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Guitar Polish? A Bad Thing?


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I was wondering if any one here uses guitar polish on their Gibson acoustics? I've polished my guitar at least 3 times since purchasing my J-200 3 years ago....But recently I caught a reflection off the top of my acoustic and noticed streak marks on my guitar. At first I thought it was residue from the Smith Pro Formula Guitar Polish I've been using so I tried to wipe it off vigorously using a lint free cloth, then I soaked the cloth and little and tried again....I can't wipe it off....I'm wondering if it absorbed through the nitrocellulose lacquer?


Have any of you noticed this on your guitars?


Thanks in advance....

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I bought the Virtuoso Cleaner and Polish kit on recommendation from people here and it is fabulous!


With your smearing problem, I would just use the Virtuoso Polish to start - it is a mild cleaner as well!!! The Cleaner is heavy duty - clean the barn find/paddock find guitar....


The Polish is probably not for the person that likes to clean and polish his guitar every Saturday - probably wouldn't have any finish left....




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I wish I could get a decent picture for you all, but due to reflection and positioning the camera right, I can't exactly show you guys unless in person.


But I've put a lot of elbow grease into trying to remove these streaks without any luck. I will pickup a bottle tonight and try it out....


Question though, if these smear 'streaks' aren't soaked into the lacquer, why can't I remove them with elbow grease (aka rubbing vigorously with a lint free cloth)? Is nitrocellulose surfaces harder to clean? And require specialized products?


Thanks in advance....

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.... if these smear 'streaks' aren't soaked into the lacquer, why can't I remove them with elbow grease (aka rubbing vigorously with a lint free cloth)? Is nitrocellulose surfaces harder to clean? And require specialized products?



The nitro finish is porous...you will never rub the streaks out....the Virtuoso Cleaner and Virtuoso Polish combo is good stuff. I have used the Cleaner to easily remove some naphtha residue streaks left after removing pickguards. I use the polish about once a year if that.... If you have a VOS finish please note that it will remove that and leave the guitar highly polished....

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OK guys, so I went to 'Long and McQuade' (I'm based in Canada so I assume it's equivalent to America's 'Guitar Centre'?) anyways, the guys there were baffled about the streaks as well. The luthier used a combination of 'Meguiars Scratch x2.0' (a very small amount) and the 'Gibson Pump Spray'. The results were good, the streak marks were removed....However, it's hard to get that prestine flawless look of a new Gibson....


Has anyone used this combo? Be very careful to only use a little of the 'Meguiars Scratch x2.0' if you do so, and don't use it too often!

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However, it's hard to get that prestine flawless look of a new Gibson....


Since the instrument is three years old, assuming you do play it, it's not surprising the finish is no longer pristine. Your guitar is a tool more than anything..........tools that get used show evidence of said use. It's okay. Don't sweat the small stuff, and a three year old guitar's finish is small stuff. That said, glad you got the issue resolved to your satisfaction.

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Since the instrument is three years old, assuming you do play it, it's not surprising the finish is no longer pristine. Your guitar is a tool more than anything..........tools that get used show evidence of said use. It's okay. Don't sweat the small stuff, and a three year old guitar's finish is small stuff. That said, glad you got the issue resolved to your satisfaction.


You are absolutely right there Buc....I play the **** out of it....But also take really really good care of it too....

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