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My LP casualty


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After an enormously successful fund raising gig last night, my beloved Les Paul Studio Plus was knocked off the stand and hit the ground :D




The guy who did it felt so bad, I felt more sorry for him than I was upset about the guitar. It was cramped quarters and sh!t happens. Replacing a tuner shouldn't be too big of a deal right?

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I would take a realy good look at the headstock for fractures because thats quite a heavy impact to remove a tuner like that. I do hope its ok. Looks like you may just have had a very lucky escape.:D

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Replacing the tuner is very easy, two screws and a little patience. Buying one matching tuner may be a problem. Since it is a "Gibson" branded Kluson style, you'll probably have to get it from Gibson, or through a Gibson dealer. Then is the issue of needing just one, and will the plastic button color match the others. You may have to buy a whole set (just to get one), and you may have to replace them all to have them match.


One word of caution, when removing the broken tuner make sure it is not stuck to the paint. If so, it could take a chunk of paint off with it.

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Thanks for the advice everyone. I've already been searching the web for replacements and indeed it looks like I'll have to buy a whole set because I haven't been able to find any single. Maybe I'll get lucky. I'm not going to worry too much about a perfect match, as long as it's a gold Kluson type. It's not like I'm going to sell it, and Studios don't have a high resale value anyway.

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OK, I'm a little confused. Some of the Grovers that I looked up appear to be the same style as what I already have. Are these Grovers an upgrade, or is there another style that I should look at? I really don't want to have to make new holes.



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  • 2 weeks later...

My Grovers arrived from Stu Mac today. I went with the Vintage Deluxe because I wanted to be sure they fit the existing holes with no modification. Now I'm going to try my luck selling the 5 good Gibson tuners individually on Ebay. If I could have found a single tuner, I might have got that rather than a whole new pack of 6.


I used the opprtunity to oil the fretboard and give the guitar a good cleaning and basic tune-up including a slight truss rod adjustment.




Edit: Geez the forum is running slow tonight!

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