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J35 wrote a happy song !


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Real sweet tune, Dan. You made me laugh with this one.....And not a thing wrong with the recording. It's real music, not the manufactured crap. Keep doing it, buddy.....We've never met, aside from here, but we're so much alike it's scary. [thumbup] [thumbup] [thumbup]

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B,B,B,B,B,B, Bravo !


How you got that ETL working in an S1? Little mixer?

The Edwina mic runs thru a Rolls PB23 phantom power supply ($25) straight Into the S-1 - no mixer. For small rooms it picks up both guitar and voice just fine. I would not use it in a saloon. I carried it around in my truck last summer jamming with friends and we'd swap songs and just move the mic stand from person to person - it was a hoot.


Like the song or not, here's the story.


New grand daughter, 6 months old, came across country to visit a few weeks ago, and I said, "that's a bald baby". Someone said, "there are lots of bald babies", and I started singing as the words leaked out of the sky. That little song was literally written on the fly right at that moment - made my grand daughter giggle, and somebody said - oh you have to record that, so I quick scribbled down the words. For the past few weeks I would run that song thru my head as I walked the dog until it stuck In my head so bad I had to record it just to get it out of my brain before I forgot it. Confession though, the song was first sung using my J-45. Just yesterday I was trying to record using an external USB mic Into my I-Pad, but the tablet would't power up so I said to heck with it and just quick recorded it on my phone so my wife would quit bugging me to "record your Bald Baby song".

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