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Gibson Brands Forums

Welcome back Buddy "My Struggle" Light


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Just wanted to extend a warm welcome to our resident racist--Buddy Light.


Welcome back Buddy...Le't see how long it takes you to get banned again. I give you 5 hours.


As a side note, I think it is a disgrace that Gibson hasn't banned you for life.


Gibson, what are you thinking? How do you justify letting this maggot back into the forum?

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So I e-mailed one of the Gibson employees I know in corporate. Sounds like our volunteer moderators hands are tied on this one because they can only ban someone for max of 30 days. My guess is that the mods are as frustrated as we are.

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Maybe they need to modify their message board software. Every web site board that I've ever moderated gave you the ability to ban for as long as you wanted and some with wide sweeping results. Although, that's not without it's pitfalls - on a MAJOR site where I modded, this one moderator accidentally banned the entire country of Canada. Muhahahahahaaa!

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It's the racists you don't see coming that you should be concern with. When the economy dips their ranks grow, fueled by ignorance. I suspect we have many. To bad they don't put a letter behind their names, for identification purposes. Like perhaps a little ®.


That ® for racist. Not to be confused by any other ®. [-(

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