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Any of you Slash whores can explain this?


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Slash stopped being a guitarist in the mid '90s.

He's just a name now, if you say Slash is playing something on TV every 8-16 year old guitarist/guitar hero player (myself included) will tune in.

In his defence he is plucking something in there, if only for about 10 seconds

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I made the mistake of watching the video prior to reading Thunder's post. So my wife and I are watching the red line at the bottom of the video slowly slide to the end of the song and all I could think of was when is the solo going to come in, followed by didn't the orchestra take his solo time. WTF. My wife's only comment was that they didn't need Slash anyone could have been up there in that hat.

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I made the mistake of watching the video prior to reading Thunder's post. So my wife and I are watching the red line at the bottom of the video slowly slide to the end of the song and all I could think of was when is the solo going to come in' date=' followed by didn't the orchestra take his solo time. WTF. My wife's only comment was that they didn't need Slash anyone could have been up there in that hat.




I have to admit I was looking for one of Ozzy's songs and read "ozzy and slash" in the related videos box... I just had to see what was that about...


I watched the entire thing and thought the same you did man... "when is the solo coming in?". There even is a part when he starts his act (walks the walk and starts moving the guitar as he used to do during solos...) and then... nothing... the song ends and he is just there standing...



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I made the mistake of watching the video prior to reading Thunder's post. So my wife and I are watching the red line at the bottom of the video slowly slide to the end of the song and all I could think of was when is the solo going to come in' date=' followed by didn't the orchestra take his solo time. WTF. My wife's only comment was that they didn't need Slash anyone could have been up there in that hat.



I found myself doing the exact same thing. I thought to myself, "Slash is gonna rip into a cool solo." BUT NO. I like the song, but was disappointed in the music.

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