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It says "Gibson" on the headstock!

J-200 Koa

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Could you imagine getting taken by an eBay seller and then finding out later that people reported the posting as a fraud, well before the bidding ended?

Then again, I can't imagine thinking that guitar could be worth $4, much less $400 something. Even the Givsons have looked nicer.

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SOLD! Some lucky devil just snagged them a 'Gibby bird' for a cool $520 US dollars....it would appear as though there really is one born everyday. Maybe it'll show up on 'Americas got talent' or one of the other reality shows airing around the country and we can get a sound check too :rolleyes:Something else to ponder is the fact that we may have a new member coming on board soon [biggrin] The scary part is the buyer could possibly be a voter also.

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SOLD! Some lucky devil just snagged them a 'Gibby bird' for a cool $520 US dollars....it would appear as though there really is one born everyday. Maybe it'll show up on 'Americas got talent' or one of the other reality shows airing around the country and we can get a sound check too :rolleyes:Something else to ponder is the fact that we may have a new member coming on board soon [biggrin] The scary part is the buyer could possibly be a voter also.



Maybe jack white bought it and will make another multi million dollar album with it.


Couldve been worse , he mightve bought a j15 !!



Well Trump needs the votes I suppose - we don't understand your politicks over this side of the pond [confused]


And Blindboy there's no need for the J15 dissing here - there are other threads available for that [huh]


Anyway I complained again to Ebay [cursing]

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Well Trump needs the votes I suppose - we don't understand your politicks over this side of the pond [confused]


And Blindboy there's no need for the J15 dissing here - there are other threads available for that [huh]


Anyway I complained again to Ebay [cursing]




Yes, American Politics are difficult to understand - even for us. But, Trump obviously doesn't have a monopoly on stupid voters.

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Yes, American Politics are difficult to understand - even for us. But, Trump obviously doesn't have a monopoly on stupid voters.

Truer words were never spoken, It would appear that America has been inundated with stupid voters over the past decade or so....and at least one of them is now a vintage 'bird' owner :rolleyes:
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Reminds me of Mary Ford's SG/Les Paul that was featured on Pawn Stars and was up on EBAY just after the episode aired.


It was proven "fraudulent", and at the VERY least, not what it was listed as, but yet, still sold for the 100k or so they were hoping to get.


Occasionally, it still pops up for sale at the inflated price.


So they helped perpetuate the fraud?

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So they helped perpetuate the fraud?

They bought the guitar, and sold it on EBAY.


The "expert appraiser" who owns the guitar shop down the street was called in to appraise the guitar, and claimed it was a '61, was possibly the guitar on a certain record cover, and that the missing parts were the result of Les Paul actually "working on this guitar". It was listed on EBAY as such.


There was a lot of interest over at MLP Forum, and here. Turns out, the guitar was once owned by Mary, but it wasn't a '61, but a '63. Significant because it post-dates everything the "appraiser" said about it on the show. Also turns out the guitar was IN HIS SHOP for weeks or months with a price of 17k or something, and didn't sell.


Mary Ford and Les Paul were both at one time pictured with SG's, and had this been ONE of those guitars, would have been significant. Not to mention the "mods" (pickups replaced and possibly put back, covers missing) done by Les would have been significant. But this guitar was just another of her guitars that she bought after the divorce, and the "mods" were done by a kid who later had used/owned the guitar that the "family" had given him.


The implications were that the guitar shop knew it was a '63, (it was at the shop for enough time, and serial#'s are NOT hard to look up) and that the family who was selling the guitar knew what was aid in the episode wasn't true at all. What was proven without doubt, that from the time the episode aired and the guitar sold, the shipping ledger was found and posted, and the wife of the man who appeared on the show knew the info/history of the guitar.

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