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This my almost 30 year old Suzuki Lp copy that has been with me through thick and thin.

DiMarzio Super Distortion (I can't remember what they're called) in the bridge and PAF Pro in neck. Sperzel Lockers.

Everything original except as above and new TOM and tail piece that I HAD to replace last year. Tusq nut. I love her. She will die with me.

She was my 2nd. electric after a Hondo II (remember them?) which I traded in on it for $80 (I still have the receipts) and then sold my BMX bike for the rest - $120...have had her ever since. I still remember taking off the pup covers to discover it had single coils! WTF! Soon swapped them out. taped it up VH style..oh what fun.




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Lowdown - Nice gig pic!


Love the tape - EVH style. O:)



I was messing around with hybrids a couple years ago and after going through few I settled on an Epi copy - if you wanna call it that, after all it's Gibson Corporate. But I like the acoustic aspects of this one with its nanomag pup and the price was right since I didn't know how long I'd keep it - welp, I still have it. I wish Gibson would bring a version out.



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A friend of mine's got this japanese copy of a LP Custom. They were produced sometime back in the seventies. It's called a "Ganson". The name always makes me laugh a bit, don't really know why.


I'm not exactly happy about it, but that guitar sounds like a dream. It has a full and very creamy tone to it, without loosing the edge. Don't know if that makes any sense to anyone other than me, but hey, how do you descripe sound...?


Nevermind. Crappy pictures for those who might be interested.













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i'm glad to say that i cannot join this club...[biggrin]


Why's that' date=' Steve-O? Here's my copy. Built for me in 1998-99 as a tribute to my Dad. Built by Chris Benavente, to my specs, with my wood and hardware selections: Maple top and back on chambered mahogany body. 3-piece mahogany/maple/mahogany neck, ebony board. Schaller locking tuners overlaid with paua. Schaller pups, coil-split on push-pulls. 2-vol, 2-tone











It wasn't cheap; the inlay alone was about $1200.00...back then! But the whole shebang was still under $3500.00 and I got a one-off, real custom in about 8 months or so waiting. Spec'd off the Lester body and the Epi Del Rey neck profile, with a proprietary modification here and there to keep it in-house for Benavente.

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Why's that' date=' Steve-O? Here's my copy. Built for me in 1998-99 as a tribute to my Dad. Built by Chris Benavente, to my specs, with my wood and hardware selections: Maple top and back on chambered mahogany body. 3-piece mahogany/maple/mahogany neck, ebony board. Schaller locking tuners overlaid with paua. Schaller pups, coil-split on push-pulls. 2-vol, 2-tone











It wasn't cheap; the inlay alone was about $1200.00...back then! But the whole shebang was still under $3500.00 and I got a one-off, real custom in about 8 months or so waiting. Spec'd off the Lester body and the Epi Del Rey neck profile, with a proprietary modification here and there to keep it in-house for Benavente.


i meant the fake part cruz, im sure there are plenty of les paul copys out there to die for...like your one! that blue beauty! [lol]

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Here's an ancient snap (1982?) of my very first guitar; the LP Gold-top with the pair of DiMarzio's was my Xmas pressie to myself in 1976. It was made by a company called 'Grant' and I still have it.


It's very nice to play; very low frets - half the height of a Gibson LP Standard - and the 'board is very smooth on the fingertips.




The p'ups are 'Dual-Sound's and each has a coil-tap mini-toggle that I slightly regret having fitted between each of the pairs of tone-vol knobs.


(Incidentally the guitar next to it is my beloved and much-missed Jan 1964 all-original Lake Placid Blue Strat which I sold in 2004. This is the only instrument that I really regret having sold).


This black one was given to me by my best mate after he gave up trying to play after having dedicated at least two weeks with little payback...




It's an 'Eros' LP Custom and, somewhat surprisingy, the p'ups are genuine humbuckers. Again, 1976 and nice to play. I still have this one too.


Lastly; Here's me - caught informally attired - four years ago with my Epi LP which was sold after I found my R0.

It was 'sold' to a very good friend and I therefore still meet it on a regular basis.



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Pippy' date=' how do you find that eros and do you know much about them? a friend of mine got his hands on one for free also and knows nothing about it. Beauty of an R0 too[/quote']


As I said it's from '76 and it's now widely accepted that the Japanese copies from that time were surprisingly good for the price. The one I have has a bolt-on neck (some were set-in) and the 'Maple-cap' is steam-bent plywood about 1/4" thick and, therefore, hollow underneath the crest of the body - pre-dating Gibson's own 'chambered' Standards by a decade or three...[biggrin]


Passing a screwdriver over the p'ups there is a 'double' magnetic-attraction which shows that they're genuine twin-coil units and not just a single coil and empty space (which was the case with my Grant Gold-Top).


