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I love being a US citizen, and for many reasons, I'm proud to be an "American" (realizing that "Americans" can also include Canadians). But "American exceptionalism" is nationalistic, xenophobic garbage. We do a lot of things well, but as Skunk Baxter pointed out, what we do better than anyone is innovate and invent. We are a creative people.

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It's fantasy that American made things are better. Japanese guitars are just as good. If you look at Custom shop, There are Luthiers here in the UK or any country that are equally as good. I understand supporting products that are American made if you are American. But when I see the Gibson factory, I don't see Americans. I see Mexicans. Am I right? Personally. I buy what 'I' like. irrelevant of where it's made.

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Assembled in America made from Chinese parts that were purchased from Canada, Taiwan, Germany , United States and Poland and after assembly sold back to Canadian and European and Asian markets because they were deemed better quality because they were " made in America " .......[thumbup][flapper]

So true. Plus, the companies that make goods are often foreign. How many American companies are owned by Chinese or Russian people?

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It's fantasy that American made things are better. Japanese guitars are just as good. If you look at Custom shop, There are Luthiers here in the UK or any country that are equally as good. I understand supporting products that are American made if you are American. But when I see the Gibson factory, I don't see Americans. I see Mexicans. Am I right? Personally. I buy what 'I' like. irrelevant of where it's made.


There is always a residual regret when you see what was uniquely US (or wherever else) changed forever. However, a multinational product is a great way to pool resources, skills and labour. Not a bad way forwards for the world really. Industrial unification is good in principle, as long as we can manage to avoid exploitation somewhere 'out of sight'.

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There is always a residual regret when you see what was uniquely US (or wherever else) changed forever. However, a multinational product is a great way to pool resources, skills and labour. Not a bad way forwards for the world really. Industrial unification is good in principle, as long as we can manage to avoid exploitation somewhere 'out of sight'.

This might be a path to the real point.


There was a time, maybe still is, where you could make a good guess where something was made based on how it was built. Different cultures and countries put different emphasis on aspects of design, based on ability and craftsmanship.


But with automation, and sharing design and tooling, the human element is taken out of it. If a whole factory is literally disassembled and moved to a different land, how would we see the difference in the end product?


At that point, then it's only ethical and political consideration. But we loose something, win or loose, if that is the only consideration. We loose "identity".


I have little doubt, a product made with the same design and process is the same quality whether built by an American, an Englishman, a German, or a Chinese person. Unless some level of pride and accountability is taken by, and FOR those who make a thing, it won't matter anyway.

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Here in the 'East' (yep, our soccer team is champion of asia!) we have been accustomed to more Asian goods than Euro/US for a long time.The Japanese took a few decades to get quality up there after WW2, but man did they eventually nail it. If I get something made in Japan its like "well I'm not going to have to worry about that falling apart" and generally it works superbly. These days we pay a premium for Japanese manufactured goods. Perhaps that will be the case with China in my lifetime. Who knows.

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