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First gig tommorow!! HELP!


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Hello all :-)


Im new to the forum so sorry if this is the wrong place to post... So 2 days ago, the husband of my moms friend calls our bass player and me saying that the group that was going to play at his party on the 19th had cancelled and he needed another kick*** band to play instead (thanks mom for recommending us) so we did the old.. "Oh well.. I dont know, our band is very busy and weve got alot of other gigs to go to" and so on but finnaly accepted (hehe) but the problem is that were 16/17 so this is our first ever gig and none of my band mates have any experiance with equipment and lighting etc + all our gear is crap (and i mean on a level that were using tiny bedroom amps). The gig is tommorow night and so weve only come up with a songlist:


1. Intro Godfather solo - Slash

2. Sweet child o mine - GnR

3. You give love a bad name - Bon Jovi

4. Back in black - AC/DC

5. Slither - Velvet Revolver

6. Dani California - RHCP

7. Fat bottomed girls - Queen

8. Civil War - GnR

9. The god that failed - Metallica

10. Detroit rock city - Kiss

11. Dream On - Aerosmith

12. Smells like team spirit - Nirvana

13. Iron man - black sabbath

14. Doctor Alibi - Lemmy Kilmeister/Slash

15. Crucify the Dead - Ozzy/Slash

16. Wonderwall - Oasis

17. Little Wing - Hendrix

18. Shoot to Thrill - AC/DC

19. Knockin on heavens door - Bob dylan (GnR version)

20. Paradise City - GnR


Its supposed to be a 1-2 hour gig but were stuck. If the members of the forum could answer the following questions, it would help us out a lot:


1. Is this a good songlist? Is there too much from GnR/slash?


2. Can you play a gig with marshal bedroom amps? (Its going to be in a garden which is quite big... You know, the ones with pools and bars) - approx 50 people invited


3. We have no backup guitars (well none that sound decent), what happens if we break a string or something? Do we just stand there and replace strings?


4. We have a smoke machine but no lighting equipment.. Can we do a gig without them?


5. Both our guitars are Gibby LP's. Are these going to fit all our songs?


6. What advice should we take from you guys before tommorow? Any thing we should look out for? What has gone wrong for you guys and how can we prevent it from happening to us


7. Will a stage dive end badly?


Thanks :-) please reply by tomorrow

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answer to your questions

1 yes

2.yes if it is a small venue

3. deal with it


5.the Les Paul is a very versatile guitar

6.relax, have fun this gig won't make you or break you

7.yes yes yes don't be a ******, just play and have fun.

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You won't need lighting or a smoke machine. No band should have their own lighting or stuff like that. Its lame. If you play a club or something they'll have their own stuff and if its a party then just play.


The bedroom amps will be a challenge depending on what kind of PA system they will be running. If they have enough mics or a strong enough system you could mic the amps. If there aren't that many people there it may not even be that much of a problem.


The setlist is fine. You probably won't need that many songs for 1-2 hours. Don't forget you'll be pausing between songs and such.


For backup guitars, Its always good to have a backup even if it isn't a great guitar just in case you bust a string. If you restring before the gig you should be fine.


Lastly, A first gig is rarely great, kinda like the first time you get laid. Just roll with it and do the best you can. It will be a learning experience at the least. Have fun!

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What he said...^^^^... [biggrin]


If you have a PA...(what you amplify vocals with)...and a spare mic or two...mic up your guitar amps...


More important to smile/engage/joke with audience, than worry about perfect performance...


Give huge respect to your drummer and bassist who will drive the songs and get feet tapping...


Get involved with the sound balances to eradicate any feedback issues...


Play through the rig before the party starts...known as a 'soundcheck'...


Respect all audience members young and old...be prepared for return bookings... [thumbup]





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Related to sound check, Another thing we did was one of the guitarists, during sound check would walk out into the area the crowd will be and check levels. We would make sure the bass could be heard, the guitars weren't too loud or quiet and one wasn't too much louder than the other and of course if the vocals could be heard.Obvoiusly this only works if you have a wireless system or a reaaaaaaaaaaaaly long cable. If you don't have a trusted musician friend check the levels for you.


Nothing worse than a band where you cant hear the vocals or one guitar is waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too loud.

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You won't need lighting or a smoke machine. No band should have their own lighting or stuff like that. Its lame. If you play a club or something they'll have their own stuff and if its a party then just play.


The bedroom amps will be a challenge depending on what kind of PA system they will be running. If they have enough mics or a strong enough system you could mic the amps. If there aren't that many people there it may not even be that much of a problem.


The setlist is fine. You probably won't need that many songs for 1-2 hours. Don't forget you'll be pausing between songs and such.


