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I know we have a few folks on the forum from the Midwest. They might appreciate this story. Actually I hope all of you do. This is relatable to me on so many levels... probably to all of us... especially with kids. It just is about the best thing I read in weeks.


ksdaddy if you zap,it, no hard feelings either.




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47 minutes ago, ThemisSal said:

I know we have a few folks on the forum from the Midwest. They might appreciate this story. Actually I hope all of you do. This is relatable to me on so many levels... probably to all of us... especially with kids. It just is about the best thing I read in weeks.


ksdaddy if you zap,it, no hard feelings either.





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Great story, Sal.  Thank you for sharing this with us.  I grew up in Indiana, and spent a lot of time in Indianapolis, where my grandparents lived.  I’m familiar with the area where this took place albeit many years earlier.

We need more stories like this to restore our faith in our fellow passengers on this big bus we’re all on.  Especially when we hear so much of the negative that takes place.  

Great post, friend.


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Fantastic story, and there's lots to take away from that one. 

Strikes a close chord with me. 

My son Shawn had his share of similar hard times during his teen age years that we had to live through.  We often wondered if he'd survive those years ourselves.  I know how it was when things were at their lowest, and the hope you cling to when you finally see they are going to lift themselves out of their darkness, and things just might end up okay in the end.  For us they did.   Shawn (my boy) will be 40 in November, and he's one of the nicest, level headed, humble, smartest guys I know.  He has a very nice home, a 3 year old son, and a beautiful brilliant wife.

Thanks for sharing that Sal.

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You hear a lot about the opioid problem, but here in the Heartland it's Meth.

It's forcing a lot of people to take matters into their own hands, and Nature has a way of balancing itself out.

Thanks for that, Sal.

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