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Coffee ???


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Eye mix it up and try all different roasts and beans through my Espresso maker. some of the light roasts make the best espresso IMHO. Most hear in the states just use dark roast. Eye have a nice burr grinder for an even grind. Eye take this very seriously you know. :-

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Coffee, yup love it. stronger the better.


Scary stuff though.

Had some teeth out recently and couldnt drink hot drink for 48hrs,


I had a migraine for around 36hrs of that,

then when had a coffee it disappeared after 3mins.

Twas then I realized im a caffiene addict!!! :-

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I despise the smell and taste of coffee. I am not kidding I hold my breath when I walk past coffee shops...YUK




Oh, you poor man. Howz'bout bacon? If bacon doesn't get you going just by the aroma, there might be something wrong with your wiring.

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God, how I love coffee. Might as well stay at home with the shades drawn without it.


My favorite is Intelligentsia Black Cat blend. best. coffee. ever. Brew it at home with a gold filter or in the press pot. I like mine with a little half and half. No sugar. And none of those fru-fru drinks either.



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Cream 'n' sugar is for girls. :- lol :o)





i AM a GIRL!


not only is it cream... its FLAVERED cream... Cococnut Creme is what im having right now.


how many guys will fess up to liking flavored creamer?

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