For backup guitars, Its always good to have a backup even if it isn't a great guitar just in case you bust a string. If you restring before the gig you should be fine.


Lastly, A first gig is rarely great, kinda like the first time you get laid. Just roll with it and do the best you can. It will be a learning experience at the least. Have fun!


Thanks for that great use of a metaphore deeman... Ill take this advice on board with getting laid aswell then... Thanks again. Just taking into consideration that all the gear there will be ours, they wont supply us for anything :-(

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1.) Do you know these songs?

2.) Do you have a PA?

3.) Do you all have a mic to sing with?

4.) Do you all have a mic for the amps yer using?


5.) Do you all sing?


If the answers are all yes, and you are being honest, then just go and enjoy and get through it.


Fat Bottom Girls is something I worked on since it came out, in a variety of bands. I would sing the front, band would harmonize. I'm telling you right now, like with most songs for most people at most parties and bars, you could play mary had a little lamb on yer les paul while doing this song, if you all sing it you will win. You could be Brian May himself up there, playing it note for note out a wall of voxes, if the singing is not there, they will hate you, because in the end that's all they care about.


Be honest with yourself and them. Seems like you hedged about taking it, and to me, it seems like maybe, just maybe, you had/have a good reason to hesitate.


Very very very much good luck with it, Kid. I hope it works out and you guys slay them.



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1.) Do you know these songs?

2.) Do you have a PA?

3.) Do you all have a mic to sing with?

4.) Do you all have a mic for the amps yer using?


5.) Do you all sing?


If the answers are all yes, and you are being honest, then just go and enjoy and get through it.


Fat Bottom Girls is something I worked on since it came out, in a variety of bands. I would sing the front, band would harmonize. I'm telling you right now, like with most songs for most people at most parties and bars, you could play mary had a little lamb on yer les paul while doing this song, if you all sing it you will win. You could be Brian May himself up there, playing it note for note out a wall of voxes, if the singing is not there, they will hate you, because in the end that's all they care about.


Be honest with yourself and them. Seems like you hedged about taking it, and to me, it seems like maybe, just maybe, you had/have a good reason to hesitate.


Very very very much good luck with it, Kid. I hope it works out and you guys slay them.




Thanks for the reply. Yeah we know the songs and we have a PA system but its only one person thats going to be singing so for fat bottomed girls, its not going to be the greatest cover if all time but itll do i guess

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One other suggestion that I learned while earning a living doing sound and lights and working in a guitar shop.........


Don't try to be too loud!


If you only have a small PA, thats OK....don't try to go beyond it's limits. Better to have quality at lower volume, than sound horrible but loud.


The other thing to remember is bands at a party or bar are more like subtle entertainment......people did not drive 3 hours and spend hundreds to see you.....you are not playing an arena......., so they often want to still be able to talk, etc.....its all good, just don't blow them out of the water with volume in a backyard setting.


all the above mentioned ideas in other posts are great.


Bring your spare guitar even if not very good......stuff happens at gigs.


Most important.....have fun......if there is a song you guys are terrified to play, skip it.....better to even repeat a song than be scared of one......they crowd will feed off you......if you are haveing fun, they will have fun.....if you are freaked out, they won't enjoy it.


Keep it FUN!!!!!!

Good luck!


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Thanks for the reply. Yeah we know the songs and we have a PA system but its only one person thats going to be singing so for fat bottomed girls, its not going to be the greatest cover if all time but itll do i guess


It will do, long as somebody sings it. So you have the singing covered for the rest of them then, so yer good. Maybe borrow/scrounge some mics for the amps if they are undersized, and you'll be fine! Just go play as well as you know how and look like you are enjoying yourselves, hard as that may be at the moment, and they'll love you!



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As others have said, just go do the gig, make the best of what you have, this will be more about a learning experience for you guys than anything else. keep cool, stay focused, don't worry about the details, it will be over before you know it, and above all, have FUN.



Let us know how it turns out!

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I hope this isn't too late, but the guys above really hit it in terms of the importance of vocals.


The other night I "shot" a local band that has some talented kids your age. They were playing originals as far as I could tell, and the guitars, bass and drums were "together."




Regardless what they were told by the one-time weekend warrior pro who got them into a PA for the show, they refused to turn down the guitars so you you could hear the vocals.


I think they may have gotten sufficient feedback from the audience of all ages who were there largely to support a young rock band to have learned something. But I'm not sure. I'd have stayed had I been able to hear the music. Instead it was off to a late-enough supper as it was.


