve is when politicians are being interviewed and say "Let me be clear...." and then go off and around and never touch on any semblance of an answer.
  21. Good Luck - it's a beauty. Checks off many boxes for me ! Boxes, already checked off by 3 different guitars.
  22. Nowadays protesters don't decry tract housing - they call it "Affordable Housing" and insist it be built right next to the housing developments built to escape it. If I recall the lyrics - Malvina Reynolds also complained that the people living in the houses were also 'made of ticky-tacky. Not very 'Inclusive' by today's standards. As The Bard wrote: "Me thinks thou doth PROTEST too much." I never was a fan of the genre. More the folky folk songs - like Tom Dooley. Dula to the purists.
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