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Flying commercial next week - fun....


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I'm doing some traveling next week, time constraints mean I'm flying commercial.

Dealing with the TSA - somebody's idea of "security"....









You know, as a kid I loved airplanes - everything about them.

Hung out at the airport in the small town I'm from in western Kansas, it was just six blocks from my house.


Knew lotsa people with airplanes, flew quite a bit.


Got my license years later, nothing beats just cruising around for a couple hours.

This is something that so many people miss, seeing the world in REAL 3D instead of some movie screen magic.

And I provide my own security, there won't be any stupid stuff happening aboard Air Neo.


But, I have to fly commercially.

Treated like cattle (criminal cattle at that), absolutely no hint of customer service.


One more reason to miss the old days....

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My GF flies a lot for her business (in fact she's coming back through PHX today) and she hasn't noticed any big changes from TSA for domestic flights. They seem to be playing it like the IRS and relying more on threats and intimidation rather than any actually step up in enforcement. As for the lack of service and cattle call boarding, that seems to be pretty standard everywhere. And in the case of Southwest, they're actually better than they used to be - I remember when they first came out it was a cattle call - everyone just queued up in one big group and fought for their seats on the plane. Now they send you in in groups of 30 and you can buy your way to the front of the line. (I do miss the original Hooters style stewardess uniforms though!)

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I'm doing some traveling next week, time constraints mean I'm flying commercial.

Dealing with the TSA - somebody's idea of "security"....





do they at least give you break on the price when they make you buy the adjacent seat? geez, you'd hope so!

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It's wierd. I spent 18 years working for an airline and during that time, I spent almost more time at an airport than my home. In the last 3 years I've only stepped into an airport two times and could care less if I ever step into one again.

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do they at least give you break on the price when they make you buy the adjacent seat?






I know a keyboard can be awfully intimidating for some people, but I have to ask...

Do you at least use capital letters when you scribble your obtuse mental masturbations in crayon?

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I never flew in my life until 2007. No fear I guess, just no reason to fly. My noob observations:


Little Saab prop planes are loud.

Logan was designed by someone with traumatic brain injury and a sick sense of humor.

Big planes double as sardine cans.

Denver airport makes sense. Linear.

The more care taken in packing a suitcase, the higher likelihood it be searched and re-packed wrong, thus breaking personal items.


I hope to take one of those 30 minute joyrides in an old Stearman biplane next summer. Then I can die.

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Yeah - the whole security thing has turned into a game.


If it was me, I'd have the little plastic passenger guy take the two plastic officer guys and smash their heads together a few times. Then I'd take a big book and make airplane noises and drop the big book on the security station like I'm dropping a bomb. I'd make the whistling bomb-dropping noise and bomb the station a few times.


Unfortunately, that's not going to help you next week, Neo.

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Dealing with the TSA - somebody's idea of "security"....





It really is fun... security at all public places is a joke. I've always thought it's designed so the average joe won't try stupid stuff more than to prevent professional criminals and terrorists to go their way.

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NOT leaving - no kidding.

That's pretty good!



security at all public places is a joke.

I've always thought it's designed so the average joe won't try stupid stuff



The more they inconvenience you' date=' the more you remember how "much" security there is.

Then you're lulled into complacency, giving them all the burden of keeping you safe.

Once you feel safe, you trust them and will comply with pretty much anything they say.

Doesn't matter how completely asinine it may be...


Being defenseless doesn't make sheep safe from predators.

It's no different for humans - take care of yourself.






I'm perfectly able to provide my own security, thank you....

Just allow me the freedom to do so.

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I'm doing some traveling next week' date=' time constraints mean I'm flying commercial.

Dealing with the TSA - somebody's idea of "security"....




Just be ready to have the TSA "Look Up Your ... um....er.....ah....Family History"!!

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The answer is quite simple:


No carry ons... no checked baggage. You must ship anything you want to have when you get there, via UPS, FedEx or other common carrier.


Total strip search and a jump suit for every one. Men in one locker room, women in the other. Strip to your birthday suit under the watchful gaze of the like gender TSA, then don a TSA supplied, disposable jump suit. Then when you get 'there', you stand in line to pick up your pre-shipped luggage.


There.. we're all the same, no one has anything to hide.


It's coming... you know it is...


Having freed up the cargo hold, all large passenger planes will now be double-decker. Some lower 'seats' will be berths as you will be flying in the prone position, more akin to torpedoes and sardines.


Better still once in a TSA provided jump suit, everyone, once on the plane is issued a tranquilizer. Then the upper deck can be set up in berths. No muss, no fuss, no meals or distracting movies as everyone is asleep. I'll bet you they could quadruple the passenger count with this format.

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