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Orange vs Vox


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Im kinda torn here guys...


I was thinking about another head ( as guys arent we all? )....I was leaning towards the Orange Tiny Terror.

Now Thundergod has got me thinking about the Vox Night Train.


Looking at them both, they both have the same power plant. 2/ EL84's and 2/ 12AX7's

What would make one sound different from the other?

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Orange has a reputation to use very good components in their amps. (caps, resistors, etc.) I however do not know if the Korean-made amps have the same level of quality. Based on price, they should.


I wonder if Vox will use premium components, the price Thunder referenced is too low for higher than average components.

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Oh and by the way, the tube compliment may be the same but the circuit design of the map has a lot to do with its sound. Tubes is just a factor in the formula.


Simply changing the value of one resistor in the right place will change the sound of an amp. That is why modding small tube amps to your liking has become so popular.

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I would go with the night train. I've heard the Tiny Terror and its a great little head, but its not very versatile. I heard the Night Train on youtube and it just seems like it does it all. It has the beautiful chimey Vox tones as well as thick hard rockin' riff tones.


I'd say if you LOVE Orange amps get the Tiny Terror. If you just want a nice little head, get the Night Train. Good luck.

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I agree with Swmcv - the Vox looks a lot more versatile. I've heard both of these amps only through YouTube clips but, to my ear, the Vox sounds a lot smoother with less "honk" in the midrange. I'm very excited about test driving the Night Train; considering how my entire band (except me) decided that we need to drop our overall volume, that little amp might be the way for me to go instead of the AC30 Custom Classic I've been eyeballing. Whenever I get ready to make a purchase (or the Night Train is available), I'm going to drag my Blues Junior to rehearsal and see how well 15 watts cuts it.

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I haven't checked out the Night Train yet, but I do own a Tiny Terror, and use to own a AC30 CC . I loved the tone of the AC30 but, it wasn't the most reliable of amps. On 2 occasions I dropped a power tube during a gig, and the amp was less then a year old. I admit I may have got a lemon, but after the 2nd time, I was a little bent, and changed my sound up. Traded it for a 65 Dlx Rvb. I run the 65 and the TT together durning gigs.


I love the Tiny Terror, it is a fun amp, but as others have mentioned it is not very versatile. I have been pondering an amp change once again, sticking with Orange, but moving up to a Rockverb combo.

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  • 1 year later...
well i was thinking about the night train but it's price just decided for me. it's head is the same price as the tiny terror head and cab. maybe i will get one ventually though.


Tiny Terror is 550, Night Train is 500... ;)


Tiny Terror vs Night Train? I say Night Train wins hands down! Very versatile amp, and you can get great sounds out of it. Flip the thick switch and chug away on some power chords, you will get what I mean.


I want either a Dual Terror or Rocker 30, I like the ability of a footswitch, and the extra headroom, but between those two choices, I would go with the Vox. TGod is right, Vox rocks!

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