It plays really nicely. Everything is very well built (we're talking about mid-70's Japan; not mid 2005 China) and whilst the 'pure' un-plugged tone isn't quite the same as the neighbouring instrument I shouldn't expect it to be. Plugged in it is fairly easy to get to, say, within 20% of the Gibson tone.


Thanks for the nice comment on the R0, although this snap really doesn't do it justice.

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As I said it's from '76 and it's now widely accepted that the Japanese copies from that time were surprisingly good for the price. The one I have has a bolt-on neck and the 'Maple-cap' is steam-bent plywood about 1/4" thick and' date=' therefore, hollow underneath the crest of the body - pre-dating Gibson's own 'chambered' Standards by a decade or three...[biggrin


Passing a screwdriver over the p'ups there is a magnetic attraction, similar to the '57 Classics, which shows that they're genuine twin-coil units and not just a sinle coil and empty space (which was the case with my Grant Gold-Top).


It plays really nicely. Everything is very well built (we're talking about mid-70's Japan; not mid 2005 China) and whilst the 'pure' un-plugged tone isn't quite the same as the neighbouring instrument I shouldn't expect it to be. Plugged in it is fairly easy to get to, say, within 20% of the Gibson tone.


Thanks for the nice comment on the R0, although this snap really doesn't do it justice.


Thanks a lot, when i played my friends i'd had a few beers but it seemed a lot better than an epi for example. Its a shame his had been REALLY beaten up. It needs a new nut if it ever hopes of having a decent action and some soldering to fix the p/u selector. When we plugged it in it really did sound fat and fairly good. It's a lot thinner than any gibson i've played. Is that an Eros thing or were they just unreliable?

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Cruz; I've admired the blue one for quite a while but what is the Epi D/C?


I've probably missed the explanation but I don't remember seeing it before!


Tell me more...


Thanks' date=' Pippy, I appreciate the nod. That's a Del Rey, they were made between '97 - '99 or so and, for some inexplicable reason, discontinued. OBL (Bill Lawrence) "designed" pups with coil-splitting via push-pull tone knob. 24 frets, mahog. bod and neck with flame veneer top and a nicely finished headstock. It's been my go-to for many years now and is still my favorite to play.


I spoke with Mrs. Bill Lawrence who assured me her husband had nothing to do with the pickup design used in the Del Rey so that part's a bit muddy...but any road up, it sounds fine as frog-hair to me! [biggrin

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LP copy I bought at an estate sale for $30. I firgured it would be a fun project. I took out ALL parts as they were sh!t. I had to clean cob webs out of the control cavity. I put in everything James Hetfield uses on his signature ESPs. I was going to refinish to look like the grey Truckster but never got around to it. I might refinish to all white and the body will have a Chilean flag graphic.



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Back in the mid 1970s when I had some of the wherewithall for a guitar or two or...


Anyway, I'm not sure what constitutes a "copy" or "fake."


There was no place with a batch of Gibsons to even look at where I lived at the time; and I had no idea how many miles to go to find something nor was there Internet or even mail order catalogs I was aware of.




My Ibanez "patent infringement" ES175 is fine. Very fine. It's obviously labeled as Ibanez, but...


My SG-shaped Guild solidbody is just as fine - and I like the handcarved acorns and oak leaves on the top. Ditto on obviously being labeled as a Guild.


It comes back to what I've said about Gibson for years: The company's designs are such classics that they're the sort of thing that even good guitar makers with their own "names" tend to reflect in their own designs.


SG, LP, 175, 335, etc., etc., etc...


Classic designs worth emulating...



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I had to add a couple pic of my 78/79 Les Paul Custom by Northern. Also MIJ and a lovely player. Bolt on neck so it doesn't have the same depth or sustain as my Gibson but has sentimental value. Bought it over 30 years ago at 17 years old. Since these pictures, I've swapped the pickups for SD 59 neck and SD JB (Jeff Beck) bridge and all electronic, had the frets leveled and installed a new nut. She has also been polished. Expensive upgrades but worth it because it got me back to playing after 25 years or so and gave me GAS so I bought my first Gibson.

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