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I've been working on some new home recordings of our trio whatSHEsaid.


I'd love to have some feedback from you guys. Extra ears, ya know. [biggrin] I always find it difficult to get voices etc. balanced (especially on harmonies). Also the stereo spectrum always troubles me. Where to pan things.


So here's the first one... It's a Mavericks song that our singer likes to do in Spanish, and always seems to be a crowd favorite.


Ven Hacia Mi

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Good quality on the recording, don't hear anything distorting or out of balance.


The one thing I do hear, and I can't tell if there's a chorus pedal one on of the guitars or if something's a bit a-miss in the tuning there.


Not knowing Spanish, haven't a clue on what the song is about! :)

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Good quality on the recording, don't hear anything distorting or out of balance.


The one thing I do hear, and I can't tell if there's a chorus pedal one on of the guitars or if something's a bit a-miss in the tuning there.


Not knowing Spanish, haven't a clue on what the song is about! :)


Thanks. That's exactly what it is - me wiggling the Bigsby in the right channel with a chorused guitar in the left channel. Too much you think?

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And I think people here in Spain would like it a lot.


Personally I really dig her voice.


msp_thumbup.gif Really nice!


Thanks. That's the only song she sings in Spanish, but we would let her sing in any language she wants. [biggrin]

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Sounds good but as Kidblast said something sounds very slightly amiss in the guitars - are there 2 guitars on the left(?) and one has chorus - is that it?


Also is it possible to push her voice up just a little more or perhaps re-e.q. it (more mid?) so she sounds close up?


But hey, it's better than my stuff so.....good job! [thumbup]

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Sounds good but as Kidblast said something sounds very slightly amiss in the guitars - are there 2 guitars on the left(?) and one has chorus - is that it?


Also is it possible to push her voice up just a little more or perhaps re-e.q. it (more mid?) so she sounds close up?


Alright... I pulled out the swirly guitar - I agree - it's better without the warble. You can hear the acoustic more. Bumped Brit's voice up a bit too. New mix here...


Ven Hacia Mi


Let me know if that's an improvement.

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I listened again Surf, and I'll be danged if I still don't hear something off tune a bit, like a B or G string just off a few cents.


sorry if I'm annoying you, it's not my intention, but I can't help but hear it. I think it gets more noticeable to me right around 54/55 seconds when you're hanging on that one chord. it's really a well done piece recording, everything else is pretty much in good order.


anyone else hearing it?

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Well the first recording is gone so I cant compare.. But what I heard the balance was pretty good.... (and I listened on headphones)


The one thing that did get me was the tambourine or shaker or whatever was used to make that sound.. That starts off quite out of time and comes and goes throughout the track.

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I listened again Surf, and I'll be danged if I still don't hear something off tune a bit, like a B or G string just off a few cents.


sorry if I'm annoying you, it's not my intention, but I can't help but hear it. I think it gets more noticeable to me right around 54/55 seconds when you're hanging on that one chord. it's really a well done piece recording, everything else is pretty much in good order.


anyone else hearing it?


No, I appreciate it. It's not in the fuzzy parts but in the chords, right? You sure it's not just me warbling the Bigsby? If it's the acoustic I'd have to replace his parts myself. Not above doing it - but don't wanna cause any band stress.

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The one thing that did get me was the tambourine or shaker or whatever was used to make that sound.. That starts off quite out of time and comes and goes throughout the track.


Yeah, she's a better singer than percussionist for sure. [biggrin]

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Yeah, she's a better singer than percussionist for sure. [biggrin]

Well if she was doing it at the same time as singing I understand that.. The double time bits are not an easy rhythm to bash out and do something else at the same time (well certainly not for me, if im playing and have to sing a different melody to the chords, forget it :))


But she has a great voice.. I guess we cant have it all ;)

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No, I appreciate it. It's not in the fuzzy parts but in the chords, right? You sure it's not just me warbling the Bigsby? If it's the acoustic I'd have to replace his parts myself. Not above doing it - but don't wanna cause any band stress.



I don't think it's the bigsby, I use these a lot, and I can pick that out immediately. Check it at around 54 seconds in, that is where I notice it the most. I'm not sure what track it is, have be able to isolate the playback tracks to know which one it was.


basically,, if you folks are all happy with this, maybe just let it go for now, no need to add any stress..


just hearing it, and thought I'd mention. I have an unforgiving ear, drives my band mates crazy sometimes.

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just hearing it, and thought I'd mention. I have an unforgiving ear, drives my band mates crazy sometimes.


I'll listen to each track around that point and let you know what I discover. The unforgiving ear means you'd male a good producer or engineer! [thumbup]

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yea check it out surf, see if you can locate. I think it's one of those things that once you hear it, you'll always hear it.


over the past 15 years where I spent 85% of my time writing/recording originals I came to the discovery once you know something is there, it can never hide from your ears, even though others can't even hear it, I do. But once you've gone the break point on the ROI to fix them you leave it.





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I thought it was great. She's great, very sultry, great voice.


A cool company from Sweden called Toontrack has some really cool mixing one click plug in solutions that I think are phenomenal. You take your tracks and apply compression, EQ, etc from pros and if you don't like the sound, go to the next setting or create your own with templates. pretty cool stuff. Even though it is simple, all the choices can make it overwhelming.

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Surf, I think if you are all cool with it, let it ride. the rest of it sounds great.


I think I may just have to. But I think the mix is a lot better after everyone's feedback - so thanks to all! More are coming.


The band wanted to push this song out to YouTube, so I mixed it as best I could and put together a video. Maybe people will be too busy looking at Brit to notice anything else. [biggrin]


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I think it's really good. The vocal is terrific and if the tamba is a bit out in places that's because I guess it is played by the singer. If you wanted to make any changes the acoustic and electric guitars are very similar in their rhythm patterns so you could rerecord the electric doing a rolling arpeggio or repeating rif.

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Sounds great! Nice mix. So what did you use to record it? Also, what was your amp setup for the overdriven guitar? Details my friend...I'm a man who needs details. It's the only way I can learn.




I actually just used Garage Band on an older iMac. Nothing fancy... a FocusRite Scarlett solo as a pre... A cheap XML condenser mic for vocals.


I run the guitar straight into the FocusRite usually. I pick a good sounding amp model (usually a Tweed model or the AC30) in GB. You can tweak the amp settings right there - plus add "effects pedals". I think for the overdriven guitar part I recorded it twice - once with a Gretsch for the wiggly Bigsby bits through the AC30 model with gain cranked up. A second time with a Tele and a "Fuzz" pedal that's built into Garage Band. Pan to left and right and it sounds huge.

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