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What was the best and/or worst Halloween costume you ever wore?


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The best costume I ever wore, (based on it's simplicity, low cost, and the reactions it received), was Carl Spackler (Bill Murry), who was the assistant grounds keeper in "Caddyshack".   

A few bucks spent at a thrift store got me the proper attire, including a nearly identical "boonie" hat. A liberal application of dirt everywhere, some home made "sweat stains" put in the right places, and an unshaven disheveled appearance, finished the look.  But, combining that with Carl's (Bill's) hilarious dialogue, delivered while mimicking his unique facial expressions, took this simple costume to the next level. 


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The one approx 10 years ago when I wore no costume, but claimed to a group of dressed up kids at my street-door I did.                                                                                                                                                                  "Can't you see my disguise ?", I asked. And they eagerly answered, "a beggar, a drunkard, a poor. . . ", till the grown up they were with had to edit them.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Hilarious, , , and I certainly asked for it. . 


As a kid I was an Indian, a pirate, a vagabond, an under sheet-ghost. All characters that never seemed to leave and thus are carried with me today. . . 

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I did the usual costumes (Frankenstein and other monsters, etc.), but one time I think I actually put on my suit, the appropriate mask and masqueraded as Richard Nixon.  This would have been while I was 8-12 years old and he was in office.  I had a warped sense of humor even at that age.  Can’t remember wearing a costume during my adult years.

Edited by tx-ogre
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17 minutes ago, tx-ogre said:

I did the usual costumes (Frankenstein and other monsters, etc.), but one time I think I actually put on my suit, the appropriate mask and masqueraded as Richard Nixon.  This would have been while I was 8-12 years old and he was in office.  I had a warped sense of humor even at that age.  Can’t remember wearing a costume during my adult years.

It scenes like this I'd like to see pictures from - invaluable, , , on 2 or 3 levels. . 

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For years, until a hurricane blew the clubhouse down, we did Halloween and New Year's Eve at a nudist RV campground in Florida.

The first gig was Halloween. When they offered the job, I asked if the band was required to be nude, and she said no. Then I asked if they had a sense of humor, and she said yes.

So Mrs. Notes had a flesh colored unitard, and she dyed a t-shirt and a pair of my skivvies flesh colored. Then we cut cardboard rectangles out, painted them black, and pinned them over the 'sensitive' areas. Then two more attached to sunglasses but not covering the lenses, and we went as 'censored nudes'. We were a hit.

A lot of the audience members came in costume, but by the end of the night, most were naked.

We played there at least twice a year for quite a few years. It's funny how unsexy playing a nudist camp can be. It just becomes natural.

Years before that when I gigged in a strip club, that remained sexy,

Funny how that happens. Taking clothes off never became unsexy, but total nudity, although pleasant, just settled down to normal.

Anyway, they were both good gigs.

But that was our all-time best halloween costume.


Notes ♫


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One year, I think I was in 11th Grade we had a big Halloween party in the woods. I made a home-made Ninja costume and even made a wooden sword. For the longest time, no one knew who I was and it was a hit.  It was the only time I remember putting any time/work into a costume.

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As a young teen, I went to Disney Land & bought the original "I Was A Teen Age Werewolf" mask they had of Michael Landens movie. Those days, only masks that had rubber bands behind were sold. I had the hands to it also. My parents used to deck out the house in Halloween. Those days had the Creature Feature tv show on Fridays, and I went downtown with my friend to have some fun. Dr. San Guinary was downtown signing autographs in Council Bluffs.  We drove the car around sicking my head out howling.  I had my friend drive. We walked around going in and out the stores, Finally we saw Dr. San Guinary by the ranks store with a long line of kids. We went up on the top of the roof where there was a parking lot.  I was howling in the air,  They kept looking at me and all the kids ran away from the Dr. and came to me wanting autographs Lol. They thought that I was Igor on the show.  Ranks shut the lights off on top to get his kids back so he could sign more autographs. Yeah it was a great mask for the time. My sister borrowed it and ruined it. That one in the 60's cost $45.00. One of a kind.

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