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How does your local jail rate?


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The small town I used to live in didn't have a jail, so you'd get slapped into the county hoozgow, and it was the pits. Maybe just a tad above the Hanoi Hilton. The only difference being their method of torture was the food they served.


I've yet to visit the Chapel Hill accomodations, but it's got to be better.

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I spent the night in jail when I was 19 (I think). I had let a seat belt ticket turn into a Failure to Appear which landed me overnight in the local jail. I read some cool old 50's Sci-Fi Pulp Fiction with stories about wars on Mars and Venus in the future of 1972. The food was pretty 1950's also, TV dinner in an Aluminum Tray. The Burrito was pretty good, but the meat ball put me off spaghetti for a year. I was alone so I didn't have any "Jail Experiences".


That was my only stay in the Grey-Bar Hotel,, so I can't really compare or rate it against anything, but it was better than any Off The Strip Motel I ever stayed at in Vegas.


Stupid Kid, why didn't I just go to court in the first place?

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I'm in the Phoenix area, so we have the World Famous Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.


Tent City, pink underwear, green baloney, cable TV with only Disney and the Weather Channel, no coffee or ketchup.....


I would rate it as excellent!!!

I selected '9' in the poll.


I'll qualify the statement by mentioning that EVERYBODY I know who served there does NOT want to go back.

(This includes our 19 year old boy.)


Sheriff Joe has a standard answer for all his critics;

"You don't like my jail? Then don't come back."


He has my vote.

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Oh, I've been in a few since 1980.

Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas....



Texas guards were the most polite and professional by far.

Don't interpret that to mean they wouldn't crack your f-ing skull if you needed it....


They tend to treat you as you treat them - what more could you ask for?

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Oh' date=' I've been in a few since 1980.

Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas....



Texas guards were the most polite and professional by far.

Don't interpret that to mean they wouldn't crack your f-ing skull if you needed it....


They tend to treat you as you treat them - what more could you ask for?



So what were you in for?

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I spent 15 weekends at the Portsmouth Hilton. The cells are down next to the boiler room. Two man cells. The food has beans at every meal and they served jello soup with that. Got into everthing on the plate. The sheriffs were all right. Just couldn't get into the strip searchs every time you came in, Even after being on road crews. So I drink at home now. So I don't end up going back soon. :-$

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I wouldnt know, luckily I havent visited it (not "normal" to have been jailed in here, unless you are a lowlife :))


I saw a couple if pics of one of the local jails a while ago on a magazine article, at first I thought it was a representation of hell, then I read the title and felt glad I haven't had the pleasure of visiting... Didnt feel bad for any of the pictured inmates tho, I think they deserve that and more.

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I wouldnt know' date=' luckily I havent visited it (not "normal" to have been jailed in here, unless you are a lowlife :))


I saw a couple if pics of one of the local jails a while ago on a magazine article, at first I thought it was a representation of hell, then I read the title and felt glad I haven't had the pleasure of visiting... Didnt feel bad for any of the pictured inmates tho, I think they deserve that and more.[/quote']

Holier than thou?

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I have only spent one night in Jail.... I was living in West LA bordering on Beverly Hills at the time. I got pulled over and was given the breathalizer test which came up 0.8, which at the time, was the legal limit. I had been out to dinner with a friend and we had consumed a cocktail before dinner, a bottle of wine with the meal and a couple after dinner drinks between the two of us. This was over a period of a few hours... I wasn't drunk. The police officer says to me, well you are at the legal limit so I have the option to let you go or have you spend the night in jail.... He chose jail. :)


Anyway, he was a Beverly Hills cop so I went to Beverly Hills jail. I had a private cell with a window. In the morning I was served orange juice, coffee and something to eat. Not bad at all... but it was all kind of surreal because I had a hard time getting to sleep that night, the guy in the cell next to me was flushing his toilet all night long. I figured he must have had a bad case of the runs. I did finally get to sleep though but I was woken up very early by the sound of someone singing "Swing Low Sweet Caroline", no joke. There was a black guy several cells way with a pretty good voice doing the serenade. The distance between his cell and mine combined with the natural reverb in the long corridor of cells made for a beautiful church like sound. The sun was streaming through my window casting long shadows cutting diagonally across my cell. I couldn't quite figure out where the hell I was. Finally it dawned on me what had happened the night before. All in all it was a nice experience considering where it all had taken place of course. After my breakfast I was listening to the police yelling at the guy in the cell next to me. They couldn't figure out what happened to his pillow and blanket that were no longer in his cell.... Best I could figure out was he managed to tear them up into little pieces and flushed them down the toilet. I guess he didn't have the runs after all....

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Well, I'm goin' to a place where the tough guys go

and come out even tougher.

A place where a man don't show his feelings,

A place where a man don't cry.

Well they say I'm being punished

And they say I can be reformed

But some day I'll return.

Did they really think that

this time it would work.

You knew all along it wouldn't


Oh, I'm prison bound

I did a crime one too many times.

It's on the outskirts of town, by the railroad tracks

Where the country moon shines.

Oh, I'm prison bound

Tell my girl I'll be back one day.

Oh, I'm prison bound

I may never know any other way.

Well, they take away my freedom of expression or action

Johnny says I'll walk the line

With three hots and a cot

and a lot of talk

With lock-up, concrete, and steel.

Well it's cold and it's clammy

Man, it's colder than a pimp's heart

But I've gotta do my time

There's a lesson to be learned here

but what a price to pay.

You know, I may never learn-


Oh, I'm prison bound

I did a crime one too many times.

It's on the outskirts of town, by the railroad tracks

Where the country moon shines.

Oh, I'm prison bound

Tell my girl I'll be back one day.

Oh, I'm prison bound

I may never know any other way.

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Hell no! I live in Cook County, IL. The jail is at 26th and California (West side). I did jury duty over there and was not too impressed with the neighborhood. The trek to get out there was bad enough. From the North side you have to take South bound bus and try to catch the Blue Island bus. Give yourself at least 90 minutes. And although the neighborhood is Mexican, there are no good taquerias. The jail itself is legendary for being hot, nasty, and over crowded. No lie - I think it made one of Amnesty International's lists.

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