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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. In South Texas we had two nights of 15 degrees and a foot of snow. I guess that's why the 'follow the science experts' re-branded "Global Warming" to "Climate Change".
  2. My H'Bird has a Fender Strap and Martin strings. Oh, the humanity !
  3. Robert - let me guess. A SnowFlake wanting to be a Snowman when he grows up?
  4. Asphalt, you posted this question on May 10th after trying to adjust your Truss Rod: " New j45 when I first opened the cap it was tight both ways the truss rod but not even a complete 360 when I loosen it there is no tension it just slides smoot is this normal? At this point the guitar isn’t crazy bow or under bow new to truss rods just seems weird very easy to move when I loosen it and I have fret buzz still especially with 2nd fret D string the fret seems too close to me compared to my last j45 just weird and hard to play " It just occurred to me that maybe the issues you have are overlapping and co-mingled. As a few others had replied - you should probably get your new J45 to a luthier, because turning your truss rod nut 360 degrees is a bad doobie. Maybe a Gibson authorized one. Before you void the warranty. G'Luck.
  5. I've not found any cases where a guitar that costs twice as much sounds twice as good as another of what is essentially the same model. Hope you've validated that you should love the one you're with - searching for The Holy Grail when you may already have it.... Maybe the slight dent in the top was from the last tire-kicker who sent it back.
  6. I remember reading somewhere, maybe in school, that the US had one of the highest 'worker productivity' rates in the world. I guess if I wanted to change that - I'd figure out ways to hand out free money. And make college degrees worth less. At least, less than what you paid for them... plus interest. Nothing destroys a persons spirit - feeling of 'self-worth' than telling them they are worth less. Increasing the minimum wage is a more subtle way of doing that.
  7. I really like the idea CA has - of paying people $1K a month to not work. Sort of like being employed but not having to show up. "Job" application easier to fill out. No stigma of being called "Unemployment". I'm guessing the "Me Too" states that look to CA for leadership will soon follow. Wonder if increasing the minimum wage to $15 is moot, now that employers are having to increase wages to keep up with the free money the 'Federal Window' is handing out? That $1K a month is hardly a 'Living Wage'. I'm guessing Newsome will promise to double it when he runs for 're-election'. Good Times.
  8. ME. I'll have to go look to see if I can find a '1 word 3 meanings' quiz game for our monthly family dinners ! Thanks!
  9. Really nice wood grain - Front and Back: Gudentite!
  10. In general, a manufacturing facility has a range of outputs, or finished products it can turn out depending on alternative combinations of equipment, tools, skilled and un-skilled workers working second shifts, floor space, and raw materials. Expanding floor space does nothing to increase the number of standard J-45s you produce if you can only spray on sunbursts one at a time in a dedicated, custom booth. Or, if you only have one worker who can perform that critical part of the process and he won't work overtime. H'Birds - if your supplier has similar issues and can't provide you with double the number of engraved pick guards - you have a limitation there and would have to produce other models. And another potential bottleneck, even if all other pieces are not limiting - is your CNC equipment. Overlaying all this, obviously, is the question of markup/profit on each model. I think it would be safe to say none of us here have enough information on the variables and the alternatives to second guess Bozeman's plant manager. And then, there is the other variable: Quality.
  11. It's not just Gibsons and Martins ... Sig Sauers are impossible to find.
  12. Another old euphemism that made it into 20th century R*B and Rock and Roll: Jelly Roll.
  13. Tangentailly related to another thread: One of their options is $FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS add on to RELIC your new guitar ! Wonder if anyone will relic one of those hand painted honeys?
