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Now here's a real mystery...


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The most commonly accepted answer to this one is that dog poop turned white because dogs, back in the "old days", ate real bones and the calcium from them would make their waste turn white when it dried. Today's commercial dog food is loaded with filler like rice and corn instead of real meat and bone and organs. Veternarians are generally owned by their petfood suppliers, so don't listen to them when they hawk their dried kibble and claim it is better than a biologically appropriate diet. Instead find a farmer and ask him if he has any trouble with dogs eating up his cornfield...that should tell you how much dogs prefer a corn-based diet.

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Why doesn't dog poop turn white like it used to in the 70s and 80s? [-X:-k :-k :-k


That's something which has been noticed worldwide, and like already stated its a change in the dogs diet....


You never see hairy dog 5hit either anymore!



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Veternarians are generally owned by their petfood suppliers' date=' so don't listen to them when they hawk their dried kibble and claim it is better than a biologically appropriate diet. [/quote']


That's what I hear as well. Also, I'm told their food is the reason most dogs have trouble with their teeth and gums these days, but instead of fixing the food they invented dog dentists and various dental products they can sell. Smart!

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And it can be summed up in 3 letters R-A-P.


Yep' date=' Rap and Hip Hop are why Dog Crap doesn't turn white anymore. [/quote']


That sounds like it could turn into a great song


Rap, Hip Hop, and Dog Crap.

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