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ol fred

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Status Updates posted by ol fred

  1. Strange, ya get in the habit of looking for friends posts and replies and just sort of miss new members. Welcome aboard Bobby !

    Whart part of what country you from?

  2. how did the hotel jam go?

  3. That's a start, now you just need to introduce yourself in the acoustic forum

  4. Illegitimi non carborundum

    empty your mailbox

  5. ol fred

    Tried to send a PM but apparently your inbox is full.


    It appears that you have decided, along with quite a few others that the board is a bit to much of a battleground. Hope the book is nearing completion and I'm looking forward to adding it to my library. I would appreciate having your contact info if possible. I promise not to share with trolls or spammers. I may be ...

  6. Thanks for the "back up" Mark.

    I wonder what Jerry sees when he looks in the mirror?

  7. JR, thanks for your concern, regarding the back and believe me, I feel your pain.

    It's pretty routine for me, a simple arthroscopic procedure called radio frequency ablation, that I require every six to nine months. The back is to far gone to do standard operations. This procedure severs the nerve bundles where they exit the spine and alleviates most of the pain.


  8. Hey, ya old reprobate....how ya doin ?

    If I let ya cuss will ya come to the jam?

  9. You should introduce y'self in the sticky in the acoustic section

  10. good site, good friends here. A few will be here for the jam. I mostly lurk and sign on when I see something I want to comment on. Back surgery yesterday, chillin for a couple weeks.

  11. unpluggedruss.....Chrisman?

  12. BTW to revert to an earlier conversation, go to the library and find a copy of "Meetings With Remarkable Men" by G. I. Gurdjieff. Reading your posts makes me believe that you share the same soul.

  13. Hello my friend, happy to hear that your Bird is opening up and providing you with the joy you expected.

  14. Hi Felicity, welcome to the acoustic forum. Congratulations on your J-200. How about some pictures of your new guitar?

  15. Welcome aboard!If that's you in the foreground, looks like you belong here. Nice wood.

  16. RnR, Welcome to the forum.Love Virginia Beach. Spent a lot og time there when I was stationed at Eustis in the early 60's

  17. Peter, don't get lost this time :)

  18. Welcome to the forum Jen

  19. HEY LEFTY, Try the transcription I just posted and tell me what ya think

    nother lefty

  20. Hey Rod,

    Same ol,same ol here. To quote Bob Elliot,

    "don't get around much anymore" Don't leave the ranch much these days, progressive spinal disease moving way to fast for my taste and severely limits my physical activity. But what can ya do? Just keep on keepin on and make the best of it.

  21. Would be nice to add you to the jam. e-mail me from my profile page

  22. Good mornin' Karen,

    I do hope you make it down here this summer, long drive for a one day jam but I suppose you will be making a vacation of it.

    Lots of things to do and beautiful scenery in the area. Google Earth 2900 Jasper Rd. 95672

    If everyone planning to come actually does we will have 15 players and thirty-forty guests. Please Msg with your email so I can add you ...

  23. Wily, my personal email is fred.webb@officer.com

    nodehopper has it. let's talk about a plan.

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