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Everything posted by BoSoxBiker

  1. MP, is yours today or tomorrow? I have not gushed about an SJ-200 in a week or two. Not online, anyhow. 🙂
  2. It's magic pixie dust. Everyone's been getting their Gibsons the way they want them set up. What strange new service is this? Isn't it funny, the reaction folks get when they share low action with people? Dan Erlewine at Stewmac must get white-knuckle mad when he sees this. He likes to have his Gibsons down to 4/64 low-E and under 3/64 on the high-E. Gotta have level frets for that to work, though. In the case of my last guitar purchase, actually, I think I told the folks at Wildwood about where I like it. A week later.... I wouldn't mind some pixie dust, though. 🙂
  3. Just to clarify this part - he ordered the Epiphone online that he as now, but only after going out and about and trying many makes and models?
  4. I'm with fortyearspickn on this topic. I've done a 180 in recent years and now dig the online shopping experience. I'm 3 for 3.
  5. Serious dedication. Makes my *****ing about locals not stocking much, even before the pandemic, seem rather self-entitled.
  6. J185cat, that looks like a great guitar. Just last night, I was admiring the D-18 version of that one they have listed. Just window shopping, of course.
  7. I was in a similar situation a couple months back when I ordered mine. 2-3 days before it could be shipped, so I just said to wait until Monday so that it's not sitting in some truck or un air conditioned warehouse somewhere. @J185Cat - Whatchyu got coming? @brucebubs - Did you have to order straight from Gibson, then?
  8. Add me to the long list of Wild Wood Guitars satisfied customers. The setup on mine was the most playable I had ever gotten from a new guitar. I had the one small issue and they took care of it per my request. MissouriPicker, Congrats on your forthcoming new SJ-200. I had looked at the Montana Gold option, too, but had been enamored with the thought of matching 'burts. Such a nice looking guitar. I've looking forward to hearing all about it, and hopefully getting to hear a bit. 🙂 Rosewood SJ-200s, come to find out, are just as fun as can be.
  9. His Hidden Treasures radio show on Sirius/XM was outstanding.
  10. It's pretty nice that they would swap one out for you at this later stage in the game. You've had it a couple months, if I read it correctly. A very nicely done setup can do wonders, but it's not an alchemy craft. It's more of an act of bringing out the best the guitar has to offer. I guess I lean towards the exchange route at this time. It might be your last chance to do it. If it's anything like here, the GC employees seem to last as long as a set of Martin Marquis (silked) strings. The next one in line may not be so kind.
  11. That guitar is not on their site, at least not when I followed the product link. Could have been sold even before the video was posted or in the 3rd time since. Alas, we'll never know. A quick look on Reverb new Southern Jumbos revealed none of these.
  12. Is there any reason to not advise the OP to get a saddle from Colosi - http://www.guitarsaddles.com/products.asp Comes in a bit oversized, sand to fit perfectly is pretty easy. Make sure the bottom is square.
  13. A new top-10 quote. Irene - "I hated it so bad I don't even remember what I did." (before Gibson)
  14. That's quite the story. Thanks for posting, JCV.
  15. As much as I'd like to do so, this is not happening this year. Not after the things I've done. I'm not complaining, mind you.... 🙂
  16. That's quite a guitar and quite a story. I was saddened to see that you can't play any longer. That Arthritis factor will do the same to me one day. It's factored into me being in sort of a rush mode to get a few heirloom / iconic type guitars while I can enjoy them. For now, keeping them very well set up with low action, along with some arnicare cream for my knuckles, makes it so that I can play for an hour or so at a time. I can't imagine you'll have much trouble seller her. I hope she lands in a good home. More so, I hope your continued youthful 73 health continues, the Arthritis notwithstanding.
  17. That style back on a bird always does it form me. I know that I will have to do my homework if I ever see one for sale, because they did a similar B&S on that counterfeit that was posted twice in the past few years. <sigh> Shore is sumtin to look at.
  18. That sounds like a very nice evening and a touching way to send someone off. Sorry for your loss, though.
  19. hee hee - It's good to have boundaries sometimes. 🙂
  20. Jinder, Well, I had a nice PM written out with some notes that I have not idea if you'd want private or public. (Well, scratch that. I'll put my big boy pants on.) I felt more and more invited(or connected?) as the album went along. I'd say from "Agony (Night Comes In)" and on, but not excluding "God's Hobby". I know the work put into the first two songs must have been larger and goes to show off a lot of obvious talent, but I felt it hid the best of what you had to offer. It's kind of like passing on the Rib-eye because the Porterhouse was extra good. Some perspective. I've not listened to your entire catalogue, but my favorite performance of yours from what I have heard was the example you posted in an SJ-200 thread a couple months back. I pasted it below. The song was your contribution to a large collaboration, and looked like it was shot in someones flat. Your raw talent was showcased very well in that clip. I mean, it had to. That same sort of artist/listener connection was a vibe I got from most of this album. As you know, that is not an easy thing to do in the studio. I thought you pulled it off very well and that it is a very nice album. Just to be clear, none of it was bad. Imagine someone telling 10cc that they used too many "aaaahhhhhs" in their production of "I'm Not in Love"? That's not at all what I'm trying to say. 🙂
  21. That's a sharp looker, too. I like the ones with a little more orange than yellow. My Standard has more of the Yellow. Funny thing was when waiting on it, knowing the pics, that was a high anxiety type of concern. It was much better in person. This was back a couple of years ago at the end of model season when they could be had for $3895. Little yellow? No probs, 🙂
  22. Adding on to what vm1300 wrote, perhaps have it set up by the Luthier looking at it for apprasial, with new strings, if the shop thinks it will help. A guitar that plays better and has the appearance and playability of higher level will earn it's money back, maybe more, and will sell much easier.
  23. Nicely done, TomG76. It's not easy to sing in a style without taking an inadvertent exploration of an accent not your own. Singing has a sort of diminishing effect on accent strength. As long as you have the emotion right, few care if the accent is "off", even though it may sound different at times. Sincerity trumps most other things. No matter what happens, it can't be as bad as the Lawrence Welk singers covering "One Toke Over The Line". (Proper decorum prohibits me from posting that video here. ) My wife is not a fan when my Country covers find me crossing the line from style to accent imitation. "It's just not you." Yes Ma'am. 🙂
  24. 'oy! Rough year, indeed. I hope it arrives in fine fashion and that the shipping backlog doesn't push it out further. His comment at 5:54 - "I wish you could feel what I'm feeling right now" is a sentiment I've tried to relay before. The power is hard to capture with a mic.
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