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SNL F Bomb


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It's strange how things can differ from one country to another. Here, no one could care less about swearing and such on TV or radio. Ok, some commercial channels can be a bit sensitive about it, but nothing compared to how it appears to be in the US. Public service radio even has a policy to avoid playing songs with words beeped out as they think it goes against their principle of no censorship.


Not saying one way is right or wrong, it's just interesting how different things can be.

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Yep I'm always surprised how big a deal it is but the fines are huge so it makes the news. Funny how different things are around the world here in the good old USA any kind of obscenities and/or nudity even accidental will get you fined and in the news but a show can be done with 700 people killed and decapitated with a chainsaw and no issues as long as no nudity shows. other places nudity no issue and violence is prohibited so again regulations based on morality of leadership not logic.

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Idiotic. Everybody watching SNL uses the "word" almost unconsciously yet when it comes from our beloved TV' date=' we go crazy. Pathetic.[/quote']



Everyone watching SNL participates in sex, so with your logic I assume that you'd have no problem with XXX sex scenes on TV also?


I watch SNL and never use that word, so "Everybody" doesn't use the word unconsciously.

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Everyone watching SNL participates in sex' date=' so with your logic I assume that you'd have no problem with XXX sex scenes on TV also?


I watch SNL and never use that word, so "Everybody" doesn't use the word unconsciously.[/quote']



umm....people generally dont get it on in front of other people. sometimes its cool when they do though.=P~



go to just about any social or work situation and you will hear that word. or to a school. your kids say dirtier things than you do. people need to grow up.

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There will be backlash. Meanwhile CSI Pawtuckett shows computer generated bullets going into brains in slow motion. We've got stuff upside down and backwards.


Between my wife and me, the F word is spouted about once every 18 seconds, so it means nothing anymore. Good or bad, that's how it is.


Meanwhile they're running Twin Peaks, which I ignored in 1990 but I'm watching every episode now. I watched the character of Maddy Ferguson brutally beaten and murdered and I don't think I'll get over that any time soon. I know it's fiction and staged with fake blood and all..... I guess it's all in the delivery. It was a little too believeable. I'd much rather have had an F bomb or wardrobe failure. I watched Kill Bill and the big fight scenes were so stupid I just fast forwarded through most of them, but the Twin Peaks thing disturbed me.


And along the same line, I've watched America's Funniest Home Videos off and on for years. Can anyone tell me just exactly what is so funny about a little kid falling head first off a swing set?


I'm getting old I guess. Things like that bother me when I would have shrugged it off years ago.


But the new girl's F Bomb..... Loren hopefully won't tear up her time card. It was a mistake is all.

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umm....people generally dont get it on in front of other people. sometimes its cool when they do though.=P~



go to just about any social or work situation and you will hear that word. or to a school. your kids say dirtier things than you do. people need to grow up.





People need to relax. It's one F-bomb not directed at anyone. Really, it's OK. You aren't going to hell because you heard it.

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Everyone watching SNL participates in sex' date=' so with your logic I assume that you'd have no problem with XXX sex scenes on TV also?


I watch SNL and never use that word, so "Everybody" doesn't use the word unconsciously.[/quote']


My logic is that if it is in everyday use, what's the deal. The use of "crude" language is not the same as having sex, you don't see people having sex in public very often but crude language is eveywhere. And to be a bit realistic, no "biker chick" would be using "frickin'" in place of the "real" f-word.

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