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Ebay trouble

Guest Farnsbarns

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Guest Farnsbarns

I ordered son grill cloth on eBay recently, I checked out too quick and realised immediately I'd left my old address on it. I messaged the seller within seconds to ask if he would mind an alternative address, all nicely, you know, it was my mistake, I gave him my phone number and wasore than happy to cancel and re-order. The next day I got a message saying it had been dispatched but no mention of the address issue. Not a huge problem, the old address is not far and even closer to work so I popped in there some time after the estimated delivery date but nothing. Never mind, a quick message to the seller to ask for a revised estimated date. No reply at all so I left it a while and popped in again. Now the people I'm speaking to are my old land lady's live-in carers and I'm quite friendly with them and they would not have a reason not to pass on the package or lie about it and they are adamant that no package arrived.


Since the seller has ignored my communication and the item still hasn't arrived I left negative feed back and opened a dispute. He has responded instantly calling me a liar and telling me he has passed my details on to his network of eBay seller friends and that they have all blocked me. I know the address thing is my fault and he may well think that I haven't bothered to go and get it and just claimed it never arrived but his potential suspicion doesn't warrant calling me a liar off the bat and it certainly doesn't warrent him libeling me.


I don't think I'll be using eBay again.

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that sucks. something like happened to me a few years back, but in reverse. i sold something, and after I shipped it the next day, I noticed the confirmed address on his paypal, didnt match the one on the detail transaction / Ebay. I contacted him, explained what was up. he had moved 5 blocks away 3 months earlier and had forgotten to update the other address. he contacted the guy who had bought his house, gave him a heads up, and everyone was happy.

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Seems kind of strange he did not want to respond to you until you posted the negative feedback.

Just let E-Bay go through the full dispute, and if you still do not receive the item before the dispute time period has elapsed, then E-Bay will refund your money.

I have used E-Bay for years, and I am lucky in the fact I have only had a couple of disputes, both of which I won.

Funny thing is on one of them, long after the dispute was settled and my money was refunded, the item arrived at my house.I notified E-Bay and was told as far as they were concerned, the dispute was closed, and "if" I wanted to return the item back to the seller I could but did not have to.

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Oh Farns, he " he has passed my details on to his network of eBay seller friends and that they have all blocked me." I bet that frightened you! Just tell him to bugger off.





Amen. I got yer "network of ebay seller friends" right here.

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Yeah that sucks when stuff like that happens...


Ive been lucky though and the worst that's happened to me is that people have bid on stuff and then not paid which just means a re-listing.. Most of the people I deal with seem pretty good so I still have no problem with using it on occasion.


I also always check the feedback of anyone I buy off and if theres even a hint of issues I go somewhere else.

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Guest Farnsbarns

This has turned really nasty. He send a request for withdrawal of feedback telling me he was going to sue me. I don't know know if he has even read my messages explaining that I have been to the old address and the parcel has not arrived. I just clicked the option that said "my original feedback was accurate". I suppose I just have to explain to eBay when they make contact. It's really ridiculous, we're talking about 12 quid here. I don't want a refund, I just wanted to leave negative feedback and now I'm being harrased by an angry moron. Sigh.

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Stand firm.


And sue you for WHAT? Leaving feedback? If you're getting ANY kind of threats, report them to ebay.




That kind of attitude would make me more entrenched and unforgiving than ever.

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...sue you for WHAT? Leaving feedback? If you're getting ANY kind of threats, report them to ebay.

Have you paid them? Can you prove that they took your money?

If the answer to these questions is 'Yes' then it's hard to see any grounds for a lawsuit.


Do they have a proof of postage and proof of delivery / acceptance of the goods?

If the answer to this question is 'No' then it's hard to see how they could possibly make any case tenable. On what grounds could a lawyer pursue the claim?

You, OTOH, could have a reasonable chance of getting someone to back up your view that they took the money and failed to deliver the goods as promised.


