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What's for breakfast,lunch, or dinner?

Mr. Gibson

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Last night for me was roast chicken with roast spuds, parsnips, carrots, sprouts (I love 'em but they must be cooked right), mustard gravy.

Tonight - beef mince and onion casserole with carrots then blueberries, a banana and yogurt.

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Deb made a egg salad sandwich the other day. Haven't had one since I was a kid and it was pretty good. She made it with Miracle Whip and a bit of relish. Today I had pizza at 11:00 am and was full all day. Then we had the Big Red Dinner at the Shriners tonight and they served Prime Rib, baked potato and corn with a salad and bread plus desert. Oh my, talk about being stuffed.

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Deb made a egg salad sandwich the other day. Haven't had one since I was a kid and it was pretty good. She made it with Miracle Whip and a bit of relish. Today I had pizza at 11:00 am and was full all day. Then we had the Big Red Dinner at the Shriners tonight and they served Prime Rib, baked potato and corn with a salad and bread plus desert. Oh my, talk about being stuffed.


Gael makes a mean egg & lettuce sandwich too Butch and it's her mayonnaise that makes it special. People ring up out of the blue for her recipe!


Tonight we had Chicken Kiev and potatoes and fresh corn cobs. Corn is down to 90c an ear and will be fresh & plentiful for months to come now....Yum!

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