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Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?


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Whats the over/under (time wise) on when someone says "They just want to push their gay agenda on the kid" and/or "The kid will be confused it's whole life and grow up gay"? I sure would like to know what the "gay agenda" is. Seems to me their agenda is to live a happy life like everyone else. Kids living in a home sure beats the hell out of orphanage life. Or life with abusive straight parents.

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Well, for me this question is very easy to answer being from the Netherlands.

Here it's very normal for gay couples to addopt children and actually I don't see the downside of it. As long as the kid has everything it needs, I think it's ok. I mean....lesbian couples just need sperm to have children and no one is stopping them from having children.

So as long as there are children that need a new home or new parents then gay couples should have just as much right to adoppt as straight couples.

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Anyone who wants to provide a loving' date=' caring home to a child who needs one should be allowed to do so. [/quote']




And there's plenty of kids out there who need just that!



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No. My wife and I have great friends who are gay, but I just dont think that adoption is appropriate.


It is almost as if choice becomes a non-option for the child if this occurs.


Adults can make choices. Kids cant. It just ain't natural to do this before a child has an opportunity to form mature opinions and views about sexuality.

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See here we go. I know I'm going to regret getting into this.


Having opinions is one thing, but trying to write something like this into laws is very complicated even for lawyers. There are so many grey areas and "what ifs".


Again I have no problem with people living their life. But when you start to bring children into things there are so many more philosophical question to consider. It sounds mean, I don't intend it to be, but sometimes people just seem selfish to me in their quest for children. As if it's all about "them" and how they deserve a child to raise or it's their "right". IDK. Maybe it's not =D> .


See this is where I have an opinion, but there's no way my opinion could be written into law. I can see if fate places a child with a loving gay coulple. Use your imagination, parents die or are incompatent and next of kin is a loving gay relative? Whatever. The situation might be best to leave the child with that gay relative.


But when a gay couple starts making plans to aquire a child so that they can have a family of their own, I'm sorry, but I get a little wierded out, for lack of a better word. I'm sorry, but maybe this couple is bieng selfish IMO. It's not thier fault who they are attracted, but there is a little bit of a burden with a same sex couple. They will never physically produce a child. Perhaps they should accept that burden and settle for living with their chosen partner. It might not be fair, but many things aren't fair. I don't believe in discrimination of any kind, but I also don't think it is necessarily everyones "right" to have a child.


But then, I'm not on some crusade to prevent this from happening. It's just my passive thoughts on the subject.

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Should competency tests be given to people who wish to have biological babies?



Hell yes!






I try to stay away from this kind of thread... unless it is posted by Homz himself hehehe...


I think couples of the same sex shouldn't be allowed to adopt, why not have them try to figure out how to make their own?=D>


Seriously, homz brings a very interesting and valid point with his reply... I think most people shouldn't be allowed to have kids at all, but of course there's no way of controling people.

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No. My wife and I have great friends who are gay' date=' but I just dont think that adoption is appropriate.


It is almost as if choice becomes a non-option for the child if this occurs.


Adults can make choices. Kids cant. It just ain't natural to do this before a child has an opportunity to form mature opinions and views about sexuality.






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Adults can make choices. Kids cant. It just ain't natural to do this before a child has an opportunity to form mature opinions and views about sexuality.


I agree. It is the child that will pay the price later in life. Children can be quite cruel to one another. What will the adopted child of a gay couple say (or even know what to think!) when the other grade schoolers taunt him/her about having two daddies/mommies? The adopted child will be the "odd man out" at school and other social functions, which is a tough place to put a kid. This can be too much for an immature mind to deal with. Certainly a gay couple may be capable of providing for and loving an adopted little one, but that doesn't make the child capable of handling the mental and emotional side of the equation in the real world. Questions of sexual orientation are beyond the comprehension of kids, and if it is true that, as the left is want to say, it's all about the kids, how do you reconcile putting the child in such a position? In the case of adoption it's the gay couple's wants and desires that take priority over the emotional/mental development/stability of the child. In short, self-centered selfishness. It would be nice if adoptive children of gay couples were not subject to ridicule and persecution by their peers, but this is not a perfect world. It is not right that the young be subjected to things they don't understand for the sake of satisfying the selfish desires of their adoptive parents.

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As the parent of an adopted child into a heterosexual family, I would like to say....


Kids are cruel no matter what!


If you look different from your parents, they will point it out. If you have "two mommies" or "two daddies," they will say it.


The first thing we did when our son went to Kindergarten was to tell him what it meant to be adopted. It was the first time he really understood that he had a "mommy" somewhere else who had given him up for adoption. It didn't change how he felt about me, but it certainly affected him in ways that I can't completely understand.


There are too many kids in this world--in the U.S. and elsewhere--who need a *stable* home to start splitting hairs over the sexual practices of the parents. Does it matter to anyone that a man marries a woman just to *appear* hetero even though he really wants to have sex with men? A stable, loving home is MUCH more important than a man-woman environment, IMO.

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Kids are cruel no matter what!


Obviously. As you say, the adopted child of a hetero couple has plenty to try and understand and deal with........add 2 daddies/2 mommies to the equation and that's okay with you? Is it all about the kids or not? If it is, homosexual couples should not be allowed to adopt, regardless of their desire to do so.

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Obviously. As you say, the adopted child of a hetero couple has plenty to try and understand and deal with........add 2 daddies/2 mommies to the equation and that's okay with you? Is it all about the kids or not? If it is, homosexual couples should not be allowed to adopt, regardless of their desire to do so.[/quote


No....absolutely not.


My point is that kids will be cruel, no matter what the situation is. *IF* a person/couple are able to provide a stable home for a child, that is the most important thing. If you've never been through a home study and background check involved in adopting a child, you can't understand how much scrutiny is involved in actually forming a family. Just because a person is gay doesn't mean they don't feel the same desires for a family that the rest of us do. It *does* mean that they have to go through more crap than the average person who just "accidentally" finds out they are going to be parents.

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First of all, single parent families are just as "normal" in this country as two-parent families.


Secondly, if sexuality is in-born (as I believe it is) then being raised by gay parents doens't affect future behavior. And if you look at research, this pans out. How many gay people are brought up in "normal" two-parent households? (Every gay person I've known has been). Growing up with gay parents does *not* make you gay! You don't choose it any more than you choose to be heterosexual! (Or did you choose to ignore your attraction to the same sex and be "straight" because it was more socially acceptable?)

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mom and dad


I think normal can be defined in many ways. Normal is a perspective from a certain point of view.


How about a lady who decides to have a baby and has embryonic implant? She is single and heterosexual, but didn't have her baby the normal way.


The elusive point of normal is always moving.

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No' date=' a family starts with a mom and dad. For every gay couple wanting to adopt, there is also a normal couple wanting to also.[/quote']


If this is true, why are there still so many children in foster care or waiting to be adopted? Sorry, your argument doesn't hold up. And you will find that gay couples are more willing to be foster parents to or adopt older or more troubled kids as they understand what it is like to feel like an outsider. If you want a more informed perspective on this I recommend reading Dan Savage's comments on this.


The argument that kids will be taunted or teased more than normal for having two parents of the same sex does not hold up either. As was said, kids are cruel no matter what.


I just do not understand this Puritanical stance on homosexuality here in the States. We act like it is some plague: the gay. Don't let gays marry. Don't let gays adopt. Don't let gays serve their country in the military. I cannot wait for the old generation in power to age out so we can get beyond this falsity that gay people are so radically different than straight people. Gays have the same wants and needs as everyone else. The only difference is who they are sexually attracted to.

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