But I'm no lawyer. Perhaps a quiet word with Flight is in order?...:-k



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A seller that ignores all inquiry and communications until you are forced to leave negative feedback as a last resort get what they deserve when the shiite hits the fan!


Stand and do right anyway!!!


Don't let the paper-tiger threats and intimidation tactics influence your responses! In fact report them to eBay for exactly what they are!


Clearly, desperate @$holes do desperate things! He's clearly got an issue and the heat from his own actions and behaviors is starting to burn him as he deserves!


Let him bluster and b!tch all he wants, it was all within his power to resolve and correct and he chose to do nothing until it was too late.




You will be fine, don't let empty bullying threats have any influence over your own actions and behaviors!


Or they win!

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No offense farnsbarns, but leaving negative feedback is a last resort type of thing. People will fight to the death to avoid negative feedback. I think you're expected to go through the resolution process to a certain point before leaving negative feedback. You're not supposed to "just leave negative feedback." I've bought and sold tons of stuff on ebay and I can't afford to fight with people about stuff. I'd have given up a long time ago.


Obviously the guy won't sue you. In the States, it's not worth suing somebody until your claim is like $5000 to $10,000. It's just bluster. At the same time, leaving negative feedback is a lot more hassle than you might think. For the 12 quid, it's up to you. It may be his fault, but it doesn't have to be any more trouble than necessary.


Here in the States, ebay is heavily slanted toward the buyer. I'm not sure how the rules are over there, but they bend over backwards to accommodate the claims of buyers over sellers. Maybe you should let the process play out further. It's all a matter of degree. How bad you think the guy treated you versus the hassle involved.

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I do know that if you respond to the seller through E-Bay, then Pay-Pal has access to all of the e-mails, and in this case the sellers threats to sue, which are a joke actually.

Just be sure not to delete any e-mails between the two of you, wait for the dispute to complete, and I have no doubt that E-bay will find in your favor.

I also hate negavtive feedbacks, and try to avoid it, but if the seller does not respond after my attempts to contact them, I open a dispute. Funny thing is, they will respond after being notified of a dispute.

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I ordered son grill cloth on eBay recently, I checked out too quick and realised immediately I'd left my old address on it. I messaged the seller within seconds to ask if he would mind an alternative address, all nicely, you know, it was my mistake, I gave him my phone number and wasore than happy to cancel and re-order. The next day I got a message saying it had been dispatched but no mention of the address issue. Not a huge problem, the old address is not far and even closer to work so I popped in there some time after the estimated delivery date but nothing. Never mind, a quick message to the seller to ask for a revised estimated date. No reply at all so I left it a while and popped in again. Now the people I'm speaking to are my old land lady's live-in carers and I'm quite friendly with them and they would not have a reason not to pass on the package or lie about it and they are adamant that no package arrived.


Since the seller has ignored my communication and the item still hasn't arrived I left negative feed back and opened a dispute. He has responded instantly calling me a liar and telling me he has passed my details on to his network of eBay seller friends and that they have all blocked me. I know the address thing is my fault and he may well think that I haven't bothered to go and get it and just claimed it never arrived but his potential suspicion doesn't warrant calling me a liar off the bat and it certainly doesn't warrent him libeling me.


I don't think I'll be using eBay again.

Call your local post office and give them the tracking no., they can re route it

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Gawd eBay sucks...


who has the time and patience for such shenanigans


obviously this person as total tool... ignores you until you give negative feedback?


pretty obvious what's going on there.


Hold your ground Farns,, he's just blowin cheese (out of the wrong orifice no less)

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I also hate negavtive feedbacks, and try to avoid it, but if the seller does not respond after my attempts to contact them, I open a dispute.


As far as i'm concerned, if you have a negative experience you should be able to leave negative feedback. If that guy would have responded to an email he wouldn't have the negative feedback on his account. I would want to know if someone i was guying from completely ignores someone post purchase.

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