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What's for breakfast,lunch, or dinner?

Mr. Gibson

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Spuds are great! My favourite food....I must have Irish blood?


Sitting outside preheating tha BBQ and looking over our lovely property....it ain't real bad. I sliced chicken breast thinly and crumbed it, potaoes and corn on the cob all ready to cook.

Time for a beer! Ultra low alcohol of course.

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1489387516[/url]' post='1841130']

Spuds are great! My favourite food....I must have Irish blood?


Sitting outside preheating tha BBQ and looking over our lovely property....it ain't real bad. I sliced chicken breast thinly and crumbed it, potaoes and corn on the cob all ready to cook.

Time for a beer! Ultra low alcohol of course.


Spuds can be a meal in itself. When I dig fresh ones,I'll make a big plate of them with sour cream,butter,salt and pepper. Mark me words. Dammit I'm talking Irish now.

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Homade pizza. I've been eating pretty crappy lately. Got to get back to more healthy food. Been laying off the ice cream,looked at my reflection in the window the other night without my shirt on and if the Buddhist people saw me they might think Budda came back to life.

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Outback Steakhouse, owned by Americans serving American food pretending to be Aussie....cheeky buggers!


It seems to be popular with a lot of you though.


G'day mate... Shrimp on the Barbie.. Some of that Foster's beer that's now brewed in Texas... etc. [biggrin]

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G'day mate... Shrimp on the Barbie.. Some of that Foster's beer that's now brewed in Texas... etc. [biggrin]



G'day mate to you too.


Nah! None of that is fair dinkum, Aussies are more likely to have snags, lamb chops or a steak on the Barbie than prawns! Or even chicken.


As for Fosters...well you said it, brewed in Texas!


Are there even any Aussies working there?

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1489692889[/url]' post='1842058']

Outback Steakhouse, owned by Americans serving American food pretending to be Aussie....cheeky buggers!


It seems to be popular with a lot of you though.


You mean their Fake??msp_confused.gifmsp_scared.gif I was wondering why there was no Crocadile or Kangaroo on the menu? Ha ha Did run across a restaurant in Lincoln once that served that kind of stuff. Didn't eat there though.Today we ate at Spagetti Works as she had a one meal off she wanted to use before it expired. That filled me for the day!

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You're kidding me right? There are only like 6 people from Australia living in the US. [biggrin] Not one of our larger sources of immigrants for some reason.


As nice as it must be there I cant see one reason to leave here, so if others feel the same maybe thats why.


I've never had Roo or Camel, nor Croc but have tried Venison but didn't care for it much.


I'd rather throw (a green) shrimp in a stir fry than on the barbie to be honest, and I dont drink Fosters.


However I do like Paul Hogan, just not so much as Crocodile Dundee.


"Throw another cow on the barbie will ya love?"



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1489728514[/url]' post='1842152']

As nice as it must be there I cant see one reason to leave here, so if others feel the same maybe thats why.


I've never had Roo or Camel, nor Croc but have tried Venison but didn't care for it much.


I'd rather throw (a green) shrimp in a stir fry than on the barbie to be honest, and I dont drink Fosters.


However I do like Paul Hogan, just not so much as Crocodile Dundee.


"Throw another cow on the barbie will ya love?"




I've only met some Australians,they were farmers from I think Queensland,I could be wrong on that. They thought us American farmers had it made because of our subsidies and we had the winter off. When I informed them what a winter was like they thought differently after that....🌬

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I made this stuff called shakshuka. Basically eggs in tomato sauce with some Swiss chard. It was super good,

and since we have chickens we always need new ways to eat eggs.






How many chooks have you got SP?


We've got 4 and ATM we have two bowls full of eggs and are going to have to give some away as we will never eat them all.

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