EDIT: BTW, break a string? Put one on. Let somebody on the mike tease the "offender" for playing too hard or whatever. Ain't the end of the world regardless. In fact, if it ain't happened to you yet, it'll happen in the future. Imagine it were a solo gig! Just gotta grin and either finish the piece with whatcha got, or grin and say you're gonna fix it.



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Best of luck! The only thing I would add is that if by some chance one of the tunes completely breaks down and you stop, DON'T apologise - just carry straight on into the next one.

Let us all know how it turned out!

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I second what milod said about stage volume.


Crewed for a band years ago, lead guitar player had 2 x 100 watt full stacks, a randal and a marshal. Playing bars......not even really "clubs".


Singer complained constantly because he couldn't hear himself in any monitors and people complained they couldn't hear the vocals.


I had told them to turn down time and time again......until I sat him at the board and made him listen to someone else sing with his band and showed him the faders on the guitar were all the way down, then he understood............we pesky guitar players are a difficult bunch....lol.



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Great advice here. Loads of experienced players who've seen/ done it all.


I would only add that if one of you makes a mistake just play on as if nothing went wrong. Most times the audience is partying and having a good time and won't even notice. If you guys all turn and look at each other in horror it's a dead give away.


The biggest difference between a professional and amateur is the pro knows how to cover up his mistakes.


Have fun and learn.


Playing live is the best.

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So for those who wanted to know how my first gig went... Just to let you know, were in the waiting room at the hospital right now (yeah thats how bad it was)


Things that went wrong:


1: The van we were using to transport our gear wouldnt start, arrived a half hour late.


2. We forgot my Amp, had to go back and get it


3. We had to do sound check in front of the audience who kept shouting at us to go on and play


4. Started gig at 9.45pm (supposed to start at 8pm)


5. We were booed by the audience on our first song/solo (the godfather solo)


6. I messed up the Welcome to the jungle intro and our vocalist couldnt sing for 15 mins because his throat hurt after singing "YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE?!?, YOUR IN THE JUNGLE BABY, YOU GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!


7. Cracked my backup guitars headstock by doin a stage dive at the end of Paradise City... (Our vocalist asked the audience before the song "who wants to see Chris *Me* do a stage dive" and everyone went "YEEESSS"!)


8. Party host refused to pay us our £80 which leaded to a riot in which the police were called and me and our drummer were hurt from being beaten by the audience...


9. Police blamed our vocalist for starting the riot (him having punched the party host) and he is now at the police station...


10. Its 4am and our xrays are about to come. Its suspected that ive got a fracture in my leg and our drummer hit his head pretty hard somehow so maybe a concussion?



So my dad and our vocalists dad are at the police station sorting things out right now and were at the hospital, in a lot of pain... What a night. Think thats enought gigging for some time :-)

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Dude! this is one of best "First Gig" stories ALL TIME!


years from now, you will look back on this and think - "YEP, that was one for the ages..:


Seriously tho, I hope your leg is ok, as well as you band mates noggin..

That part (the hospital visit) wasn't good news, but the rest,, man -- EPIC!


Needless to say - they wont ALL be like this...

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So for those who wanted to know how my first gig went... Just to let you know, were in the waiting room at the hospital right now (yeah thats how bad it was)


Things that went wrong:


1: The van we were using to transport our gear wouldnt start, arrived a half hour late.


2. We forgot my Amp, had to go back and get it


3. We had to do sound check in front of the audience who kept shouting at us to go on and play


4. Started gig at 9.45pm (supposed to start at 8pm)


5. We were booed by the audience on our first song/solo (the godfather solo)


6. I messed up the Welcome to the jungle intro and our vocalist couldnt sing for 15 mins because his throat hurt after singing "YOU KNOW WHERE YOU ARE?!?, YOUR IN THE JUNGLE BABY, YOU GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!!!


7. Cracked my backup guitars headstock by doin a stage dive at the end of Paradise City... (Our vocalist asked the audience before the song "who wants to see Chris *Me* do a stage dive" and everyone went "YEEESSS"!)


8. Party host refused to pay us our £80 which leaded to a riot in which the police were called and me and our drummer were hurt from being beaten by the audience...


9. Police blamed our vocalist for starting the riot (him having punched the party host) and he is now at the police station...


10. Its 4am and our xrays are about to come. Its suspected that ive got a fracture in my leg and our drummer hit his head pretty hard somehow so maybe a concussion?



So my dad and our vocalists dad are at the police station sorting things out right now and were at the hospital, in a lot of pain... What a night. Think thats enought gigging for some time :-)


If any of 7-10 these actually happened I'd call it a roaring success! [thumbup] If only 1-6 happened then you had a normal first gig! [biggrin]

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