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Phone App Tuner ?


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I like "backups" in case of emergencies.

I had the Piascore tuner app on my phone for quite a while. It became slow, and was getting a little too "nosey" so I deleted it the other day. 

I have a Peterson clip on, and a Snark welded together with JB Weld, and a Fishman clip on, and an ancient Boss but hey, you know, starting to gig a little since retirement, and hey, you can never have too many backup tuners eh?

I thought there was a Peterson app, but ain't seeing it.

I'd rather pay a few bucks for an app, than to get a free one and be tracked all over, listened to and have to wait for ads.

What ya got?


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Yes, good to have back ups. And the phone app makes it less likely that you’ll leave the guitar store with YOUR tuner still attached to a guitar. But I’m still trying to get the image of a Peterson gooed to a Snark out of my head.

I’ve got the Martin app and the Fender tuner app… I guess they’re pretty much the same, but the Martin one is nicer looking (rosewood).

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I used to use phone/app tuners and stopped years ago because everyone I would try, seemed to always be off compared to the tuners ( Snark, Korg and in-line)I had in hand. However, if a battery went dead or broke a phone app tuner was better than nothing. I forgot the names of the apps though. However, technology may have advanced more since then. I was using  Samsung cell phones.

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8 minutes ago, Murph said:

I found it.


I've been using this one for years. I've tried a bunch of others but keep coming back to this one. I wish it would let you save your own "sweetened" tunings - they try to upsell you on canned ones as add-ons if you want. I just like to tinker from time to time and being able to make tuning profiles would be cool. I talked to them and they said that feature is going to be coming in a future release (that was 2 years ago).

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2 hours ago, jchabalk said:

I've been using this one for years. I've tried a bunch of others but keep coming back to this one.

Man, I see why.

This is SO much better than the app I deleted.

It's in sync with my Peterson (Strobo) clip on, perfectly also.

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2 hours ago, QuestionMark said:

I use Gibson’s app’s tuner but at home sometimes, not during gigs.

 I have multiple other tuners, (like I mentioned) however this is more for an "emergency" situation, when something is dropped, broken, dead battery, stolen, etc.

And it's KILLER.

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Don't need, have or use tuner apps.

My phone has been set up to be just a phone, and is never even turned on when I 'm in the house, so I tune with a Snark.

And since my only audience are the cats (who have front row seats in the empty case), and since I play alone, if there was a dead-battery emergency(!!!???), tuning by relative pitch would be good enough.


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1 hour ago, Jinder said:

I have a Boss tuner app on my phone which is accurate and handy…I like the sound of a Peterson one though, I loved the Strobostomp units I owned in the past!

This thing is so smooth, it's a real pleasure to use.

And it's accurate with the Stroboclip. 

With free apps, YOU are the product and that's the problem I was having with my prior tuner. It was getting too nosey and slow, waiting on ads, etc.

$ 9.99 is a steal for a strobe tuner in your pocket!

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6 hours ago, Murph said:

This thing is so smooth, it's a real pleasure to use.

If you want to change the look of it you can upgrade (buy) their other visualization options. After using it for several years i got them and they're kind of cool. Doesn't change the functionality in any notable way though.

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