  14. RBS - my contribution was, of course, sarcasm. 🙃
  15. K'sD - Many of us old timers here smoked. And our parents. It was a right of passage. Same with Sun Bathing. No such thing as UV protection. Fancy, scented, dyed baby oil. My Dad's good friend had bacon and eggs every morning for 30 years on the recommendation of his doctor. Suddenly - he found out too late from his doctor that it was the worst thing he could have recommended. . Died a couple of years later from it. My wife (and I) were lucky. A brand new medical advancement advised her to get a chest X-ray because of her 40+ years smoking. Found a spot. Very early - removed one of the 5 lung lobes. Complete cure. Checkups every year in the 7 years since. Pain and Happiness go hand in hand. Only separated by time. Birth, death, Marriage, divorce or death. It is only 'inner peace' that allows us to stay on an even keel. ❤️
  16. MG, Welcome Aboard. Best First Post Ever !
  17. I agree with Sgt/Chief Pepper - stickers are for cases. And for pickup truck tool box lids. But - I'm surprised he didn't recommend this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Needlegun_scaler You can be done in 6 seconds instead of 6 years. Pneumatic Needle Gun. I got pretty good with one after 4 years practice in the USN. Be sure to feather the edges. G'Luck !
  18. Bozeman should attach a gummed label warning on the Truss Rod Cover. Like the warnings we get telling us that “California has found the materials in this mattress can cause back pain and cancer.” And. “California has found sticking a knife in this toaster could make you toast.”
  19. Welp, That nitro is surely still 'fresh'. No need to leave her alone - just don't go putting things on the finish that might leave a lasting impression - like a capo or a tuner. Or like the time Sir Bob put a harmonica on top of his J45 and closed the case lid on it. Then someone else stacked stuff on top ... All the Kings Horses and All the Kings Men ... Do you take yours on the road? Leave it in your truck? There was a trucker on here a couple of years ago with that dilemma. G'Luck !
  20. Not sure at this point, with so few years left on my burning candle - if I'm going to gamble and believe them.
  21. Targeted Audience ! ? If you look at some of the tv ads for LEVIS, where Gibson's CEO was CEO until recently - you'll get a good idea of what their marketing 'approach' is. Yeah - I know, selling $40 jeans is different than selling $4000 guitars, and LEVIS is in San Fransisco and Gibson is in Nashville. BUT ... They had an ad running in October with a strange potpourri of characters/actors - had noting to do with Levis - everything to do with Registering To Vote. Their most recent ad ... shows a bunch of extra-cool hipsters posing and prancing in their Levi's ware. The theme though is what offers insight: "Buy LEVIs because they wear longer, and you will be saving the planet !! Yep. If you go through life only requiring the people living in Mexico to produce 20 pairs of jeans for you instead of 40 - the planet will smile upon you. The ad ignores the fact that Wranglers last twice as long as Levis, the people in Mexico need the work, and Mother Earth is more worried about pollution from China and India than the damage producing jeans causes. So - I hope JC sticks to what he does best, which I assume is marketing, and leaves the actual production of guitars alone. But, I wouldn't be surprised if Bozeman starts producing quasi/crazy guitars made out of recycled water bottles. I still drink my water out of a garden hose. Having said that - I have no problem with red or blue STAINED guitars where you can still clearly see the wood grain coming through. I'm guessing, like ceramic floor tile produced to look like real wood, someone in Nashville is trying to figure out how to make plastic water bottles look just like Adi Spruce. If I needed another SJ200 - I'd be all over this one though.
  22. I want the exact GPS co-ordinates of where the Chinese Rocket fell. Chances of another one falling in the same exact place are infinitesimally immeasurable. So - it's the safest place on earth !!
  23. JInder nailed it out of the gate: Nitro takes a long time to harden/cure. If you leave a capo on, you'll find out. This doesn't look anything like a crack in the wood. Not an abrasion or wood worm tracks or termites. Probably a hang tag string while it was in the case. Sometimes, if the nitro is still 'wet' the impressions will smooth out a bit. If I were me, I'd leave it alone for a year+ and then, if you still are bothered by it - get some type of 'scratch remover'. Maguires makes some for cars that is also used. Remember - you're not raising the impression. You're taking nitro off down to the lower level of the impression. I'd love it and leave it.
  24. In lieu of drilling a hole in your heel, if you want to attach the headstock end of a strap to the headstock - here is an alternative to the shoelace: https://www.martinguitar.com/gear-accessories/straps-other-accessories/18A0089.html It's leather, with a double sided plastic button so you slide it under the strings above the nut and button it closed. There is a second level of button which you can then attach your strap to, if the strap has a hole like the Gibson strap above.
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